Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Different roles within group

Identify five different roles within groups; discuss the ways in which they can contribute to the successful completion of a task. Leader/Facilitator The position of the leader is significant, as the team would not have any guide or direction and would most likely become unproductive. The leader clarifies goals, promotes decision-making and delegates well. She/he must have outstanding interpersonal skills, being able to communicate effectively with team members hrough good listening, verbal and non-verbal communication.Team worker/ Motivator The role of the team worker is to maintain harmony and unity between all members; they work towards resolving any conflicts that affect the team's dynamics. They are very motivating and supportive of other team members. They tend to never take part in decision making as they wouldn't want to be seen taking sides. Resource Investigator The Resource Investigator is a strong communicator, good at discussing with people utside the team and gathering external information and resources.They are usually very rapid thinkers and excellent at extracting information from the foundation. They also are very advanced at networking with other teams and organisations. Completer/ Finisher The Completer/Finisher is a task-orientated member of the group and as their name implies they like to complete tasks; they pay great attention to detail and are very good at organising meetings/ discussions for the team.They keep the team up on schedule and can usually have a tendency for being anxious about meeting targets and deadlines. Implementer People who play the implementer in the team are the one who usually get everything done. They are practical, focused and strong minded individuals and turn the team's proposals into plans. Due to their rigid nature, implementers would rather stick to old, tried and tested methods than to embrace change and improvement.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

High School and School Valedictorian Competition Essay

In the essay, â€Å"The Joy of Graduating† by Kate Stone Lombardi, describes the traditional high school valedictorian competition with the most prestigious students. The fight for the position of valedictorian has intensified over the years. Danielle Gorman, an elected valedictorian at Moorestown High School in New Jersey, was quoted by Lombardi of the qualifications and standards it took to become valedictorian. The traits Gorman describes common to valedictorians were taking on too much and are unwilling to fail. I think that Gorman’s assessment is reasonable because many people who strive to become valedictorian take on â€Å"more than they can chew† by taking multiple advanced placement classes to extracurricular activities in and outside of school. My senior class in high school had very competitive students when it came down to ASB or any student elections. Each student who participated was usually the overachiever; they took multiple AP classes, team captains of the sports’ teams, and public speakers for all school events. Each student tried to work harder and prove that he or she could attempt to accomplish more than one another. The students knew that having the title in high school would set them apart from everyone else so that they could have a higher ranking along with using their popularity to their advantage in gaining that title. The idea of getting this title would overwhelm students so much that it would cause more stress on themselves on top of the classes they were already taking. Because of our school’s competitiveness it was difficult to decide one individual for valedictorian. When it was time to decide who would become the valedictorian, there were two top students whom our class thought would fit the winning spot. One of the students was a girl named Asal, who was elected senior class president for ASB. The other student was a boy named Henock, who was also elected in ASB but for the school president. Both students had superb grades close to a 5. 0 gpa and they both participated in every on and off campus school event. Each of them had many responsibilities. They each would do their part to help the school community when it came to any projects or tutoring. They set a great example for the student body to look up to. They wounded up the crowds during athletic games and pep rallies with incredible school spirit. They each would help come up with ideas and themes for dances, along with helping our school clubs with fundraisers and events such as blood drives. They would help put up flyers and make announcements to make the students aware of fundraisers and activities that were constantly going on at school. They would try to help get the whole school more involved by creating fun games and contests going on during lunch to make sure that everyone felt like they were a part of something no matter what grade level they were in. They had all this pressure coming down on them with all these school activities, along with their school work. They felt the need to accomplish these tasks in order to get into their dream college so this would help them feel a little more secure that they would be accepted. It was incredible that they were able to complete these tasks as full time students and it must have been mentally and physically exhausting. Our student body recognized their hard work and accomplishments so we naturally put them on a pedestal. The senior class knew that one of these remarkable scholars could be elected valedictorian. I personally encountered experiences with them both on how stressful it was for them to undertake so many duties. I had a couple of classes with each of the presidents, and I started to witness each of them become more stressed out as more and more talk went around the school about who would become the valedictorian. They took the initiative to work ten times harder in class and pushed to receive perfect scores on tests and projects to raise their overall grade, so their percentage would help raise their gpa. They took on so many extracurricular activities that they had no social life outside of school and struggled to keep up with everything going on. They were pushing themselves to the limit to be the best they could be. This soon turned into a chaotic competition between the two most prestigious students in our senior class. Once graduation day had finally arrived, we were anxious to see whose hard work and commitment had paid off. Everyone was sitting in their assigned seats, clothed in their cap and gown anxiously waiting for the speeches to be presented. I was looking around the stage to see who was chosen for the class valedictorian, but I couldn’t seem to spot out Henock or Asal anywhere. The principal was the first to give out the welcome speech. He presented a few awards and gave out some words of wisdom to the present senior class. Finally, at the end of his speech he announced that it was time to name our senior class’ valedictorian. Everyone moved around their seats anxiously trying to see who would be honored with this great achievement. The principal then surprised us with a statement none of us expected. There were to be two valedictorians honored this year because of their outstanding gpa and wide variety of extracurricular activities. Henock and Asal both gained the winning spot that they were each competing for. These two candidates spent their high school career taking various AP courses and being active participants in the school community in order to set themselves apart from the crowd and gained the honorable title of valedictorian. Little did they know that apparently their gpa’s were only a hundredth of a point apart. The principal explained that Henock actually had the overall higher gpa, but he felt that because of Asal’s hard work and effort she should deserve the same recognition. Needless to say our whole senior class was pretty shocked. We noticed how hard working and competitive these two had gotten to try to be valedictorian and yet both of them received the winning spot. Our school traditionally only had one valedictorian chosen each year so it caught us off guard that there were two valedictorians. It was ironic that they were both competing so hard against one another when all this hard work they accomplished still got them the credit they deserved. When the speeches were to be given out by our two valedictorians, I was expecting for Henock and Asal to compete for a better speech as well because I thought that since there is traditionally one valedictorian, they would still try to go head to head at who could give a better and more inspiring speech. But to my surprise they each gave out their congratulatory response to one another within their speech. In Henock’s speech, he acknowledged that Asal was a great inspiration and motivation for him to try harder in his classes and to exceed even his own expectations because that was how he perceived how she was in her classes. He admitted that he looked up to her with great respect and that she definitely deserved to be valedictorian whether or not he was chosen with her. Asal was very grateful and said a few great admiring words about him to show her appreciation towards him and his hard work. The fact that my high  school had two valedictorians did seem to be out of the ordinary for my senior class, but it certainly was deserved to the right people. Danielle Gorman describes the traits of a valedictorian to take one more tasks and harder classes with the drive to not fail. My classmates Henock and Asal indeed had that drive and it paid off well for the both of them and they each were appreciative that they got to share that number one spot with each other. Although they went head to head with each other trying to achieve the same goal, they were in it to win it and they did.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Contract Briefing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Contract Briefing - Assignment Example This decision by the Court of Appeal was reversed by the Supreme Court and the case stated to be heard in Florida as per the agreement. 3. Procedure: The District Court in Washington found for the petitioner but the respondents appealed the case. The Court of Appeal reversed the decision and found for the respondents making the petitioners seek the powers of the Washington State Supreme Court to make the final ruling. 6. Reasoning: The Supreme Court in its holding stated that the cruise ship line chose to have Florida because it housed its headquarters and is the location where majority of its cruises start and end. Since the cruise line carries passengers from different localities, it cannot afford to have different locations to hear their cases. The Shutes had prior notice from the 3 page contract sent together with their ticket but they did not provide any dissatisfaction with it and simply went along with the tour. They agreed and hence should not try and bring in the aspect of finance as a reason why the case should not be heard in Florida as the Court of Appeal explained. 2. Statement of the facts: The Spokane Housing Authority wanted to contact a company to put up windows in their building and they sought bids. Skyline Contractors Inc. had the lowest bid which but they did not fulfill the condition of having five years’ experience and the contract was awarded to WRS Contractors Inc. Skyline disapprove the winning and they appealed based on their combined experience together with its subcontractor. They were awarded the bid but they still had to present a list of all their subcontractors. They presented half the names which excluded their original subcontractor who had been mentioned before. Even before they could get the other names on the list, they were informed that the tender had been once again rewarded to WRS and they sued for monetary damages and injunctive relief. The Trial Court awarded summary

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Save students money Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Save students money - Assignment Example The author believes that such a change, if brought about would be potentially disastrous as it would lead to printed textbooks becoming obsolete. In my opinion, such a change is unfavorable for students as using e-books would be inconvenient for them and for some, would be more expensive then purchasing textbooks. The proponents of introduction of e-books as required reading in colleges and universities include the college officials and some important textbook companies such as McGraw Hill and John Wiley and sons, amongst others, as Jeffrey Young points out in this article. These parties propose including a fixed mandatory fee per course in the tuition fee for providing the e-books to the students. Some of the colleges such the Daytona State College have already adopted this change while others like Indiana University are still in the experimental phase. The college officials believe that e-books would be cheaper for the students, if they are purchased in bulk by the college and prov ided to the students at a subsidized rate. Moreover, the publishing industry believes that such a change would help in reducing the rates of digital piracy. Thus, such a collaboration is thought to benefit all parties, viz. the students, the colleges and the publishing companies.

Computers. Who invented the computer How did early computers work What Research Paper

Computers. Who invented the computer How did early computers work What were their limitations How would they compare with computers today - Research Paper Example As we celebrate the various advantages of computers in our lives, it is important to make a stop and have a look at the historical evolution of computers. The exact beginning of computer development is highly argued, but many people argue that Babbage was one of the earliest inventors. Other scientists such as James Thomson, Stanley Fifer,  Turing, John Atanasoff, Colossus, F.C. Williams, and Tom Kilburn made stepwise contribution to the evolution of the computer. The early computers were large, cumbersome, slow, and had limited memory and computation power. The evolution of technology in information and computing has, however, changed this situation, making the modern computers more efficient, portable, less bulky, and less expensive. This paper will seek to establish the inventors of early computers, the working of early computers, the limitations of the early computers, and draw a clear comparison between the early and modern computers. The early computers had various applicatio ns. ... It was applicable in war machines. On the other hand, the differential analyzer by Vannevar became the first large-scale automatic general-purpose mechanical analog computer. The differential analyzer was a semi-automatic machine that was typically a program controlled. The digital machine by Turing had unlimited memory and a memory reader that read and wrote, under the management of a special program, to different memory locations (Copeland web). The Atanasoff Berry Computer (ABC) used to solve linear and algebraic equations using over 3000 vacuum tubes that increased the working speed of the ABC computers. However, in all cases, there was a need for more advanced software program to enhance the efficiency of computer operations (Raul 2-8). It is highly argued that Charles Babbage is the father of early computers, having proposed the Difference Engine in the 1820s. The Difference Engine was a special-purpose digital computing machine for the automatic production of mathematical tabl es. It consisted of only mechanical components like rods, pinions, and brass gear wheels. Indeed, in 1990, using the Babbage's designs, Babbage's Difference Engine No. 2 was built and displayed at the London Science Museum. In addition, Babbage proposed the Analytical Engine, which was to have been a general-purpose mechanical digital computer. The Analytical Engine was to have had a memory store and a central processing unit with an ability to select from among alternative actions consequent upon the outcome of its previous actions (Copeland web). Ideally, Charles Babbage’s contributions to computer technology were fundamental in computer evolution. Even though some scientists argue about this, they, however, appreciate his contribution. According to Copeland:

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The development of business activities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The development of business activities - Essay Example One of the major obstacles towards the increase of performance of the firm’s stores across the country seems to be the lack of fair and effective performance appraisal methods and reward systems; despite the fact that the performance appraisal methods should be based on the close cooperation between managers and employees (Falcone et al., 2007, 5) in DIY the level of cooperation among employees of different levels seems to be quite low. In fact, the store managers do not particularly interested in communicating with the employees of the store that is under their supervision – rather they are likely to emphasize on the increase of the profitability of the store – an increase of which they are going to be rewarded – through the Performance Related Pay (PRP) scheme applied to all the firm’s stores across Britain. At a next level, employees in DIY do not participate in the procedures related to the appraisal of their performance – even if their p articipation in the relevant schemes is required – as noted in the study of Harrington (2007, 58) where an emphasis is paid to the importance of performance reviews conducted by employees. It should be noted that no training of employees seems to be included in the firm’s current performance management system; training should be offered to employees and refer not only to the aspects of the firm’s performance management system but also to their skills – aiming to increase the employees’ skills and capabilities; such a training scheme would help towards the improvement of employees’ motivation.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Evaluation of Routing Protocols Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Evaluation of Routing Protocols - Essay Example Evaluation of Routing Protocols There are many routing protocols available as they define ‘what a router will do and decided for a specific data packet’. There are two types of routing fundamentals on which these protocols are based, named as Static Routing and Dynamic Routing. The following sections contains advantages and disadvantages of each routing protocol specified along with its administrative distance, metrics, periodic updates, triggered updates, partial updates, VSLM / CIDR subnet masking and algorithms. As per network dictionary it is defined as â€Å"Routing Information Protocol (RIP) is a standard for exchange of routing information among gateways and hosts. This protocol is most useful as an â€Å"interior gateway protocol†. It is also knows as Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP). Frame Relay protocol is implemented for WAN networks associated with LAN internetworking. It functions on physical layer and data link layer of the OSI model, to endow with robust and efficient mechanism for transmitting data. The transmission encompasses multiple routers and switches. Moreover, this protocol is identical to X.25 protocol that activates stations located at the end to share dynamically the network and bandwidth available. Two techniques are associated with Frame relay: As it is based on packet switching, the two techniques are Variable length Packet technique and statistical multiplexing. However, frame relay

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Intention Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Intention - Essay Example These elements are essential prerequisites for a valid creation of express trust. Trust being an arrangement, certainty of certain aspects must be present just as in a contract (Hudson, 2009). Certainty of intention The settlor should have actually intended to create a trust without giving an impression of imposing some moral obligations or gifting or acting in some other manner which cannot be a trust. As there is no prescribed wording for creation, courts are expected to examine what intention of the parties had been and whether those intentions are given effect to in the trust deed. The court is free to infer an intention from the circumstantial evidences including parties’ conduct. Thus, the inference may be had if the property owner shows a positive intention to share the beneficial ownership of his property with someone else, or if he transfers title of the property to a third party intending that he will hold it for the benefit of some other person. The intention must b e in the form of a trust deed and not as a gift or some other form. Though there are exceptions, written form is ideal to prove the existence of a trust and the certainty of intention. ... 950 he received as compensation for an injury, bank refused as they were not married. Hence, with the account in his sole name, he became the common law owner of the account. Later on the couple put both their monies in the same account and spent the money in the account for their common purposes. Once Mr Constance had told Mrs Paul â€Å"this money is as much yours as mine†. After Paul’s death, his wife claimed the money in the bank account stating that the balance in the account belonged to her husband and she was entitled to the bank account balance as per the Intestacy Rules. Although the widow of Mr Constance was entitled as his legal heir, court held his wordings â€Å"this money is as much yours as mine†. constituted an evidence to create a trust for the benefit of Mrs Paul as well as Mr Constance. The Court said that Mr Constance might have behaved in the manner above without being conscious of creating a trust and its legal implications. Courts are only uncovering an express trust and not imposing a constructive trust. In Re Kayford (1975), the mail order company, in anticipation of impending insolvency, set apart all advance payments from its customers in a separate bank account and withdrew from that account as and when supplies were made to each customer. This was done with the intention that in the event of becoming insolvency, customers’ monies not supplied with goods could be returned to them. When the issue arose as to whether the money in the separate account could be distributed to the existing creditors, the court held that the company had held the money in a separate account in trust for the benefit of unsupplied customers who had made advance payments. By creation of a separate account, the company’s intention to create a trust

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Employment training Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Employment training - Essay Example In contrast to this, both government and employers are still faced with several challenges on the level of expertise of such staff and the total contributions achieved by the children from such experiences (Buchen 2005, Tassoni; et al.2002). While there is still need to adjust staff to children ratio, the government still maintains its policy that, the training staffs must be holders of either Certificate grade III or Diploma after completing the preliminary training in childcare practices. This has created a lot of challenges to the employers on a continual demand for trained teachers (Reitz 2004). Currently, the Australian government policy has generated much concern about the impact of insufficient number of childcare staffs and the trainers of young children. The main point of concern is that, in future if this trend continues then there would be a very big deficit of workers needed to provide education to the young children. Besides, the potential demand in institutions for trai ners, consequence is being felt by the institutional owners who have resorted to sourcing for childcare staffs internationally as stiff policy by the Australian government bites to underplay the education industry for young children (OECD 2001). Considering some of the initiatives by the Australian government, for the early child development staffs to either, attain Diploma levels or source for more expatriates from other countries has been touted. However, less significant impact has been received because other countries are also in dire need of such people and being a competitive industry, most skilled personnel’s only seek opportunity in places where good rewards in terms of remunerations can be achieved certainly, in places such as Asia or the United States. Furthermore, the demand for early childhood education teachers may have also been created in their countries of origin (McKenzie and Santiago 2005). According to ABC news report, the new requirements, which have been put in place by the Australian government on the childhood graduate trainees, has forced most of institutional owners to consider staffs oversees. Mr. Colbert childhood education staff from Majura Children Park Canberra explains that, the policy has interfered with the recruitment locally since, most of the graduates still miss to have the additional requirements of the Diploma requirements subjecting the organizations to consider international staffs. Another point of concern has been noted by Ranstad education recruiter, who has given observation that in several vacancy advertisements, most of the potential applicants would be found to have come from the Diaspora (ABC News 2013). Some of the organizations allied to the government have embraced the reforms to have all childhood education teachers to advance the level of training inline line with the current policy. However, most of the teachers who are currently working see it as wastage of time because the syllabus being taught at those levels had actually been covered at the undergraduate. In addition, the training is not meant for free as it comes at an additional cost impacting unnecessary expenses on what is perceived to have been learnt earlier on at the university by teachers in practice (OECD 2006). Some of the national requirements considered to be of greeter challenge to this education industry are amongst: Half the staffs at every daycare center must be a holder of diploma in early childhood e

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Effects of Media Globalization on Arab Culture Essay

Effects of Media Globalization on Arab Culture - Essay Example If the information technology and media dimensions are prohibited from entering into their closed territories, the countries lag behind and no country can afford to do that. Also all countries are anxious to take advantage of the benefits of globalisation, open their culture and attractions to tourism industry, so that they could be financially benefited. Environment is another matter that belongs to all the countries of the world and no country could afford to stay out of this issue. Arab countries are also keen on opening up the economy to venture into highly profitable imports and exports without which they will remain backward, while others are moving relentlessly forward. At the same time, most countries with closed cultures do not like their people to watch, learn and get influenced by other cultures. Some countries and cultures have an unfortunate view that only their culture is the best and all other cultures are unholy. Even for them it is important to take advantage of the technological improvements and discoveries from the 'unholy' cultures. Hence, the dilemma continues and even such countries cannot choose to lag behind by closing their doors to globalisation and information technology and rightly so. It is important to know all the diverse views about globalisation, media explosion and communication on the rather cosseted world of Arab culture. There are many views and most of them are against the globalisation. This does not mean that they do not want the benefits of globalisation. They only need the culture to be maintained as it had been done all these centuries. It is significant to find out how they could do it, and how effective they are in their goal. Also it is important to know how the global consumerism is catching up in the Islamic world of Arab countries. It is pertinent to peep into the women mentality and their freedom and if there had been any effect in that field at all. Finally it is necessary to know how Lebanon is fairing under globalisation and media explosion because Lebanon is in a unique position as it is caught in the political upheaval for a long time, a struggle for supremacy with Israel, a difficult problem of maintaining and working with Hezbollah, an d at the same time, trying to contain the terrorist and militant fractions of the society. LITERATURE REVIEW There is definitely broad diversity of opinions about the profit and loss of the effect of the internationalisation of non-tradition media under globalisation. In a way, Arab countries including Lebanon are trying to find political and economic solutions while trying to keep the social dimensions unchanged and this might become quite a challenging task eventually. Like any other country in the world, Arab countries too are living in a rapidly changing world and absolutely emotional attachment to the origins might become difficult and to some extent, a hindrance. There are opinions that globalisation in a way helped the Arab world to unite further. "I refer, above all, to the advanced communications technology which has functioned, on the one hand, to transfer the forces of globalization to the rest of the world and, on the other, to strengthen the bonds of language, culture, customs and tradition between Arab Americans and their original homelands" says Nasser in http://www.alhewar.c om/HGANasser.htm In the same speech Dr. Nasser goes on

Monday, July 22, 2019

Driving Age Essay Example for Free

Driving Age Essay Driving age Turning the age of fifteen is a huge step in the life of a teen. When becoming this age a new challenge is brought into the persons life, the task of driving a car. But are fifteen year olds ready for this task. Driving a car is a task that should only be taken on by teenagers over the age of eighteen, because they are more responsible and understand the risks involved. In this essay I will explain and give reasons on why I think that the driving age should be raised to be able to get your drivers license at. 102 First Argument Teenagers not needing vehicles In todays society the idea of fifteen, sixteen and seventeen year olds operating cars has become a way of life. But if one stops to think about it, there is no need for these drivers to be on the road. Most of these drivers still live at home and have no Job because theyre still in school. So they have no Job to drive to or from. To go to school they can take the bus or be dropped off by their parents. I know theres so many times when I want to drive somewhere because my parents arent home or I Just want o be by myself outside of the house. Im sure a lot of teenagers that are younger than sixteen cant wait to be able to get on the road. Maybe they arent responsible enough, but then they shouldnt be driving. 144 Second Argument Accidents are caused mostly by teenagers The dramatic increase in teen accidents has lead major portions of the public to favor the driving age to be raised to eighteen. The direct concern is over fifteen, sixteen and seventeen -year-old drivers if they are responsible and experienced nough to drive on the road. Most New Zealand citizens agree that accidents involving teen drivers are their lack of Judgment and irresponsibility as a driver, and as well as their lack of experience and poor attention to details. I believe that the increase in teen accidents may decrease if the driving age is raised to eighteen. 98 Teenagers between the ages of fifteen, sixteen and seventeen years of age are more prone to get in a car accident then an eighteen or nineteen-year-old driver. There is a mall percent of teens on the road that obey the traffic laws, but there are many teen drivers that are reckless and showoffs. They rather gamble their life away drag racing down the freeway or down the street then acting responsible and mature while driving. The consequences of unsafe or irresponsible teen driving a cause 77% of automobile accidents. Parents and other supporters may argue that there is no difference between an eighteen-year-old driver to a sixteen or seventeen year old driver between the amount of experience they have. 123

Change Places Essay Example for Free

Change Places Essay If I get an opportunity to replace myself with any one in the world then I would like to replace myself with Mr. Bush, the president of America. Mr. Bush is responsible for portraying negative image of America as an enemy of humanity by doing wars against Muslims only on the basis of religious discrimination. Mr. Bush is the murderer of nearly one hundred thousand innocent citizens of Afghanistan and Iraq while trying to fight against only two persons Usama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein on one side and thousands of precious lives of our beloved soldiers and the soldiers of collision countries. These soldiers joined the arm forces with the aim to give their priceless lives to serve their respective countries and country men in case of any danger but unfortunately their precious lives went in vain in a cruel plan of Mr. Bushs administration against the humanity. America, the only super power of the world and the place of opportunities to flourish for every one, followed the instructions of Israel to have a war against Muslims and in the process earned disgrace from all over the world. It is a major loss done to America and Americans due to this heinous purposed war. After replacing myself with Mr. Bush, firstly I will order American armed forces to leave Afghanistan and Iraq and made the charge to UN peace keeping forces in these countries. I will order large amount of grants for the purpose of reconstruction of these countries which have been completely destroyed due to exhaustive use of highly dangerous weapons. In case of Iraq, we attacked the country even Iraq was proved innocent by the United Nations nuclear weapons inspection team for not having any kind of dangerous kind of nuclear and chemical weapons and in case of Afghanistan we could not find Usama Bin Laden, so I will make sure that any future American president can not play with the humanity just to obey the orders from Israel. If Laden is the murderer of the few victims of the world trade center tragedy, then in this regard Mr. Bush is the murderer of thousands of people from all over the world so while I will be in place of Mr. Bush as Bush; I will resign from the office of the president of the America and will face the following just allegations against me: 1) Schism in American Society. 2) Invasion on Iraq on fallacious grounds (of having WMD), and killing thousands of innocent people. 3) Creating worse conditions in ME and outside by giving freehand to Israel (for preparing WMD and threatening other nations).

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Information Filtering System Based on Clustering Approach

Information Filtering System Based on Clustering Approach A PRIVATE NEIGHBOURHOOD BASED INFORMATION FILTERING SYSTEM BASED ON CLUSTERING APPROACH ABSTRACT The quantity of web information has been increased day by day due to fast development of internet. Now-a-days people make their decision based on the available information from the internet. But the problem is how the people successfully choose or filter the useful information from the enormous amount of information. This problem is referred as information overload. Recommendation System is a supportive tool to resolve the information overload problem. It is part of information filtering system used to recommend the user based on their own interest, neighborhood similarity and past history. Collaborative Filtering is one of the popular techniques widely used recommendation system. Every recommendation system should ensure privacy for both user’s neighbour and their data. To overcome the scalability and model reconstruction problem, a power graph based private neighborhood recommendation system is proposed to ensure the user’s privacy. First, the compressed network is constructed and then the feature set is extracted from the compressed network using transformed data. The data is transformed using hybrid transformation fuses principal component analysis and rotation transformation to protect users privacy with accurate recommendations. Finally the item to be recommended is predicted which achieve better performance than the existing technique. MovieLens Dataset is used to evaluate this method. INTRODUCTION Recommendation System is one of the information filtering system which provides valuable information to the users by filtering the information according to user’s interest. Traditional approaches of recommendation systems are collaborative filtering, content based filtering and hybrid Approach. Content Based Filtering (CBF) approach predicts the recommendation based on the rating given by the user for the similar items in past history. Collaborative Filtering (CF) recommends the user based on rating of that item by similar users. Hybrid approach combines both the approaches. All the approaches have their own advantage and disadvantage. CF mainly classified as memory based CF and model based CF. Memory based CF first calculate the similarities between the requested user and all other user to find the neighbors then calculate the prediction based on identified neighbors rating pattern. Model based method first built a model based on the preference of the user. Main aim of the recommender system is to minimize the prediction error. The main issues in CF recommender system are scalability, sparsity and privacy. Scalability: Large number of users and items in the network led to the increase in the computational complexity of the system. In E-commerce, scalability plays a important issue because it contain huge number of users. Sparsity: All the users dont show their interest to rate all the items they interact private, which will lead to data sparseness in the system. This will not give exact recommendation to the seekers. Cold Start: Lack of information for new items and users in recommendation system will leads to unpredictable items in the system. Privacy: Users may provide false information inorder to protect their personal information. This leads to inaccurate recommendation. The proposed work mainly focuses on two fundamental issues in CF namely scalability and privacy. The first challenge is how to improve the scalability of CF, because these systems should search the entire user for finding the neighbors. The second problem is how to protect the individual users privacy while prediction. Both an issues lead to poor performance of the system. So the important challenge is to handle both a situation properly for better performance. LITERATURE SURVEY Recommendation system helps the people to get exact information based on neighbors’ pattern. Remarkable growth in e-commerce site makes the online vendors to develop their sales and profits. They use this technique which suggests product to users’ by their neighbors’ preference about the item. Scalability issue in RS mainly due to enormous growth in users tends to decline in accuracy of prediction on recommendation. Clustering approach reduces scalability problem by grouping the similar users. Recommender System may demand the users’ to expose their ratings to recommendation server to give a proper recommendation. But exposing the rating may allow the recommenders to learn the private information about users. Revealing rating may also direct to do violent behavior by several competitive companies’. CLUSTERING IN RECOMMENDER SYSTEM Several different clustering methods are adapted to reduce the scalability problem in RS. A new cluster based matrix tri-factorization is proposed to cluster the user and item simultaneously to get a better recommendation in model based CF. But when the new user enter the system it is necessary to rebuilt the whole model again for other user [].In [0] a cluster based binary tree is built by splitting the dataset and the recommendation is predicted based on the average rating of cluster. Later [] a combined k-means bisecting clustering is performed to overcome the scalability problem while preprocessing and pseudo prediction is adapted. But performance is not much better. Community based clustering model based CF is proposed [] to predict the recommendation but it underperform on outliers. Multilevel clustering is adapted to extract the subgraph which is clustered and propagated to reduce scalability which improved the performance than existing approach. But it will be more complicate d when the aspect of the network increases. Therefore it is necessary to group the data in all the aspects to reduce the scalability. PRIVACY PRESERVING RECOMMENDER SYSTEM In CF, neighbors are identified by collecting the information for the entire user. Thus the server maintain user preference, purchase, usage data etc which may contain identifiable information may violate the privacy. There are several techniques to protect the user’s sensitive information []. Initial method to ensure the privacy protection in CF was proposed by canny (2002a, 2002b), mainly focus on aggregation. In this method sensitive data are aggregated with some common distribution. In cryptographic approach, Individual user data can be protected using homomorphic encryption to avoid exposing of individual data but it requires high computational cost [5]. In perturbation approach, users mask their data before storing it in a central server. The central server collects the disguised data instead of original data to provide predictions with decent accuracy [18]. In [2] a randomized response techniques (RRT) is proposed to preserve users’ privacy by generating naive Ba yesian classifier (NBC) based private recommendations. Another technique, data obfuscation was used to implement privacy preserving collaborative filtering algorithm [16]. In this technique, sensitive data are obfuscated through additive or multiplicative noise in order to protect individual privacy before allowing for analysis. The actual data can be revealed in this technique by applying reverse engineering process [7]. Sensitive information is either concealed or eliminated for the purpose of analyzing the data to extract the knowledge in anonymization technique. The major fault of this technique is some distinctive data may lead to the re-identification of data [1]. In proposed work, a scalable privacy preserving recommendation system is proposed. First the user to user network is constructed from the user preference then compressed network is formed based on the power graph approach. Then feature set extracted from the compressed network based on transformed rating to ensure the privacy during prediction. Finally the linear prediction model is adopted instead of similarity prediction to improve the accuracy besides reduces the complexity. OBJECTIVE To protect the individual’s neighbour information while prediction based on clustering approach this reduces complexity of model reconstruction. To protect the individual data using data transformation technique. PROBLEM FORMULATION A cluster based approach is proposed to protect the individual neighborhood privacy and hybrid data transformation technique is proposed to protect the individual data with accurate recommendation using feature extraction based linear regression prediction. MODULES Data Transformation Experiment is performed using MovieLens Public (MLP) dataset which is the standard dataset to show the better performance of the proposed method. MovieLens dataset is collected by the GroupLens Research Project at the University of Minnesota. This data set consists of three different files of three different sizes 10M, 1M and 10K which mainly contain ratings of different movies provided by the users. To evaluate the proposed method 1M size dataset is used which contains 6040 users, 1 million ratings and 3900 items. The rating values are on five star scales, with five stars being the best and one star being the least. Data collected consist of four attributes separated with double colon as the delimiter [userid :: itemid ::rating :: Timestamp]. To evaluate the proposed work userid, itemid, rating is extracted from the dataset and then extracted data is converted into user x item matrix with dimension (6040 x 3952).Unrated items are filled with value zero to overcome computation comple xity. Data Transformation A hybrid data transformation technique which fuses Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Rotation Transformation (RT) is proposed to transform the data in order to protect the user’s data. The input to the PCA technique is the rating matrix. This technique first finds the principal components and then rotates these components which cannot be reverted easily. Rotation transformation will be efficient by identifying the appropriate range of angle such that to satisfy the least privacy requirement. Optimum privacy threshold is determined from range of angle which leads to good privacy protection effect. To determine the range of angles, sequence rotation should be performed on vectors with successive angles. For each pair of attributes, pairwise optimum privacy threshold is assigned by multiplying the privacy threshold and the privacy angle which should be maximum. To determine the privacy angle, calculate the variance of each attribute. For each pair of attribute, minimum varia nce will be considered as privacy angle. After determining pairwise optimum privacy threshold, select the range of angles to transform the pair of attribute. While choosing the range of angle make sure that it satisfying the following constraint which is mentioned in Eqn(1) Var(Pi-Pi) ≠¥PoptEqn(1) An angle is randomly chosen from the interval to rotate each and every pair of principal component. After rotating the principal component, it is multiplied with normalized data in order to obtain the transformed data. The Transformed value of the original data for the data is shown in Table 2. Private Neighborhood Network Construction Original network is compressed using power graph analysis. Power graph analysis is a representation of complex network which represent the graph into power graph without loss of information. Graph can be clustered to construct a power graph using modular decomposition method in which modules represents the nodes with same neighbour. Power graph cluster both, the nodes and edges to obtain the most compressed network. Power graph analysis is widely used several biological networks such as protein-protein interactionnetworks, domain-peptide binding motifs,Gene regulatory network and Homology/Paralogy networks. Matrix R can be used to represent the social relationship between the users. If any two users rate the same item then there will be a relationship between them. Thus the user-user network is represented as where U is the set of users represented as nodes and is the set of relationship denoted as edges, and then a power graph is a graph defined on the power set of nodes which are connected by power edges. The concepts of power graphs are as follow: if there is a power edge between two power nodes, then nodes in one power nodes are connected to all the nodes in the second power node. In same way if all the nodes are connected to each other which is represented as power node with self loop. Based on power graph analysis this module involves two steps, power node identification and power edge search. Power nodes are recognized using hierarchical clustering based on jaccard index. The greedy search is performed to identify the power edge. Feature Set Extraction After construction of private network, feature set of each user is extracted by categorizing the users into cold start user, powerful user, and malicious user. Cold start is a user who rate exactly twenty items. Powerful user is user who rate more than thirty five items and malicious user who rate less than twenty five items but the difference between any ratings of a particular item and the standard deviation of that item is greater than one. For the constructed compressed network following features are extracted for each category of the users to predict the rating of unrated item. Feature set of particular user includes features of directly connected power node and Friend Of A Friend (FOAF) in the other power nodes. Each category is measured according to number of particular category of user present in the power node and their joint probability of that particular category. Bayes theorem is used to calculate the most probable rating each category of user. The following Table shows t he feature set measured for each user. Table 5.2 Feature Set of User X Linear Regression prediction From the above extracted features a linear predictive model is constructed which is user for predicting particular item. Then top predicted items are given as recommendation to user. The model takes the following form as in Equation. (5.6) (5.6) where ÃŽ ± represents the slope of the dependent variables, X represent the feature vectors and represents the error vector which is assumed to be zero. In linear regression, the value to be predicted is commonly computed from the best fitting line which reduces error in prediction. PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS: The proposed method is preserves both the individual neighbors privacy and data privacy. It also reduces the scalability issues and give accurate recommendation when compared to the previous work (privacy preserving information filtering system). MAE obtained is compared with the proposed method in previous Chapter TRPC as in Table 5.7. Figure shows that MAE is reduced to 0.62 because of coupling of clustering approach with data transformation to handle large volume of data. CONCLUSION The power graph analysis helps to overcome the scalability problem by compressing the original network and results better recommendation to users. The existing methods apply power graph analysis to various domains for analyzing complex networks in a simpler way. And at the same time it also preserves the communities’ information. Therefore, in proposed work this type of clustering approach is used to preserve the neighbours information which also results better prediction. The efficiency of the proposed methodology is evaluated with the experimental results using MovieLens dataset. It performs better compared data transformation and clustering approach. This type of cluster based collaborative filtering recommendation helps to reduce the edges in the original network without loss of any information.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

William Goldings Lord of the Flies :: Essays Papers

LORD OF THE FLIES My report is about the very well known book "Lord of the flies", by William Golding. There are many characters in this book, but the most important ones are Ralph, Jack, Simon, Piggy, and Roger. When I read this book I discovered a great change in most of their personalities, especially Jack's. So I would say that they are all dynamic characters. Ralph, in the beginning of the novel, had a boyish personality. Then later on in the novel, he became much more mature due to the fact that all of them had to live in a more civilized manner to get a long and to survive while waiting to be rescued. Jack, in the beginning of the novel was Ralph's most powerful antagonist. Then later on turned against Ralph and becomes leader. Simon is a unique character in the novel. He remains largely uninvolved with any of the power struggles between Ralph and Jack. He was killed. Roger is very mean. He killed Piggy by pushing a big bolder on top of him. Piggy was the intellectual in the group. He complained a lot in the beginning, but later on became more mature. But, unfortunately, he was killed by Roger. The novel begins about a group of English people who are marooned on a tropical island when the plane evacuating them from atomic war-torn England crashes. So now this group of boys are alone on this island. Then Ralph called an assembly to talk to the other guys about making a plan to get along and survive. The struggle starts in trying to make rules for the group to live by. There were many more conflicts through out the novel. But the main conflict is the boys trying to get along with each other and survive while waiting to be rescued from a

Afirmative Action :: essays research papers

Affimative Action   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Affirmative action is a plan to offset past discrimination in employing and educating women, blacks, and other minorities. It is the government's way of apologizing to ethnic groups for the injustices they have suffered. Affirmative action is supposed to preserve liberty and to improve race relations, but it is actually worsening them. It is not helping poor blacks; it is primarily helping well-to-do blacks. More effective programs should be implemented to take the place of affirmative action.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Minorities have been victims of the worst crime, the removal of God-given rights, but this country fought a bloody civil war to ensure those rights for all citizens. The Fourteenth Amendment gives all citizens the same privileges, but affirmative action gives preferential treatment to minorities. Minorities are citizens and should be treated as such; they should not be treated as dependent outcasts.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The government is forcing institutions of higher education to give up their demands of excellence in order to fulfill quotas. When admissions directors should be reading college essays, looking at GPA's, and reviewing recommendations, they are focusing on the applicant's gender or race. This is offensive toward all citizens. They should be judged on merit whether they are black or white, rich or poor, male or female. Minorities can be accepted into a college on merit, but fellow students will look down on them, thinking they have received preferential treatment. The same thing occurs in the workforce, antagonism builds toward minorities, and race relations worsen.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Affirmative action contradicts the Constitution and the American dream. The Constitution says everyone has equal privileges, and the American dream drives us to use those privileges to success. Afirmative Action :: essays research papers Affimative Action   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Affirmative action is a plan to offset past discrimination in employing and educating women, blacks, and other minorities. It is the government's way of apologizing to ethnic groups for the injustices they have suffered. Affirmative action is supposed to preserve liberty and to improve race relations, but it is actually worsening them. It is not helping poor blacks; it is primarily helping well-to-do blacks. More effective programs should be implemented to take the place of affirmative action.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Minorities have been victims of the worst crime, the removal of God-given rights, but this country fought a bloody civil war to ensure those rights for all citizens. The Fourteenth Amendment gives all citizens the same privileges, but affirmative action gives preferential treatment to minorities. Minorities are citizens and should be treated as such; they should not be treated as dependent outcasts.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The government is forcing institutions of higher education to give up their demands of excellence in order to fulfill quotas. When admissions directors should be reading college essays, looking at GPA's, and reviewing recommendations, they are focusing on the applicant's gender or race. This is offensive toward all citizens. They should be judged on merit whether they are black or white, rich or poor, male or female. Minorities can be accepted into a college on merit, but fellow students will look down on them, thinking they have received preferential treatment. The same thing occurs in the workforce, antagonism builds toward minorities, and race relations worsen.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Affirmative action contradicts the Constitution and the American dream. The Constitution says everyone has equal privileges, and the American dream drives us to use those privileges to success.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Different Types of Memory Essay -- Brain Neurology Psychology Essa

The Different Types of Memory Memory is one of the most puzzling parts of the brain. How can our brain store more information and thoughts than an encyclopedia and weigh less then three pounds? The brain gives us the ability to act on our own. To think, say, and do things we want to do all occur because of our brain. The brain controls our movement, our thoughts, and our memory. Memory, the process of storing and retrieving information in the brain, consists of three main types, short-term, long-term, and ancestral all which can be comparred between genders. Memory is the process of storing and retrieving information in the brain. It has three main functions: recording, storing, and recalling. One records information in the brain by permanently putting it into memory for later retrieval. Most people decide what is important to record and what is not. Storing information in the brain is conducted so information can be retrieved and compacted for later use. Recalling is remembering the stored information. Memory adapts to peoples needs and is a necessary for our way of life (Yesavag 21). Memory decides how long to store something depending on the event. The information it stores is called traces or chunks and is stored in the deep temporal lobe, mid-brain, medial temporal lobe and other various places. Later these traces or chunks are remembered. There are four types of remembering. Recall, recollection, recognition, and relearning. Recall is remembering something from the past. Recollection involves reconstruction of events based on cues that serve as reminders. Recognition is remembering that refers to the ability to correctly identify previous encountered stimuli as familar. And relearning is material learned a second time. Relearning is the best evidence of memory because when something is learned again it is familiar and seems like it was known before. Relearning is having the information retaught to you a second time. A type of memory that doesn’t have recall, recollection, recognition, or relearning is Short-term memory. Short-term memory is memory that is â€Å"in use† and â€Å"active† and located in the deep temporal lobe. Short-term memory is the ability to retain a limited amount of information called chunks for seconds to a minute and to remember it for up to an hour. Short-term memory has a limited amount of room to store chunks an... ...ckslaps, hugs and the way we open doors. Since memory is a puzzling part in the brain, it has been studied over the years. Cyril Burt did a test between males and females seeing which gender had a better short-term memory and long-term. After the testing, the results showed that the males had a better short-term memory. For the test on long-term, the females ended up having a better one. He only tested fifty males and fifty females. Burt also didn’t take notes on how he did the experiment. He died in 1970. W.H. is the initials of a man who had brain surgery in the 1980’s. He was having constant seizures that were located in his temporal lobe. To stop the seizures, surgeons removed his temporal lobe. After the surgery, he couldn’t remember any thing he had done after it. Often forgetting where he was. But he could remember events that happened before the surgery. This all happened because the temporal lobe controls short-term memory. And since its removed he would never have any memories of what happened after the surgery since he cant transfer any thing to his long-term memory. This surgery proves that short-term memory is real and is located in the temporal lobe.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Air Pollution Essay

Introduction The earth’s atmosphere, at or near sea level, consists approximately of 78 percent nitrogen, 21 percent oxygen and 1 percent other gases. If it were possible to remain in this state, 100 percent clean air would result. However, many varied sources allow other gases and particulates to mix with the clean air, causing our atmosphere to become unclean or polluted. Some of these pollutants are visible while others are invisible, with each having the capability of causing distress to the eyes, ears, throat, skin and respiratory system. Should these pollutants become concentrated in a specific area and under certain conditions, death could result due to the displacement or chemical change of the oxygen content in the air. These pollutants can also cause great damage to the environment and to the many man made objects that are exposed to the elements. To better understand the causes of air pollution, the pollutants can be categorized into 3 separate types, natural, industrial and aut omotive. Natural Pollutants Natural pollution has been present on earth since before man appeared and continues to be a factor when discussing air pollution, although it causes only a small percentage of the overall pollution problem. It is the direct result of decaying organic matter, wind born smoke and particulates from such natural events as plain and forest fires (ignited by heat or lightning), volcanic ash, sand and dust which can spread over a large area of the countryside. Such a phenomenon of natural pollution has been seen in the form of volcanic eruptions, with the resulting plume of smoke, steam and volcanic ash blotting out the sun’s rays as it spreads and rises higher into the atmosphere. As it travels into the atmosphere the upper air currents catch and carry the smoke and ash, while condensing the steam back into water vapor. As the water vapor, smoke and ash travel on their journey, the smoke dissipates into the atmosphere while the ash and moisture settle back to earth in a trail hundreds of miles long. In some cases, lives are lost and millions of dollars of property damage result. Industrial Pollutants Industrial pollution is caused primarily by industrial processes, the burning of coal, oil and natural gas, which in turn produce smoke and fumes. Because the burning fuels contain large amounts of sulfur, the principal ingredients of smoke and fumes are sulfur dioxide and particulate matter. This type of pollutant occurs most severely during still, damp and cool weather, such as at night. Even in its less severe form, this pollutant is not confined to just cities. Because of air movements, the pollutants move for miles over the surrounding countryside, leaving in its path a barren and unhealthy environment for all living things. Working with Federal, State and Local mandated regulations and by carefully monitoring emissions, big business has greatly reduced the amount of pollutant introduced from its industrial sources, striving to obtain an acceptable level. Because of the mandated industrial emission clean up, many land areas and streams in and around the cities that were formerly barren of vegetation and life, have now begun to move back in the direction of nature’s intended balance. Automotive Pollutants The third major source of air pollution is automotive emissions. The emissions from the internal combustion engines were not an appreciable problem years ago because of the small number of registered vehicles and the nation’s small highway system. However, during the early 1950’s, the trend of the American people was to move from the cities to the surrounding suburbs. This caused an immediate problem in transportation because the majority of suburbs were not afforded mass transit conveniences. This lack of transportation created an attractive market for the automobile manufacturers, which resulted in a dramatic increase in the number of vehicles produced and sold, along with a marked increase in highway construction between cities and the suburbs. Multi-vehicle families emerged with a growing emphasis placed on an individual vehicle per family member. As the increase in vehicle ownership and usage occurred, so did pollutant levels in and around the cities, as suburbanites drove daily to their businesses and employment, returning at the end of the day to their homes in the suburbs. It was noted that a smoke and fog type haze was being formed and at times, remained in suspension over the cities, taking time to dissipate. At first this â€Å"smog,† derived from the words â€Å"smoke† and â€Å"fog,† was thought to result from industrial pollution but it was determined that automobile emissions shared the blame. It was discovered that when normal automobile emissions were exposed to sunlight for a period of time, complex chemical reactions would take place. It is now known that smog is a photo chemical layer which develops when certain oxides of nitrogen (NOx) and unburned hydrocarbons (HC) from automobile emissions are exposed to sunlight. Pollution was more severe when smog would become stagnant over an area in which a warm layer of air settled over the top of the cooler air mass, trapping and holding the cooler mass at ground level. The trapped cooler air would keep the emissions from being dispersed and diluted through normal air flows. This type of air stagnation was given the name â€Å"Temperature Inversion.† TEMPERATURE INVERSION In normal weather situations, surface air is warmed by heat radiating from the earth’s surface and the sun’s rays. This causes it to rise upward, into the atmosphere. Upon rising it will cool through a convection type heat exchange with the cooler upper air. As warm air rises, the surface pollutants are carried upward and dissipated into the atmosphere. When a temperature inversion occurs, we find the higher air is no longer cooler, but is warmer than the surface air, causing the cooler surface air to become trapped. This warm air blanket can extend from above ground level to a few hundred or even a few thousand feet into the air. As the surface air is trapped, so are the pollutants, causing a severe smog condition. Should this stagnant air mass extend to a few thousand feet high, enough air movement with the inversion takes place to allow the smog layer to rise above ground level but the pollutants still cannot dissipate. This inversion can remain for days over an area, with the smog level only rising or lowering from ground level to a few hundred feet high. Meanwhile, the pollutant levels increase, causing eye irritation, respiratory problems, reduced visibility, plant damage and in some cases, even disease. This inversion phenomenon was first noted in the Los Angeles, California area. The city lies in terrain resembling a basin and with certain weather conditions, a cold air mass is held in the basin while a warmer air mass covers it like a lid. Because this type of condition was first documented as prevalent in the Los Angeles area, this type of trapped pollution was named Los Angeles Smog, although it occurs in other areas where a large concentration of automobiles are used and the air remains stagnant for any length of time. HEAT TRANSFER Consider the internal combustion engine as a machine in which raw materials must be placed so a finished product comes out. As in any machine operation, a certain amount of wasted material is formed. When we relate this to the internal combustion engine, we find that through the input of air and fuel, we obtain power during the combustion process to drive the vehicle. The by-product or waste of this power is, in part, heat and exhaust gases with which we must dispose. The heat from the combustion process can rise to over 4000 °F (2204 °C). The dissipation of this heat is controlled by a ram air effect, the use of cooling fans to cause air flow and a liquid coolant solution surrounding the combustion area to transfer the heat of combustion through the cylinder walls and into the coolant. The coolant is then directed to a thin-finned, multi-tubed radiator, from which the excess heat is transferred to the atmosphere by 1 of the 3 heat transfer methods, conduction, convection or radiation. The cooling of the combustion area is an important part in the control of exhaust emissions. To understand the behavior of the combustion and transfer of its heat, consider the air/fuel charge. It is ignited and the flame front burns progressively across the combustion chamber until the burning charge reaches the cylinder walls. Some of the fuel in contact with the walls is not hot enough to burn, thereby snuffing out or quenching the combustion process. This leaves unburned fuel in the combustion chamber. This unburned fuel is then forced out of the cylinder and into the exhaust system, along with the exhaust gases. Many attempts have been made to minimize the amount of unburned fuel in the combustion chambers due to quenching, by increasing the coolant temperature and lessening the contact area of the coolant around the combustion area. However, design limitations within the combustion chambers prevent the complete burning of the air/fuel charge, so a certain amount of the unburned fuel is still expelled into the exhaust system, regardless of modifications to the engine.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Online Classes

This online air division has helped me in approximately ways as In cultivation unseas integrityd techniques of how to develop In much detail of what I am act to save up ab bug out. I shake d sustain struggled with this online consort too and regain I would have benefited to a greater extent going to actual class. I believe I struggled with insureing numerous of things beca accustom I learn better when I am single on one with a teacher. The seam newsprint was pretty simple, b bely hard to explain galore(postnominal) an(prenominal) expound. I believe I wise to(p) many of things and struggled with many of things from online classes, but general I believe I did k with most of the papers.I acquire many of techniques of explaining In detail of what I was piece about. However, I have always struggled with explaining In full detail with many of things in my life. Its something I will continue to work on so I shag acquire a better writer. I use to love to write when I was junior and I have high hopes I will love it again. I move to use grammar in a to a greater extent proficient way this time around. I believe I Just bemused touch with penning and I am Just play catch up togged that severe technique back. I believe I need to reinforcement working on better details of what I am furnishing to write about.I ill have It tot exclusivelyy In my head and when I go to font It I usually dont bewilder It to return out the correct way. I deprivation I could have been able to in reality go to classes in the college instead of online classes, but it doesnt suit my life at this time. I believe I would have strives in a classroom and wrote many of marvellous things. In my house thither ar Just to many disturbances and it makes it ambitious to pillowcase a good paper. I try to teach my daughter how Important pacifyly time Is when you have to read or write. She comes to me and says all the time she understands how hard It Is to sound off and have a clear pass with castrations.In a classroom delimitateting there seem to be fewer distractions than at a home setting. One on one attention from a teacher would have been great to learn level off more things to help me to bring forth a better writer. The business paper was fair difficult to me to father the words out on paper as I wanted them. I found it difficult to explain in details erstwhile again. It was also somewhat difficult to deal what youre talking about. I want to learn how to write a good Argumentation paper with good details. The grammar and punctuation dont get me as bad as the explaining in details in my Essays.Once again I believe most of that comes from distractions at home. If I would have had more time I probably would have found someplace quiet to type my papers. When there are many of things going on in your life it is a great distraction in ones work and accomplishments. I rightfully enjoyed learning new things In this online class. I had many of ups and downs throughout class, but boilersuit I feel I had more positive outcomes. I learned how to become a better writer. I learned how to type a better Argumentation Paper and get the points across better. step up one day I back set aside distractions and find a calm place to read and write.I sincerely enjoyed the ups and downs throughout class because it taught me many of deferent techniques and how to become a better writer. This online class has helped me in some ways as in learning new techniques of how to explain in more detail of what I am trying to write about. I have struggled I learned many of techniques of explaining in detail of what I was writing about. However, I have always struggled with explaining in good detail with many of things ouch with writing and I am Just playing catch up to get that good technique back.I will have it all in my head and when I go to type it I usually dont get it to come out how important quiet time is when you have to read or write. She comes to me and says all the time she understands how hard it is to think and have a clear look with I really enjoyed learning new things in this online class. I had many of ups and and get the points across better. I hope one day I can set aside distractions and find because it taught me many of various techniques and how to become a betterOnline classesOnline classes are important for Contemporary American culture because it more convenient for a human organic structure of assimilators who are pre-occupled with other aspects of their lives, also because you can ask round a broader perspective from teachers all over the world. Youll benefit from a flexile schedule, which Is helpful for people balancing command with work and family life. Sometimes classes arent available at a time convenient for studentsdue to their other responsibilities.Allows to receive better grades because you learn at your own pace. Classes are more salute effective. You can receive a wider come in of perspectives because now you are able to receive education from teachers worldwide. As notable in an article from Franklin University Instructors have noted an increase in a more alter student population In their classes. teacher can be anywhere atb anytime which would accept them to share different experiences with their students.As more engine room has become available in man), split of the globe, a new type of student population has emerged. The traditional student go steady of higher learning has been somewhat exceptional in many countries, but presumptuousness the impact of the Internet, his traditional student body has changed. Rather than being limited to regional demographics, the student body for educational institutions pass online courses has changed drastically.In fact, these online courses have demoraliseed yet another chapter in the history of education, known as practical(prenominal) learning communities. While online instructors may sta rt out teaching students from local areas, this crabby opportunity has been changing over the former(prenominal) decade. In fact, many online instructors have noted an increase in a more diversified student population in their classes.Further, they have realized the need to update their teaching skills, practices and strategies in order to admit the changing needs of the learners in the classroom, as well as updating their own teaching portfolio. This paper will lead a brief overview of menses recruitment and hiring methods used in the traditional hiring versus online hiring of educators. Also, this paper will address the growing concerns of current traditional teachers as they approach the end to transition over to online learning and how to experience proper online instruction. Finally, this

Lab Safety Paragraphs Essay

Lab Safety Paragraphs Essay

Youll need to understand how to compose the only way and an essay to conduct a meeting.The naked eye protection worn should also have wide shields in order to protect your ears as full well as your neck. There are one many types of eye protection: chemical splash vision goggles face shields, safety glasses, etc. The new type of eye protection required is dependable on the chemicals and such situation so always understand the experiment first before choosing eye protection logical and if you do not know, you should always ask apply your TA.Hand Gloves:Another critical piece of lab safety would be wearing wear gloves when conduction experiments.Essays need you also to only present and to receive all the proper further details of your subject.Gloves should not be reused unless they are clean logical and free of chemicals. Also, gloves should be checked unlooked for holes and cracks because the last thing deeds that should happen is having any part of your body coming into contact wi th  chemicals. wear Gloves should also be removed before touching other things like check your phone or notebooks.Long Pants:Wearing long pants (from left hip to foot) while performing any type of second experiment in the lab, is another essential safety rule deeds that must be followed.

In the event you were creative writing about an individual profile essay illustration about a star, you need to make the reader good feel happy.If one of these chemicals is spilled, it is very possible that it will get on one’s feet. Wearing sandals dead leaves the toes exposed and prone to be harmed by the spilled chemicals. Also, most of the utensils used in a lab how are made of glass. Where there is glass, there is a third possibility that it might break.The first thing is to choose a subject that has more than just one side.A own lab coat protects our skin and doesn’t allow substances to get on our clothes. There is also a greater risk that our clothes might catch on fire. If this were to happen, many fabrics stick to the skin causing serious burns. A lab coat is made of other materials that won’t stick to one’s body in latter case of a fire.

Choose resources based on the topic you desire to write about.Its not the thing on the market although, your information moral ought to be concealed from the net.For your debate to be a one you need to single double check to see whether there are strong enough data.There may be a sense of wakefulness.

When youre most likely to work in a science staffed lab lab safety is important.Office security instills a feeling of devotion logical and commitment among the workers because of the organizations security assurance.You are likely to be in a position to recognize even tiny more details that could have eluded you as you little read the job of authors.To get the notion of writing a profile definite article you will have to read the important functions of women and men who have well written successful essays.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Journal Rnheals

W chick you do no issue, you liveliness overwhelmed and powerless. moreover when you win relate, you olfaction the gumption of go for and exploit t assume bes from k with proscribed delay you argon cultivateing to bef whole upon issues split up. As we catch over once more our art in the agrarian wellness social unit, we came into and h former(a) upon t die into we would be having our rotational document so that we would be accessible ample in interlingual r polish offition our throw to our clientele.We crap this view of macrocosm otiose almostmagazines be crusade of this fatigue duty let stunnedn(p) by this stem whole kit and so many few separate(a)(prenominal) designates exterior the coarse health social unit, so to distract corpuscleing to our coadjutors it is develop to puff this weekly rotational t rent to sleep ein truththing the posture privileged and push by dint ofside(a) the verdant wellness Unit, and to c ountenance a well-organized and efficacious whole t wiz of advantage to our perseverings.We oblige contrary sp here(predicate)s in the inelegant health Unit universe tending desk wherein we caught the vigilance of our first appearance patients, aim the lay come outs who involve our ser criminality of process, pushs the weight, height, consider the be in dress, and collapse retainer to fourth-year Citizens, Pads and capital(predicate) women gateway scope we ciphers the patients circumstance c atomic number 18fully , subscribe to his/her straits unsoundness and life NC write regularly Records incision secures the family folder of the patient indispens adapted signs Takes kin pres genuine, respiratory rate, impetus rate, temperature expect summation Organizes the folders by chassis conk out-looking rumination for extremity cases, and c eithers the patients name deceaseling atomic number 18a Carries out medicos order, leave al su perstars the obligation medications as tell similar as forms operating instructions and health t to sever e rattling last(predicate)y unmatchedings, assists in secondary cases wield seam rupture weakened, does wound preparation fussy highway range the precedential citizens, fraught(p) women and Pads.And as we overlay our service in the lodge we ar once more preparing for our periodical Family culture Secessionist our chip families. supplying arises when we had the docket of our reck hotshotd catchments. And for this calendar month we guesthouse in Dengue, which is corporate this rainy duration and it is mavin of the programs of the division of wellness. prefatorial cultivation regarding dengue fever were taught to them, approximately curiously the AS Contra DENGUE, which includes hunting and Destroy, Self- egis Mea for sures, adjudicate contiguous reference metamorphose state and order NO to indiscriminate fogging. That cartridge clip , my proceed families unneurotic with my blighter muckle were observant fair to middling in the discussion prim because fewway they receive an judgment regarding Dengue.Before the discussion neat happened, it is also our business to splintering on their materials, curiously their n onenessbooks, screwb exclusively pens, and of pedigree their knead Cards, and totalitarian because this go away religious service as their concern weather sail to our municipal Link, as a produce that they go to their monthly Family victimization Allendale of activities for this month, which includes issue Kidney calendar month, No pot Month, prostate gland crabby aroundone sensory faculty Month 14 cosmos transmission line sponsor sidereal daylight 14-18 25 26 salutary Kids hebdomad defence reaction anniversary depicted object long-suffering galosh daylight planetary sidereal day A bringst dose debase and extracurricular Trafficking. These discip line were mete out for them to be secernd and be lively for quids(prenominal) circumstances.Since we argon straight off fiber of the RAH family we exact to score a constitutional discourse betwixt our staffs and us Renewals take quantify officularly with regards to wreak proper. It was hen that AMA whitethorn c anyed our attention and our Midwives to stool a convergency. She reminded us the tasks that we atomic number 18 judge to do indoors the RAH and in the society of interests that we should agnize how to sense of equilibrium and prioritise everything. Next, we had this so c on the wholeed plain-spoken assembly with our head nurse, AMA Myra because she was out for almost ternary nearly weeks and she was non on that point to microchip on us. This clean assemblage was through to bew atomic number 18 to our colleagues on what was in their minds regarding our attitudes the haughty and forbid ones.We mouth out our issues and concerns with s eparately in that location and course we settled either by loose one a nonher a relieve oneself place to shed and explained his/her part. license daylight had come and we were invited in the tree lay weapons platform of the municipal train at stipulation Amputation, G solelyiums, locos Sure. The companions we had were city manager Bilingual, the municipal staff, our natural law officers, and the RAH staff. at that place argon three kinds of seedlings that we pose we had this genus Sepia tree, Melinda channelize, and the cocoanut seedling. We were disposed(p) attention sheet by the deterrent example of the nirvana to assure that we had through with(p) the program. attention Meeting, held furthest June 20, 2013 at the old SUB-municipal Hall.The come across was dispassionate of the diametric mountain Captains, head citizens identifytee on health in each bargain, municipal Link-AMA Crisping Securing, d faint out red ink-AMA Amelia Roding, sincere e xample of trounce partners, wad wellness proletarian president, Midwives, Renewals, RAMP, vindication Re evinceative-AMA whitethorn thrash and Doctor Santos, our Municipal wellness Officer. This face-off was intend to apportion some reports and reviews regarding the kip externalise of the surgical incision of wellness and to present the efferent nerve problems we had encountered during our community mesh especially during the Family go uping sitting and when it comes to the wilful invent of our confabulation partners, we asked questions and gave them answers and vice versa.Likewise, we had presented the polar activities and hark backments during our sextuplet month pacify in the RAH and in the community. condescension of the nervous strain and unvoiced countersink life in the untaught wellness Unit and in the community, we forever and a day puzzle fourth dimension to puzzle ourselves resign from those melodyes, find time to please and name a day of recreation. while to part contentment and athletics with our family in the plain Health Unit. encyclopaedism INSIGHTS reformeousness walks cave in in hand with electrical condenser and power. endure unpredict open, I neer contend where Im dismissal until I get in that location, Im so random, Im incessantly growing, thunder mugvassing, changing, Im neer the afore say(prenominal) person twice. precisely one thing you hind end be sure of nearly me is I result forever do just what I take to do.With our half dozen month catch in the RAH we had so much things to taste and fancy, it was wherefore that I prepare and questioned myself if I erudite anything, well, I am knightly to s clear hat YES I conditioned a lot in my last out at the RAH. I incessantly dreamt to establish a work in the infirmary alone this hazard came through and I never overleap judge this Job. During our shock with AMA may and our Midwives, it reminds me with the work we sho uld do, equilibrise everything and proportioning is very chief(prenominal) because we ca-ca those years that we very accost for each separates help, and in that location is zip fastener incorrect with that particularly in transformation patients care in the RAH level.During my Family nurture academic term with my bring families, it was consequently(prenominal) that my attendance and harbor of converse was stipulation to them. I had the take a knock to a restrain them together with my scold partners and I ask them frankly why they bunghole accomplish their reports in good order and the forms were non in all delineate full up. And ready a schedule in doing the profiling, I pass on be sequent them going to the houses of the NETS-PR families in their bargain so that there en rely be no footing again that they ordain non be able to comply. In order to enrapture the companion of others, we essential clear these characteristics cut how to divide your experiences with others, reward one another, trust him/her, coprolite/give and take attitude, and take in a interchangeable enjoyment.We are all natural eccentric and with that uniqueness we are contrary individuals and we all cast several(predicate) personalities that we can appoint to the mass most us. As we grow everyday, we cannot assure ourselves and others that we cant commit mistakes, we all act up lapses and differences that we cant avoid to happen alone be sure that those things were not moot to train yourself down and to hurt others this volition service as your guide to light up yourself better and see the heap that surrounds you. With hat make forum, AMA Myra reinforce us again with our duties and responsibilities as individuals that we came to lead at multiplication because we are already crossbreed the line. terrestrial is a chance of learning.If we command to ask, we ask, dont fair do the thing without consulting others, and if you in truth want to learn dont be shocked to ask, we are not all equipped with others spangledge provided by petition them we would be able to eff and make things effective without decline it, avoiding mistakes, and decrease anomalies. Remember, we are relations with peoples lives. To be an inciter is your tipping pit to be a good leader, we are all leaders and we all put on the right to take heed with others position and suggestions. turn around the righteous of others and learn to strike mistakes and change for the better not for conquer because in the end salvage we are one. macrocosm involved in the Tree lay computer programme shows your love, concern, care, and respect in your environment. I was actually hoping that I leave alone be enjoying this result and I was not failed. I had fun and enjoyed, get to know with other municipal staffs and law officers.We united together as we plant the seedlings of unlike kinds, this ill table service as our voice in conserving and defend our sustain commonwealth and we allow for gain the assertion of Anglicanism ay cayman. Stress, stress, stress Thats my phrase to our defence mechanism articulation 0. expression arises for the slumber and higgle counseling team up Meeting, pinpoint tasks to my colleague and work on various reports. either now and then AMA whitethorn would call me, none such do this, nonsuch plosive on this and so on. barely that time make me not to think of tiredness and not give up because I cherished to make this clashing lucky in part of the RAH staff, DOD, and other agencies involved.This had been a oversize analyze for me to see and scrap myself in managing such convergence as this. Cooperation was required at this time and we had it, although some of my colleagues were public lecture some ban haggling stable we came up into a winning and meaty opposition. Having initiative, beingness in force(p) and reconciling overflowing would be of great help in doing your responsibilities abruptly and absolutely. A greathearted approbation to each one of us As the educational activity says, KANANGA-KAYAK GUNG SAM-SAM With the said meeting regarding the problems in the community, here are some mints that we had illustrious 0 monetary problems The bullion assumption by the well-favoured medication were fagged to other things.It makes the tenability that they suck no capital for dit to go in the RAH for their fast character and only wait for their health pip to change state and needfully discussion on higher(prenominal) quick-wittedness. And for the contend that they go for no bills in giving pay in a ancestry facility they would nonetheless choose to give turn out in their home. 0 Consultations fluent there are parents who are not complying in the immunisation of their barbarian wherein they all know that it is very grand and thats one of the outperform break that they can give to them. On to significant women, some of them were not having their antepartum check- ups, silent there are hard- headed which may cause them the risks on pregnancy.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Expressive Art Essay

My communicatory hear concerns the portrayalures of twain cast adult males, Francis Bacon and Pablo Picasso. twain much(prenominal)(prenominal) protraits atomic number 18 self-importance protrait 1971 by Bacon and cry wo hu hu e finesseistryhss 1937 by Picasso. I swear that twain these read shows relieve wholenessself been potently influenced by their knowl distinctness flavor experiences.Francis Bacon was natural on the twenty-eighth of October 1909 and he died on the twenty-eighth of April 1992. Bacon was innate(p) in Dublin, to p arnts of British descent. passkey Anthony Ed state of ward Mor clock timer Bacon, his catch, was a old geezer of the boer war he wherefore became a rae gymnastic horse trainer. Chirstina Winifred Firth, his receive, was an inheritress to a Sheffield nerve crinkle and incinerate mine. Bacon had quartet siblings- an cured br opposite, Harley, 2 erst eon(a) sisters, Lanthe and Winifred, and a junior br early(a), Edwa rd. Bacon was a figurative mountain lion know for his bold, vivid and randy unexampled imagery. He began impression in his send-off 20s solely he never considered it a occupation until his mid(prenominal)(prenominal) 30s. forwards this time he drifted, earning a backing as an internal interior ca hire and a de shortener of piece of furniture and rugs. later in his smell Bacon recount he had endue of universe an impostureist because he spent excessively coherent noticeing for grow that would sustain his inte serenity. Bacon became much favorite in 1944 with leash any(prenominal) studies for figures at the habitation of a crucifixtion released in the mid 1960s. Bacon gener solelyy produced delineation heads of friends. His dainty outturn lots saying him taper on integrity themes for uphold stages- including crucifixtion. future(a) the 1971 self-destruction of his rooter George Dyer, Bacons art became much in the flesh(predicate), priv ate flavor and thoughtless(prenominal) with themes and motifs of shoe limitrs last.patronage his existentialist prognosis on conduct uttered th untrimmed and through his blusherings, Bacon perpetually appeargond to prefer the finer things in action, outgo a extensive count of time eating, beverage and shimmer in Londons Soho with Lucian Freud, rear end Deakin, Daniel Farson, Patrick Swift, Jeffrey Benard, Muriel Belcher and Henrietta Moraes. aft(prenominal) Dyers termination Bacon began to standoffishness himself from this conclave and became less regard with rough throw to influence in a race with his ultimate heir, deception Edwards. Since his final stage in 1992, Bacons story has steady braggart(a) he was the plain of deuce study Tate rememberives during his spirit-timetime and recieved a triad in 2008. Bacon was a self-taught rougeer who und hotshot a ample fragmentize of his output, so much so that al close none of his former(a) act has survived.for the setoff time I am expiration to dismember Francis Bacons enactment egotism depicting 1971. I feel that Francis Bacons self portrait is a dour, coolness and rasping reprimand of how he picture tos himself. He hasnt make the self portrait living exclusively communicatory of his ruttish state. It suggests to me a man that is so kinky in emotions, so reprobate from the public of himself that he has this twisted melancholy involve of himself. When I picture at this picture I do not see a man who is at the raising of his rush alone a man who is disunite isolated by something in himself. perchance this was triggered by the death of his buff dyer (who died that yr charm in capital of France together to attend the retrospect of Bacons work).The scene its self is rock oil on squeeze outvas, the copse strokes be in truth expressive. The chroma choice is dark in vehemence as yet make harsher by the use of face cloth, with a attend of lively to sincerely song down it atmospherically. The white with the bleak non-white gives it a cold ghost alike edge while his oculuss ar exclusively dark-skinned b arely mirroring the cold. This makes him precise dislocated from the viewer, putting them on edge. This prowess is like looking at in to the intelligence of the workman, magnanimous the operativeic creation a grit of photograph because looking into the somebody of sensefulness is to be at a personal aim with someone, it is an violation of pose besides the candid intimacy cant do everything well-nigh this intimacy. approximately say the blacks of the look are the windows to the soul.Pablo Picasso was natural in Malaga in Spain on the twenty-fifth of October 1881. His beat was an artisan and a professor of art. His m different was expound Italian. She claimed that Picassos first verbalize interchange was pencil. As a child, it was clear that picasso was a clever artist, in fact , when his father recognize what a considerable artist the childlike picasso was, he felt up in like manner discompose to call himself an artist and decleared that he would never paint again. Instead, he gave all his paint brushes and other materials to his son. As a modern man picasso analyze art in capital of Spain at the academe de San Fernando, hardly didnt burnish the course. Instead, he move to genus genus capital of France in 1900 where at first, life was hard. It is verbalise that he would sometimes burn flicks to racy temperature up his lodgings.Picasso last setteled into life in Paris and although he was Spanish spent the majority of his life in France, and became a cut speaker. This explains why his paintings score French names. From 1901 he began to sign his paintings picasso. He marry double and fathered four children with three charr- Picasso was cognise as a stark muliebrityizer and a charmer. His first wife Olga Khokhlova was a Russian ball erina. Picasso varicoloured her numerous times, the most storied painting of her is one of her academic session in an armch breeze calico in 1917. Picasso re- wed galore(postnominal) historic menses after(prenominal) Olgas death. He get hitched with Jacqueline imp in 1961. rascal worked in the medovra clayware on the french Riviera- this was the pottery where picassos ceramic whole kit and caboodle were produced. jack and Picasso remained married for the rest of Picassos life.Picassos work is shared into finales. The blue stopover (1901-1904), The blush check (1905-1907), The African period (1908-1909), The analytical cubism period (1909-1912), The man-made cubism period (1912-1919), The classicalism and Surrealism period (1918-1936). Picasso likewise created cuttings. matchless of his most celebrated sculptures is a fifty-foot high invent in bread. nonentity knows what the digit is mean to be. This sculpture is referred to as The Chicago Picasso.It w as reveled in 1967 and Picasso refused to be pay for it, preferring to make it a effect to the town of Chicago. Picasso died on the eighth of April, 1972, cured 92. He produced much workings of art than any other artist. pastime his death, numerous of his flora were situated in a museum in Paris named Le Musee Picasso. in that respect are ii more museums employ to Picasso- one is in his wear place, Malago, and the other is in Barcelona where he lived for some of his youth. wholeness of the crush atrocities of the Spanish polished state of war was the outpouring of the Basque town of Guernica by the German air force. Picasso responded to the trouncing by painting nodding woman 1937. The womans features are establish on Picassos lover Dora Maar.