Monday, June 10, 2019

Pain management of central chest pain of patients in the Emergency Essay

Pain solicitude of central chest pain of patients in the Emergency department - try ExampleThis means these groups of patients need special support from the nursing professionals and measures to relieve these pains as soon as possible, at least in locate to decrease these feelings. In order to be up to(p) to handle and manage these cases appropriately in the Emergency Department setting the nurses must be able to critically analyse the signs and symptoms of these patients on presentation. It is also expected that the nursing staff must be able to assess these patients in a structured stylus in the least possible time frame since the risks associated with adult patients presenting with chest pain may be enormous. In some cases rapid and timely induction of interventions may impact the outcomes of keeping very favourably, while failure to stratify these risks and to appropriately assess these patients may lead to a defective and ineffective cover plan leading to serious morbidi ty and mortality. In fact current research evidence suggests that nurses should be trained to acquire skills in appropriately assessing a patient and then reaching a provisional diagnosis that can be ruled out or supported by point of care protocols such as C-Troponin, CK-MB, and Pro-BNP so legitimate care may be instituted at the earliest. In this assignment, a problem-solving approach will be elicited in the context if emergency nursing care delivered to a group of patients with central chest pain during a recent placement of this writer, where nursing skills of assessment, planning, implementation, evaluation and financial backing of care will be demonstrated (Hamer and McCallin, 2006). Moreover this account will also demonstrate how critical the nursing communication skill becomes in delivering an effective, standard, and efficient care to these patients while working independently or through interprofessional collaboration. Throughout this assignment, there will be demonstrat ion of the process of nursing diagnosis and management

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