Sunday, October 6, 2019

Application of Implementing QMS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Application of Implementing QMS - Essay Example Quality excellence awards across different countries can be briefed as; Europe- EFQM Excellence Model is used to determine the receiver of European Quality Award, USA- , Baldrige National Quality award is given to companies who have exceptionally performed when it comes to ensuring quality, Australia- Australian Business Excellence Awards is given to companies performed exceptionally well to improve quality of production. Research findings of various research scholars such as Van der Wiele et al. (2001) shows that quality management system or quality excellence awards emphasizes on large set quality dimensions such as risk management, ensuring diversity, performing social responsibility, sustainability of the process, resource management, environmental safety, service delivery to customers, knowledge management, good governance etc. Valls and Vergueiro (2006) defined four types of benefits which can be achieved by implementing QMS or achieving quality excellence awards such as better customer service, reduction of error in process modelling, better financial result in terms of increase both in top line & bottom line growth and enhanced learning from environment. Meeting the 8 quality criteria mentioned by ISO can also help a firm to earn excellence award, these criteria can be summarized as; 1- Customer focus- meeting or exceeding customer requirement, 2- Leadership- engaging employees and participants in internal environment to ensure quality, 3- People- optimal utilization of human resources in order to ensure 100% involvement from them, 4- Process- optimal utilization of resources in order to improve the process flow, 5- System Approach- identification and control of interrelated processes, 6- Continual Improvement- continual growth and learning of the organization, 7- Factual Decision- taking decision on the basis of facts and information and 8- Mutually Beneficial Relationship- providing benefits to suppliers and other important stakeholders (ISO, 2012). A s the study is narrowing its scope from general quality management system to quality assurance and excellence award in transportation field hence the study has decided to consider the case of Transport Certification Australia (TCA) as basal plane in the paper. Transport Certification Australia (TCA) - Overview Transport Certification Australia Limited (TCA) is founded by government agencies, territory and Australian government and representing states (Transport Certification Australia, 2013a). The company works under the Corporations Act (Cth) regulation and serves as quality assurance organization in the field of transportation in Australia. Vision TCA has the vision to serve as a leader in the field of quality advice to transportation agencies, providing accreditation & administrator services in order to improve mobility with the means of sensor solution, communication and information integration. Transport Certification Australia Limited provides the quality assurance to users wi th the help of its quality management system which specializes in identifying, delivering and deploying quality mechanism (Transport Certification Australia, 2013a). Mission When it comes to formulating a formidable and sustainable mission statement, TCA emphasizes on three verticals such as identifying quality needs, delivering quality assurance

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