Monday, July 29, 2019

Contract Briefing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Contract Briefing - Assignment Example This decision by the Court of Appeal was reversed by the Supreme Court and the case stated to be heard in Florida as per the agreement. 3. Procedure: The District Court in Washington found for the petitioner but the respondents appealed the case. The Court of Appeal reversed the decision and found for the respondents making the petitioners seek the powers of the Washington State Supreme Court to make the final ruling. 6. Reasoning: The Supreme Court in its holding stated that the cruise ship line chose to have Florida because it housed its headquarters and is the location where majority of its cruises start and end. Since the cruise line carries passengers from different localities, it cannot afford to have different locations to hear their cases. The Shutes had prior notice from the 3 page contract sent together with their ticket but they did not provide any dissatisfaction with it and simply went along with the tour. They agreed and hence should not try and bring in the aspect of finance as a reason why the case should not be heard in Florida as the Court of Appeal explained. 2. Statement of the facts: The Spokane Housing Authority wanted to contact a company to put up windows in their building and they sought bids. Skyline Contractors Inc. had the lowest bid which but they did not fulfill the condition of having five years’ experience and the contract was awarded to WRS Contractors Inc. Skyline disapprove the winning and they appealed based on their combined experience together with its subcontractor. They were awarded the bid but they still had to present a list of all their subcontractors. They presented half the names which excluded their original subcontractor who had been mentioned before. Even before they could get the other names on the list, they were informed that the tender had been once again rewarded to WRS and they sued for monetary damages and injunctive relief. The Trial Court awarded summary

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