Wednesday, May 22, 2019

MMB Case Study for Ecommerce Essay

1. The first 5 s drages of customer loyalty MMBs customers argon 80% repeat customers so it would make sense that most of the customers are at the commitment stage. They come back all(prenominal) year. I would say that %5 are in the separation stage because of losing interest in the activity, finding a different company, etc. %80 are in the commitment stage. %1-5 are in the familiarity stage that are repeat customers only havent committed to the company. %10 in the exploration stage because I think this is a big part of gaining customers, you find a lot of customers feeling a new hobby or company out and want to try something new, in this eluding its mountain biking. Also, because the case study said that MMB gets quite a few e-mails from the website. %1-5 of customers I would guess is in the awareness stage.2. E-mail Marketing schema MMB could implement a e-newsletter or a promotional email listing. Could MMB e-mail that list of 60k instead of mailing print? It would cut costs but in time bring awareness to new customers. MMB could also change some of those pictures with their logo on them via e-mail since there have been inquires for them.3. Viral Marketing The pictures that were put on the web site were popular. I would tell Jerry to convince Robin to take more than and sale them on his website with MMBs logo on them. Promotional posters could be sold too. I think the idea with the hats and jackets was a great idea maybe not so much to make a profit but to at least get customers surviveing the gear to get the brand more recognition since so many customers are repeat customers getting them to wear the logo will bring awareness to new customers. Let the repeat customers be walking billboards. Maybe offer the caps and jackets to repeat customers to gain loyalty for every year they return.4. Outline affiliate marketing strategy and 5 websites Using is a good start. Almost everyone is on Amazon and it almost seems like a mandatory requirement for any company. I dont know if MMB could sale something to bigger stores like Big 5 and Dicks clean Goods even if its just a cap on their companies websites. Since Jerry doesnt know a lot about photography getting an affiliate to sale those photos and manage the retail of the jackets and caps could help him. is one of the top stock photo selling companies on the Internet. Getting an ad on would reach some athletes looking at to venture into biking.Another great and necessary way to gain customers is by social media. Itd be great for MMB to get a Facebook. Let the customers tag themselves, upload pictures, and comment on the explorations that MMB is doing. Pay to put ads on their website. MMB tried promoting its name in a sporting magazine but why not a specific mountain biking magazine? Or website. is Mountain Biking Action Magazines website and advertising on there could be more beneficial to MMBs advertising efforts than just a general sporting magazine.

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