Saturday, May 18, 2019

Comare and Contrast Living in the Country and in the City Essay

Everyone has the unlike lifestyle. City lifestyle and country lifestyle atomic number 18 two different types of livings. There are some most different thing between living in the country and in the city are the environment, job opportunity, cost of living, and social life.The environment in the countryside and the city is very different. There are less(prenominal) pollution, fewer cars, and fewer factories in the countryside. Moreover, there are some trees while there are many buildings in the city. These entire make the environment is better, fresh, and more natural. In the city filled with cares and factories which are the great causes of noise and environmental pollution. People would prefer to live in the countryside far away from the noisy and fouled city.There are more the job opportunities in the city. The job market in the countryside is diminisheder than in the city. People in the country remove their farms or field, and stores that they force out make a living, so t he jobs in the country are more relax than in the city. However, most lot move to the city to shape a job because its easier. People in the city are owner of a humongous company or work mostly in the companies. In the city, most of work requires a game class and people almost work with technology such as computer, printer, phone all daytime in the building. City is a gathering place of a large number of different professions. Industrialists, small business owners, job holders, people related to transportation like taxi drivers and rickshaw pullers, doctors, professors, garments workers and many early(a) are found in a city. Working in the city make more property than in the country, further on the other hand, people get more stressed than working in the country. Therefore, the city life has more job opportunities but some people like living in country.The cost of living in the city is higher than the country. The goods are more expensive. In the country, most people have the sufficient economy. They can plant and breed animals so they have the cost of living that is note and the goods are cheaper. The country life is simple and comfortable.The inhabitants of countryside are always bound by a spirit of community, but they also suffer from being cut off from the exciting outside world. They have the avail of knowing that there is someone to turn to when they consider help and some ideal places to go when they need to be alone. The life is simple but cozy enough. But the inconvenient transportation and underdevelopment of economy denude villagers the possibility of going to a new show or a latest movie, and make obtain a major problem. City life may breed a scaring feeling of isolation but it can also focus peoples attention. Living in the building, all people can see from the window is sky and the concrete building jungle. Gradually they tend to hide their feelings and do not even say hello to the neighbors or they too busy to care about people ju st about even though, they do not have time with their family. However, compared to the countryside, the city is a center of fashion and events, and an oceanic of opportunities and material prosperity. Besides, the life in the city does not come to an end at ten at night like it does in the countryside.These reasons above shown very clearly. The country lifestyle is much better, simpler, and more reposeful than the city lifestyle. In the country, people make less and use less, but they enjoy their life with their family, have a peace life without competitive, noise, busy, crowded, and stressful.

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