Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Share your critical response Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Share your critical response - Assignment Examples out that it took efforts of the federal government which represents collective operation of many of the American citizens to abolish slavery, to create a developed system of railroads and bring the country to prosperity. In other words, it would not be wise to recant the leading role of the government in the process of development of the social environment. In other words, why would people want to get rid of something that has turn out to be effective?Another example is taken from the current political world. The author suggests that when both far left and right argue the necessity of a new revolution, they fail to see that they are faced with a dilemma that none of them is able to solve. For example, governmental surveillance is needed to protect people from terrorism, exactly if we accept it we should also accept that it violates some of the basic rights of the people.Gutting, Gary. You Say You Want a Revolution. Opinionator Yo u Say You Want a Revolution Comments. N.p., 2 July 2013. Web. 30 Sept. 2014.

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