Friday, October 4, 2019

Global Business - Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

Global Business - - Assignment Example At the same time, a SWOT analysis and a PEST analysis have been employed for revealing the potentials of the organization to improve its performance through internationalization. Three different methods for entering the market chosen are presented. It is concluded that the expansion of the firm in a foreign market could highly support the increase of its profitability but only if certain terms are met, as indicatively highlighted in the sections that follow. In any case, it seems that the continuous monitoring of the relevant process is necessary for avoiding unexpected failures. One of the most important characteristics of the global market is its high competitiveness, a fact that has been related to the expansion of globalization (Griffin 2008). At this point, the following issue appears: how the potential of a firm to face the challenges of the global environment can be measured? The use of strategic tools, as those presented above, could possibly help towards this direction. Still, it is necessary to refer also to the global market trends in regard to the industrial sector involved (Nummela 2010). In the case under examination, emphasis should be given on the electronics industry. The global electronic industry is characterized by trends for growth. In fact for 2013 the growth of the industry has been estimated to 5.4% (QFinance 2012) with trends for further growth in the years that follow. Of course, the influence of the recent recession on the particular industry has been severe, as also in all industries worldwide. Still, it seems that the potentials of the particular industry to face market pressures are important, even if not all parts of this industry has presented signs of growth (QFinance 2012). The above facts are critical when having to evaluate the potential prospects of Elecdyne’s internationalization process. In case that the firm had tried to expand but in different environmental conditions, meaning the trends in the

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