Friday, July 26, 2019

Evaluation of Routing Protocols Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Evaluation of Routing Protocols - Essay Example Evaluation of Routing Protocols There are many routing protocols available as they define ‘what a router will do and decided for a specific data packet’. There are two types of routing fundamentals on which these protocols are based, named as Static Routing and Dynamic Routing. The following sections contains advantages and disadvantages of each routing protocol specified along with its administrative distance, metrics, periodic updates, triggered updates, partial updates, VSLM / CIDR subnet masking and algorithms. As per network dictionary it is defined as â€Å"Routing Information Protocol (RIP) is a standard for exchange of routing information among gateways and hosts. This protocol is most useful as an â€Å"interior gateway protocol†. It is also knows as Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP). Frame Relay protocol is implemented for WAN networks associated with LAN internetworking. It functions on physical layer and data link layer of the OSI model, to endow with robust and efficient mechanism for transmitting data. The transmission encompasses multiple routers and switches. Moreover, this protocol is identical to X.25 protocol that activates stations located at the end to share dynamically the network and bandwidth available. Two techniques are associated with Frame relay: As it is based on packet switching, the two techniques are Variable length Packet technique and statistical multiplexing. However, frame relay

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