Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Lab four Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Lab four - Essay ExampleThey read real little from books but spend much time on Facebook and internet web pages. Some make up said how they only read 42 pages for classes in a semester but write 500-page essays on mail. With 24 hours a day, they sleep for 7 hours each night. They spend 3.5 hours online, and 2.5 hours listening to music, 2 hours on a electric cell phone, 2 hours eating, 2 hour working and only 3 hours reading (Wesch Min. 3). They have to multitask flat up when they do not want to. Some will even be in debts by the time they atomic number 18 graduating. They even claim of how their laptops cost much than what most people make in a year. They hold to get jobs after they graduate. However, they do not get there through books. A bother affects them even though they did not create it. They believe that it is only through technology that all these will end.Q3. From individual(prenominal) opinion, I agree with most of the students claims. We buy expensive books tha t we do not use. We also spend more time online than we spend in class. Most of the teachers do not even know their students by their names. teaching method is just a routine that most people follow. Most of the things we learn do not even apply in our daily lives. On the other hand, I differ with the fact that most students normally think that after graduating, they will not get jobs. Some even think that it is not through education that they can achieve a better life. In my opinion, technology does not solve the problem but rather worsens it

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