Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Religion in the Workplace Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Religion in the Workplace - Essay ExampleAs such, practiti geniusrs of Buddhism are calm, positive, and centered, especially during trying incidents or moments that lot would normally respond to with anger. In the workplace, Buddhism flush toilet bring about numerous positive experiences for both an individual and anyone who happens to communicate with that individual. As in any workplace, stress levels and tempers tend to be high indeed, it can almost be considered proper workplace conduct to tread with caution around ones boss or supervisor for fear of upsetting them or getting on their bad side. Someone who follows the practices and tenets of Buddhism will find it easier to respond to people that often let situations, and thus their emotions, get the better of them. Even during a crisis, a Buddhist is able to remain calm and rational. While in the workplace, they can use these practices to help keep a clear mind so that they may focus on their work and not on the negativity tha t surrounds them.

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