Monday, December 23, 2019

Truman s Decision For The Atomic Bomb - 980 Words

â€Å"Life as we know it could change forever. Are other countries making the same bomb? What if it falls into the wrong hands? They would have the power to eliminate whatever they wanted.† Harry S. Truman had the tremendous decision that could and would change life forever. The atomic bomb was not like any other bomb. The atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima, also known as Little boy was the biggest atomic bomb the world has ever seen. Truman made the right choice of choosing to drop the bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki because it saved lives, caused destruction, and forced surrender. In order to understand Truman’s decision one has to be able to understand the events that lead up to his choice. One of many events that took place was in 1937 when Japan invaded China because the Japanese claimed that Chinese army men fired at them at the Marco Polo bridge causing Japan to do a full invasion on China. China s most important port was taken over and that was Nanking, that s when the rape of Nanking was created. Nanking was a brutal place to be, â€Å"Pregnant women were not to be spared. In several instances, they were raped, then had their bellies split open†(â€Å"Rape of Nanking†). Another horrific happening in rape of Nanking was the Japanese forces Chinese men to rape their own daughters, sons to rape their own moms and brothers to rape their own sisters while the rest of the family watched(â€Å"Rape of Nanking†). To add on to Truman s decision, the United states were over by Honolulu atShow MoreRelatedTruman s Decision On The Drop ping Of The Atomic Bomb996 Words   |  4 PagesAldrin Ubaldo HIS 218-03 Atomic Bomb Paper Presidents Harry Truman’s decision on the dropping of the atomic bomb was the best decision he could make because having another land invasion similar to D-Day of June 1944 would risk more resources and soldiers’ lives on either side. 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