Tuesday, May 7, 2019

The war Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The war - Essay ExampleThe period in the midst of the first gulf war in 1990s and the second in early 2000 has witnessed many changes in the military. The changes include industriousness of much go technology and overhaul of tactical approaches, transformations that have achieved mixed results. This authorship discusses the benefits and drawbacks of applying unite States advanced military technology in Iraq and Afghanistan. The war in Afghanistan is one of the major United States military offensives aimed at destroying the terrorists hide kayoeds that had inflicted heavy damages on American interest around the globe. Iraq war was launched to change by reversal the regime of Saddam Hussein accused by the government of possessing weapons of mass destruction with intention of exploitation them to spread terror. Both wars were executed with highly sophisticated weapons that allowed the United States forces to demolish the enemy defenses with high preciseness aerial weaponry and a t unprecedented rate. The quick demolition and annihilation of strategic enemy areas enabled posterior entrance of the ground forces into the countries to finish off the remaining resistance ( defense reaction, 2007). According to Anne(2004,p15), the execution of both wars annunciate a new era of military tactics, which heavily relied on technologically enhanced devices in behaveing out of both aerial and ground set upon. This strategy was more precise, faster, and resulted to lower number of military and civilian casualties. DOD (2007) noted that the war strategy in both wars was culmination of coordination high technology military ironware with enhanced communication devices that enabled them to strike with pinpoint precision. The war in Afghanistan witnessed the first application of robots that were used to carry out surveillance, clearance of mines, identification of targets and rescuing soldiers. The robots included Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) that undertook the aforeme ntioned tasks without carrying compassionate operator in them (David, 2005, p27). These robots helped in protecting soldiers from enemy attacks. According to David (2005, p 28), advanced technology has produced better robots that are furnish with high precision equipment and artillery to strike detected target. The 2003 war in Iraq saw a faction of precision weapons, exemplary surveillance of the targeted enemy grounds, and swift ground combatants aided by highly advanced communication network that enabled monitoring of distant operations from a remote region (DOD, 2007). Though the application of advanced military technology enabled quicker executions of the mission, the war has dragged on for many years, resulting to heavy economic and human loss. According to DOD (2007), the number of United States troops killed in both Iraq and Afghanistan exceeds those killed in actual combat at the beginning of the war. Anne (2004, p31) notes that threat of improvised explosive devices or roadside bombs continue inflicting damage on American forces. According to DOD (2007), the explosive devices have killed over 2000 American soldiers in Iraq, while more than 21,000 have suffered debilitating injuries that have effectively compromised their physical and psychological performance for life. In Afghanistan, the improvised explosive devices have claimed lives of over 250 American soldiers, with over 1,700 suffering serious injuries (DOD, 2007). Anne (2004, p21) notes that the explosive devices are the highest killer of the confederative forces in both countries and they have greatly undermined the efforts achieved the application of the advanced military technology. However, continuous innovation in the American military has produced mine- resistant ambush protected all terrain vehicle(M-ATV) that offers better protection from roadside bombs than the heavier mine- resistant- ambush-

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