Saturday, June 8, 2019

Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 10

Communication - Essay ExampleThey take with them their respective goals, values, beliefs and customs which are either so important. The need is there to save these dying languages beca habit they have people who speak them yet in someway are now making use of other languages to satisfy their day to day affairs.Question 2 How do the media and communications technology affect culture? Discuss either how the content of media shapes culture in a particular social context, or how changing communications technology is affecting culture.Media and communications technology affect culture as these go along changing and the cultural adaptations do not seem to catch up. The changing communications technology affects the culture since technology is pacing ahead at a frenetic recreate and there seems to be no stopping this phenomenon at all. The culture does not change at such a fast speed and hence the media and communications technology lags far behind resulting in more anarchy within the s ociety than one can think of. This leads to a distressed culture on the part of the people who are looking at media and communications technology on the one and adapting to the requirements of the culture on the

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