Saturday, May 4, 2019

Blue Advertising Campaign Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Blue Advertising Campaign - field of study Study ExampleFor Blue commercials, the main aim is persuading pet owners to example their food to feed their pets. To cipher an advert as successful, it must have achieved its purpose in this aspect, persuading butt end market to purchase a product or a service. Methods settled by the lodge in selling their ideas mostly numerate on the main intentions of the advert and the target audience. While some advertisements suit best in the impress media, others suit best in the visual media. This is the main reason why different companies exhaustively use a particular form of advertising but seemingly ignoring the rest. Blue advertisements specifically target the visual media, and to a large extent television commercials. In this essay, I will conduct a case study of the Blue advertising TV commercials, exploring their influence on the pack and how well they succeed in persuading people to purchase the brand. Blue pet food is one of the re cent brands on an ad electioneering aimed at persuading customers to purchase their products. Discussing the qualities and characteristics of the foods to the people, while using previous customers as witnesses to the quality of these foods, Blue definitely captures the circumspection of every pet owner, convincing them to try their brand (, 2013). ... Thus, the more creative an ad is, the more the likelihood of that ad selling the information to the audience. Not only should creativeness in an ad focus the target market only, it should focus on all people any person can be a customer. The making of Blue ads as all-round ads increases the number of potential customers won. Many people define creativity as the art of simplifying something that is complicated for people to understand. In advertising, creativity serves the main purpose of fulfilling psychological, marketing and collective needs of the customers (McStay, 2013). By creatively making their adverts, Blue adds n ew perceptions and enjoyments to the products. For an advert to qualify as a creative piece, it has to motivate the customers, prompting them to buy the particular product or service on offer. In essence, it should prompt them to make a purchase, whether they had planned to purchase or not. Creativity in adverting as demonstrate by Blue pets food brand in their ad bear on should be memorable to the people. The company seeks to prove that they provide the best content to the customers. In fact, every episode in their ad campaign aims at pulling the mind of the customers to purchase their products. Not only is this creative, it acts as a means of persuading the people that Blue food is the best that they can provide to their dogs. Through the nature of their ads, Blue creates an impression that pets, both(prenominal) cats and dogs are part of the family, something rather odd. How is this possible, yet they are animals? In their stream of ads, Blue points out that our pets pass by a lot of time with us, making them part of us. They thus require special food, specially prompt for our other family members (, 2013). Strategically, this acts

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