Monday, December 23, 2019

Truman s Decision For The Atomic Bomb - 980 Words

â€Å"Life as we know it could change forever. Are other countries making the same bomb? What if it falls into the wrong hands? They would have the power to eliminate whatever they wanted.† Harry S. Truman had the tremendous decision that could and would change life forever. The atomic bomb was not like any other bomb. The atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima, also known as Little boy was the biggest atomic bomb the world has ever seen. Truman made the right choice of choosing to drop the bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki because it saved lives, caused destruction, and forced surrender. In order to understand Truman’s decision one has to be able to understand the events that lead up to his choice. One of many events that took place was in 1937 when Japan invaded China because the Japanese claimed that Chinese army men fired at them at the Marco Polo bridge causing Japan to do a full invasion on China. China s most important port was taken over and that was Nanking, that s when the rape of Nanking was created. Nanking was a brutal place to be, â€Å"Pregnant women were not to be spared. In several instances, they were raped, then had their bellies split open†(â€Å"Rape of Nanking†). Another horrific happening in rape of Nanking was the Japanese forces Chinese men to rape their own daughters, sons to rape their own moms and brothers to rape their own sisters while the rest of the family watched(â€Å"Rape of Nanking†). To add on to Truman s decision, the United states were over by Honolulu atShow MoreRelatedTruman s Decision On The Drop ping Of The Atomic Bomb996 Words   |  4 PagesAldrin Ubaldo HIS 218-03 Atomic Bomb Paper Presidents Harry Truman’s decision on the dropping of the atomic bomb was the best decision he could make because having another land invasion similar to D-Day of June 1944 would risk more resources and soldiers’ lives on either side. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

The Role of Human Resources Management in an Organisation Free Essays

string(66) " in the context of the recently liberalized economic environment\." Introduction- Human resource is considered as the backbone of any organisation. The concept of the Human resource management (HRM) had been debated in the literature. Initially the concept of HRM developed from U. We will write a custom essay sample on The Role of Human Resources Management in an Organisation or any similar topic only for you Order Now S.A in the 1960s. It plays vital role in creating organisation. In the recent scenario human resources has added more values in developing country. The Human resource management is very fast growing concept. It has marvellous relevance in the productivity industry. Management of the people and staff practices and policies enable to carry organisation successfully. Human resource management is all about allowing staff to utilise their qualities in order to fulfil their contribution and role of the organisation motive and aim. Good human resource management is very much crucial if organisation want to entice and hold good staff. It also means that an organisation reduces risk to its staff and reputation. Human resources management can also reduce organisation cost. For example, good recruitment processes and policies mean that organisation can recruit more staff that can carry their jobs very efficiently. On the counter part, good system for performance management mean that organisatio n has to ensure that they are achieving best from their staff. Human resource management included all management practices and decisions which may stimulus the employees. The Human Resources Management (HRM) included all activities like training; recruiting, satisfying employee’s needs and also confirming personnel and management practise. HRM also comprise managing an approach to provide compensation and benefits of employee. Evolution of the Human Resource function DIFFERENCES BETWEEN HRM AND PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT- Although both human resource management (HRM) and personnel management focus on people management, if we examine critically, there are many differences between them. Some are listed HRM, on the contrary, encourages organizations to look beyond pay for functional duties. Here, the pay is designed to encourage continuous job performance and improvement which is linked to value-added incentives such as gain sharing schemes, group profit sharing and individual incentive plans. The job design is no more functional based but teamwork and cyclical based. HRM creates a new approach towards job design such as job rotation which is inter and intra-departmental based and job enlargement which encourages one potential and capable individual to take on more tasks to add value to his/her job and in return enjoy added incentives and benefits. Organisation Structure and HRM strategy- Air-India is always well know importance of human resources and it HR polices are mainly focusing on best service in the airline industry. With the concentration on the same, Air-India also goes for campus recruitment from the colleges or universities to recruit young students for the company. The following the key factors for HR committee: Employee’s growth strategy Confinement and attraction strategies for worker To motivate learning within the company Human resource management department responsibilities can be broadly classified by individual, organizational, and career areas. Individual management entails helping employees identify their strengths and weaknesses; correct their shortcomings; and make their best contribution to the enterprise. These duties are carried out through a variety of activities such as performance reviews, training, and testing. Organizational development, meanwhile, focuses on fostering a successful system that maximizes human (and other) resources as part of larger business strategies. This important duty also includes the creation and maintenance of a change program, which allows the organization to respond to evolving outside and internal influences. The third responsibility, career development, entails matching individuals with the most suitable jobs and career paths within the organization. Human resource management functions are ideally positioned near the theoretic centre of the organization, with access to all areas of the business. Since the HRM department or manager is charged with managing the productivity and development of workers at all levels, human resource personnel should have access to and the support of key decision makers. In addition, the HRM department should be situated in such a way that it is able to effectively communicate with all areas of the company. HRM structures vary widely from business to business, shaped by the type, size, and governing philosophies of the organization that they serve. But most organizations organize HRM functions around the clusters of people to be helped they conduct recruiting, administrative, and other duties in a central location. Different employee development groups for each department are necessary to train and develop employees in specialized areas, such as sales, engineering, marketing, or executive education. In contrast, some HRM departments are completely independent and are organized purely by function. The same tra ining department, for example, serves all divisions of the organization. In recent years, however, observers have cited a decided trend toward fundamental reassessments of human resources structures and positions. â€Å"A cascade of changing business conditions, changing organizational structures, and changing leadership has been forcing human resource departments to alter their perspectives on their role and function almost over-night,† wrote John Johnston in Business Quarterly. â€Å"Previously, companies structured themselves on a centralized and compartmentalized basis?head office, marketing, manufacturing, shipping, etc. They now seek to decentralize and to integrate their operations, developing cross-functional teams. Today, senior management expects HR to move beyond its traditional, compartmentalized ‘bunker’ approach to a more integrated, decentralized support function.† Given this change in expectations, Johnston noted that â€Å"an increasingly common trend in human resources is to decentralize the HR function and ma ke it accountable to specific line management. This increases the likelihood that HR is viewed and included as an integral part of the business process, similar to its marketing, finance, and operations counterparts. However, HR will retain a centralized functional relationship in areas where specialized expertise is truly required,† such as compensation and recruitment responsibilities. Key HRM activities of Air-India Organization The employment relationship Resourcing Utilisation The changing role of the Human resources Management- Human Resources Management Models- By using the core concept of the HRM there are mainly five basic models which are used in practise. The assessment is lead in the context of the recently liberalized economic environment. You read "The Role of Human Resources Management in an Organisation" in category "Essay examples" The five models of HRM namely ‘Matching model, Harvard model, Contextual, 5-P model and European model identifies the main research question developing from these that can be used to highlight the HRM practices. Harvard Framework Model of the Human resources Management- The model shows and characterizes as a real actor which is capable of making some degree of the same contribution which is related to the corporate objective within the organizational constraints. The framework of Harvard model mainly has five components which are mainly The situational factors which influence the management of HR strategy. This model involves workforce characteristics management philosophy factors. According to Beer et al (1958), In the Human resources management policies, Stakeholders interests are the very important. To satisfy the stakeholder HRM should be responsible and if they failed to do so then they have to face some problems. Air-India had faced some problems in their past. HRM of Air-India had developed a new policy with the government and also they fulfilled the expectation of stakeholders. Policies of HRM select and totally focus upon the management actions and decision in the HR management which can be appreciated on the bases of result from an interaction between choices and constraints. Air-India sees to that polices that are being implemented should be approachable to the employee. Regular feedback should be made in the company through the different mediums. Human resource outcomes are highly employee commitment to organizational goals. Individual performance is the leading to the cost effectiveness of product and the services. As mentioned above paragraph the HRM is in this Air-India organization is participating in six major areas. By Optimizing the success of the Air-India’s Service through effective management and the development of the most valuable employees is responsibility of HRM. The Harvard Framework model helps in maintaining good relations of HRM with the other department of management which includes decision making also. The strength of this model is that the classification of input and outcome of societal level and organizational level creates the basic for an analysis of comparative HRM. The weakness of this model is the absences of coherent theoretical basics for measuring the relationship between HRM performance and outcomes. Guest Model- David guest (1989) has advanced a more rigid conjectural framework, which reflects set of incorporated HRM practices cab achieve superior individual and organizational performance. The central theory of guest model is that if an integrated set of HRM practices is applied in rational fashion, with a view to achieve the normative goals of high commitment, high quality and task flexibility, then a superior individual performance will result. This model has six of its components: The Guest model (1989) is prescriptive in the sense that it is based on the assumption that HRM it is distinctively different from traditional personnel management (rooted in strategic management, etc.).It is idealistic, implicitly embodying the belief that fundamental elements of the HRM approach such as commitment have a direct relationship with valued business consequences. However, Guest (1989) has acknowledged that the concept of commitment is ‘messy’ and that the relationship betw een commitment and high performance is difficult to establish. It also employs a ‘flow’ approach, seeing strategy underpinning practice, leading to a variety of desired outcomes. Like its American predecessors, this UK model is unitary (tying employee behaviour and commitment into the goals of strategic management) and lukewarm on the value of trade unions. The employee relationship is viewed as one between the individual and the organization. However it is being argued that the guest model does not identify the key difference between HRM and personnel management namely a shift from a hands on, fire fighting approach to a planning function of a company as being a part of the overall corporate strategy. Air-India continuously monitors its employees and sees that they are satisfied with the policies and their feedback is taken into the account for every policy that changes it makes. Other critics had observed that the guest model may simply be an ideal type towards which western organizations can move. Human resource management at organisational level- Human resource management consists of many aspects. Few organisations may feel overcome and uncertain about where to start making enhancements. This case is mainly for the organisation that do not have department which is precisely responsible for human resources management. There are many aids in human recourses management of having ownership with staff members. For example, the organisation can be kept informed on legal matters. A synchronized method can be taken with favour with practice and policy. This may help to ensure that the organisation have reasonable and reliable behaviour towards its staff. They have access to assistance on the issues which are related to the staff. Payments are fair and reliable. Good practice and strategy can be put in place. This enables best people to be recruited. Functions of HRM at the Time of Austerity: Human resource planning (HRP) is where the HRM professionals or management predict the need for new work forced based on the vacancy that exits or which is predicted for the future Recruitment Selection- Recruitment and selection play very vital role process and it is important to select the best staff for the organisation. This guide sets out best practices to assist in making process effective. The success of HRM is based on recruitment selection of employees of an organisation. The quality of the service is mainly influenced by recruitment and service of the organisation. At the time austerity, Air-India started internal recruitment which was very effective tool in the recession. As Air-India needs to cut jobs and best aptitudes in the company can be offered challenges and new jobs opportunities. The organisation has set the job openings and the employees can compete for the defined job position. But the internal recruitment is not safe for all the employees it is only safe for those who want to get a new job challenge in the company. At the time of recession internal recruitment process in Air-India was very congested. The Human resources management have managed the full proce ss open and transparent. All the Applications were managed and the employees got the feedback from the job interview. After this Air- India designed whole recruitment process as temporary and healthy and all applications were recorded carefully as result of that there was no mess and no complain from employees in the whole process. The internal recruitment process helps to the company to reinforce it talents and capabilities at the time of austerity as the employees move to the better job position. Performance structure ropes an integrated human resource strategy which helps the accomplishment of business and organizational goals. In every organisation performance appraisals is plays vital role for their future organizational growth organisation must ensure to implements a comprehensible feedback process to their employees. At Air-India the Human Recourses team appraise the performance linked to the Air-India’s organisation goal by providing goal and also by there working strategy for their future growth. Performance management system comprises Performance appraisal is an important way to ensure that the organization implements a comprehensible feedback process for its employees in order to promote personal and organizational future development. Most high-performing organizations have procedures in place to offer structured response of all employees on a regular basis as a means of capturing the effectiveness of individual performance. Revision of employee performance will help the organization to get involved in this crucial process of managing employees more fairly and effectively. Training Development- Most of the organisation focuses on the training to their employees with the help the proper resources to achieve company’s goal. Air-India designated right person to motive for its training programme and start its development and training services. Air-India concentrated on biennial training strategy to include funding required for the plan and an strategy for fulfilling the goal, objective and the procedures. Recommendation- For any organization no matter how big or small there is always room for improvement in HR. following are my suggestions Performance feedback- managers should meet individually with staff once is 3 months and provide a feedback on the particular staff members performance and suggest improvements that could be, made before the next meeting Clearly defined expectation from the staff managers to make it clear to employees on what is expected from them on a regular basis. Regular absenteeism managers should do a counselling with staff and find out if the employee has any grievances or job dissatisfaction which is causing the absenteeism. Defining career development goals motivating staff by showing them what they are working for and that they have a clear achievable career path with Air-India. Performance appraisal as an on-going thing rather than an annual thing. Setting S.M.A.R.T objectives for staff this should be set in direct alignment to Air-India corporate objectives. Authorised leave at the beginning on the year to provide staff leave forms that must be handed back within a given deadline so that holidays won’t affect the business and adequate staff to cover the shift. Constantly review HR procedures and policy to make sure it is up-to-date with the law and its suitability for HR. Training development managers to identify staff training and development needs and to work with HR department to ensure these needs are met Conclusion Human resources are a key element in the success or failure of monitoring programmes to meet their objectives. Without an adequate strategy to develop the human resources available and attract high calibre staff, monitoring programmes rapidly stagnate. Whilst poor quality of staff in water quality monitoring programme may reflect a wider difficulty in attracting staff to the sector, every effort should be made to invest in staff at all levels. Human resources development should encompass a much wider remit than training and should address issues such as career structures and professional development. It should also provide all levels of staff with the support and framework within which to function effectively and efficiently. Human resource management play a vital role in achieving organizational goals through HR planning and managing performance. In this assignment I have discuss different rolls of HRM in selected organization (Air-India).HRM not only responsible for HR planning and decision making. Through recruitment, training and development HRM selects best employees for organization which play its role to achieve strategic goals. Through HRM performance appraisal which makes an organization more efficient. It does not only focus on the overall strategic goal of an organisation, but also manage its human capital also helps in keep track on globalization and the effects or benefits it could have and at the same time have to monitor and updating the organizations HR policies and procedures. The HR department must not only attract, recruit, selecting and train and develop the workforce but also helps in monitoring through different methods. How to cite The Role of Human Resources Management in an Organisation, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Stress Reduction & Prevention in Workplace-Samples for Students

Questions: 1.Explain the Concept of Coaching and how it differs from Mentoring and other learning and development methods. 2.Explain the Concept of Mentoring and the nature of the relationship between Mentor and Mentee. Answers: 1.The essentials of Coaching and Mentoring Concept of Coaching and Mentoring Coaching and Mentoring are essential procedures, it can be applied in various zones such as athletic teams, in the setting of workplace and academic institutions. In many organization, Coaching and Mentoring are considered to be the most effective techniques for the development of the employees, for all the levels (Exforsys. 2010). Coaching can be defined as the procedure of assisting the development and learning of individual, to improve performance and skills (Knight, 2008). Mentoring can be defined as the procedure of improving the knowledge of individual, point of view and efficiency of work. It also help in increasing the potential of individual for this it is not important that your mentor is your boss (Nigro, 2007). Coaching and Mentoring different from other Learning and Development methods Learning and Development methods involve Training, Counseling, Self-evaluation, discussion with individuals, Workplace skill assessment, observing the team, etc. Coaching and Mentoring is different from the methods of Learning and Development, such as methods of Learning and development are time consuming but on the other hand coaching and mentoring take less time, Leaning and development methods are used for the new employees for example training program for the new joiners but Coaching and Mentoring can be done of the existing employees, methods of learning and development focus on the development of new skills on the other side coaching and mentoring work on the existing skills (ACCIPIO. 2014). Potential benefits of Coaching and Mentoring There are many benefits of coaching and mentoring some of them are discussed here- Benefits Coaching for Coach- Coaching provide satisfaction to the coach for helping others and builds strong personal and professional relationship (The coaching academy. 2015). Benefits of Coaching for Coachee- the person who is being coached gets satisfaction of the work and work become interesting for him (Somers, 2011). Benefits of mentoring for Mentor- Mentor gets encouraged to share his knowledge that increases sense of self-worth of the mentor and mentor learn the knowledge of other area or department (Management Mentors. 2015). Benefit of mentoring for Mentee- self-confidence of the mentee increases and help mentee to better understand the culture of organization. Types of Coaching Performance Coaching- Activities of Coaching are focused towards improving the performance of an individual in the work which they are presently performing so that they can bring productivity in their work. Skills Coaching- Core skills of the employees are focused in skills coaching type that are essential for performing their task or role. It offers an adaptive, just-in-time and flexible methods for development of the skills. Coaching programs are personalized for specific individual for achieving the objective of skill development that are related to the organization. Career Coaching- In this activities of coaching are focused towards the career of the individual and feedback of the coach on the individuals capabilities is the part of the career options discussion. The results of the process should be personal change, clarity (Brefi group. 2015). Directive and Non-directive styles of Coaching Directive style of Coaching- In this this style of coaching method, the coach is said to be the sessions master. Coach work is to give instructions, action plans, decision making and many more. Learner work is to follow the instructions given by the coach and obey the provided solution. Even, the coach give feedback in the way that he/she is giving the instructions. The process of this style is flexible and it is also known as autocratic style. Non-directive style of Coaching- The procedure of challenging and supporting the coachee to think and solve their own problems is known as Non-directive coaching. This style of coaching is not considered as advising or teaching (Growing Talent. 2017). Stages in a one-to-one Coaching process There are 6 stages in One-to-one Coaching process and they are- Analyze the present position of the client, help client in defining their objectives, help client in creating a plan for achieving goals, identify strengths and weaknesses of the client, help client in improving their surroundings for success and help client to overcome self-doubts. Role of Coach- Advisor, Counselor, Guide, Teacher, Role Model, Motivator, Supporter and Planner. Role of Coachee- Learning goal orientation, pre-training motivation, feedback receptivity and developing self-efficacy. Mentoring: Nature and Process A mentor, in relation to a mentee, is an individual with higher designation professionally or in an organization, who have good work experience, knowledge and is committed towards the growth of mentees career. Mentor act as a role model for the mentee that offers commitment to the mentee. Mentor follow various activity with the mentee for his development. There are four steps in the process of mentoring, they are- Planning of the mentoring and identifying the mentor, Meeting with the mentor and construction the relationship, Mid-phase meeting where goals are developed and success is achieved and ending the relationship between mentor and mentee. Role of Mentor- source of encouragement, champion, advisor, person with resources. Role of Mentee- Absorb the knowledge of mentor, learning ambition and demonstrate and practice learning. Models and Techniques of Coaching and Mentoring The GROW model is used to provide a structure to the sessions of coaching and mentoring, it is known as a powerful framework. Full form of GROW is Goal, Reality, Options and Will. GROW model help mentor or coach to plan the sessions or journey. Initially goal is decided, then we find out the current position or reality, finding out the options and then follow the route and it will to face the obstacles in the way of success (Performance consultants. 2015). FUEL is another model used in coaching and mentoring. There are four steps in this model- Frame, Understand, Explore and Lay. First we frame the conversation, then we understand the present situation, find the path for achieving goals and then follow the success plan. Techniques used in coaching and mentoring are effective questioning and feedback. The coachee or mentee may find hard to talk about the weaknesses in front of a stranger so questioning help to identify what mentee need? Feedback helps in improving the skills. Recording Recording the activities of Coaching and Mentoring is very important to demonstrate the goals and how to follow the route towards achieving the goals. It helps in tracking the progress of the client and increases accountability. The responsibility of the coach or mentor is to choose the correct method of record keeping it can be done by the regular practice. It provide the evidence that consideration is provided to the client and how much the client have achieved. Coaching and mentoring develop the life-long learning. Coaching and mentoring activities must be recorded in the computer database involving the details of the client. All the details that are recorded must be signed, dated and written in ink. The information must be objective, relevant and concise. Entries must reflect the coaching and should be updated regularly according to the progress of the client. Example of recording by using the GROW model Goal Goal is to perform excellent on the new software implemented in the job as want to continue the job. Reality Being the in charge of operation department since one year- received rating 4 out of 5. Presently working on the new software and able to take the rating of 3 out of 5. Rating has come down due to not understanding the software properly. Want help in improving the performance and understanding the software properly. Options Work on the software and need time to improve the performance. Can take the help of the person who is able to do the good work on the software. Will 1. Go through the details of the software and try to learn the terms and understand them. 2. Find out different ways to work on the software and make it a life-long learning. 3. Focus on saving the time while working on the software. 2.Basic use of the techniques of Coaching Effective questioning- Asking the wrong question will provide the wrong answer and will not receive what you wanted. For effective communication it is important to ask the right question and can exchange the information. Skills of communication can be improved by asking the right question (Leonard, 2017). For example- If we will receive the proper information then we can help someone properly. Questions can be open ended and closed ended. Open ended question receive long answers and detail of the topic and on the other hand closed ended question provide answers in one word or short answer. Feedback- In many organization employees are not allowed to provide their feedback or rarely they get chance to provide their feedback. Feedback is very important for the improvement and development of the organization. Mentors and coaches are the one who help in providing the necessary feedback. Positive feedback leads to the motivation and increases the productivity of the work done by the employee. Negative feedback analyze the areas that need to be improved and also include suggestions. Receiving regular feedback form the coach and mentors not only improve the performance of the employee but also give them the motivation to work hard (Zeiger, 2017) References ACCIPIO. 2014. Training, Coaching and Mentoring Differences. Accessed on: 2 November 2017. Accessed from: Brefi group. 2015. Types of coaching. Accessed on: 2 November 2017. Accessed from: Exforsys. 2010. What is Coaching and Mentoring? Accessed on: 2 November 2017. Accessed from: Growing Talent. 2017. Coaching skills. Accessed on: 2 November 2017. Accessed from: Knight, J. 2008. Coaching: Approaches and Perspectives. New York: Corwin Press, pp. 7-31. Leonard, I. 2017. The Art of Effective Questioning: Asking the right question for the desired result. Accessed on: 2 November 2017. Accessed from: Management Mentors. 2015. 25 Benefits of Mentoring. Accessed on: 2 November 2017. Accessed from: Nigro, N. 2007. The Everything Coaching and Mentoring Book: How to increase productivity, foster talent, and encourage success. New York: Simon and Schuster. Performance consultants. 2015. The GROW Model. Accessed on: 2 November 2017. Accessed from: Somers, M. 2011. The benefits of coaching for the coachee. Accessed on: 2 November 2017. Accessed from: The coaching academy. 2015. The benefits of becoming a coach. Accessed on: 2 November 2017. Accessed from: Zeiger, S. 2017. Strategies and Techniques for Mentoring and Coaching. Accessed on: 2 November 2017. Accessed from: