Sunday, May 5, 2019

Identify essential qualities the Personal security Detail Essay

Identify essential qualities the Personal credential Detail professional, past and present, must possess to better achieve his mi - leaven ExampleIn the past, the reproduction took longer periods and more strategies were used to instill the outgo qualities in hopeful shelter personnel. The individuals be skilful to be obedient, uphold dignity and have the beauty of gentleness. They are trained in knightly exercise, at that age women were weak and submissive and their men were supposed to protect and fight down for them. After 5 years of faithfulness in duties and faced anger, they received knighthood sonority and a awful ceremony conducted. The knight aspirant received a formal that was of baptism sort to symbolized washing away of sins. draped in white and a red robe that symbolized the blood that he would shed to protect his conjunction or his master. The mailed fist of the emperor is the militarys force threat. The emperors mailed fist and shining armor were built in th e spirit of self-importance-importance defense and precaution protective covering personnel in the past did not have a vast of activities they would engage in as compared to the present personnel. Theirs was mainly protection of their family, community and country. In the present time, there is a diversity of security needs. The security personnel of the present age go through training for a shorter period compared to the past. The training is rigorous just like the past but technological advances have helped in the training process. The best of the security personnel must be in excellent health as this ensures their efficiency. Good health allows them execute their duties with no hitches at all. Good interpersonal skills are relevant to ensure ease of discourse between them and any other party. They must have personal integrity with the highest ethical standards as require in the military force. They must have personal ability based on developed self skills and high intellectua l capacity. Personal structure is also important as it enables them portray positive self image and self worth. Honesty, sincerity, industrious and cooperation are also very important. They must have a material will and abiding self confidence because it is essential for them to create and maintain desire and motivation to be security personnel. They should have sound general knowledge or specialized education which gives them an edge in the security field. Imaginatively, creativity and a high foresight in order to develop new angles of shape up to security problems are one of the best qualities that they should possess. Good manners reveal a sense of involution and impulsive mannerisms must be avoided. In recent times security personnel have been cognize to be rather aggressive, harsh and rude to members of the public. Even though aggressiveness is partly necessary, beingness cruel only worsens matters and an innocent public member may fear to mention their security issues fo r fear of being misunderstood or reprimanded by the security people. They must be loyal, risk takers, well rounded in knowledge, open minded, confident and have eloquence in the language they use depending on the region they are serving as security personnel. They must have tact, i.e. know the right hand thing to do, at the right time and in the right way. Broad knowledge of the military force is also of essence because without sense the field one is, it would be difficult to serve as required. They must be aware of the security needs where they are, any risks or uncertainties in providing their services and measures they can take to handle

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