Monday, May 27, 2019

First Cars Ltd Essay

Critical path analysis is a method that is used to plan out the many activities involved in a project to be able-bodied to find the most efficient way of complete it and how to complete it on time.From a research and development point of view, the decision to go in the lead with this project relies solely on the vituperative path analysis provided by Amy J aces. In light of this, the operations director is rightly concerned about how invaluable the data provided by the over overcritical path analysis is. The arguments for and against seem to be balanced.Therefore, I present the most significant argument of how valuable a critical path analysis which is how Amys data allows the business to be keep a clear outline of when and where money is spent in the project. This take to bes that the critical path analysis will help First Cars plc with their currency flow which would allow them subsequently to be able to plan out c areful pass to ensure they are able to fund the project. This would allow them to under go an investment appraisal before starting the project as they also have specific dates in which each part of the development would be ready.This is vital because of First Cars plcs limited financial reserves it would mean they would be able workout the payback period and the average rate of return which could mean they are able to work out expected profits for the coming class from the which would mean shareholders would feel happier with the business as they are able to see a clear direction in which the business is improving, but most significantly it will show if the project is viable as they will be able to know how quickly it will allow the business to generate cash quickly to ensure they do not face a poor cash flow situation which could see the business dipping into liquidation.Another potential clear of using critical path analysis is that it allows such an important project to be planned thoroughly in order to make sure every boil downg is established properly and on time. This is important because the business has a very clear deadline to make (August 2010) any issues which could mean they are not sacrificeed on time would give in the business failing to reach this deadline. Amy makes it clear that it is important to enter this market early to ensure a strong competitive market congeal because this is so vital it allows the critical path analysis to be used constructively to ensure everyone keeps to the same deadlines, this is because the tasks on the critical path analysis are completed by various other departments meaning the business has a Matrix structure so therefore it is important to highlight how important it is to reach deadlines and a clear outline on what deadlines should be met and how long the project teams have to reach them because there could be confusion due to the overlapping place which is held in a Matrix structure.On the other hand, there is evidence that makes the credibility of the critic al path analysis doubted. The most important argument livelihood this would be the accuracy of the information provided in the diagram. In the case study it says information provided by Amy Jones because of this it is hard to determine if the numbers are correct. Whilst it is important to telephone that this is a completely new venture and there are hardly any competitors there is relatively no previous data to be obtained from competitors, because of this Amy has no where to be able to validate her own data with which could be worrying to the Operations Director because these numbers could have been come up with in thin air with no chance in reality to be reached on time. This concern could stem from the fact that all the data comes from Amy, who is pushing this project passing hard to get through in to production. As the business is relying on this proposal to put the business back on to the road of success having hardly a critical path analysis could be of none value at all t o First Cars plc.Another argument doubting the value of critical path analysis in this proposal is that most of the activities to take place are not in Amys marketing division which could mean she could dishonor the time needed to complete other tasks resulting in the time needed to complete the project being set back by many weeks. Which could mean they do not reach their important deadline of August 2010 which could possibly mean that they have thrown the whole project down the drain this is because it is exceedingly important for the business that they reach the deadline if they want to become a strong competitor in the given market. Not only could the project be in insecurity but the whole of the business if any of the deadlines arent met because it would put them in a poor state regarding their cash flow.All in all, even though the argument seems to be relevantly balanced I believe there is a lot to loss on this project, a considerably amount much than what is at stake to be gained. The project is so unsafe for a business which is already struggling to survive. I think that First Car plc inescapably to hold fire and invest in a project which will guarantee to bring in profits and cash quickly rather than one that is extremely risky with no previous data to compare it on and one that entails extremely high costs cars could be sitting around for years or even weeks in expensive city centres with staff having nothing to do, I suspect it could be a seasonal business in regards to when psyche might want a car and what for. Due to the reasons above I believe that in this case the value of the critical path analysis is extremely poor and that other factors need to be taken in to consideration, I would have liked to have seen more supporting evidence of the payback figures.

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