Monday, November 4, 2019

Health Care Policies in a Hospital Unit Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Health Care Policies in a Hospital Unit - Essay Example This paper will address a required change in billing and retrieving of payment from insurance companies and patients in a hospital unit. In health care, a health policy can be defined as an action that is usually undertaken in order to achieve a certain health care goal within the society (Feldstein, 2011). There are several categories of health policies in the health care system. These policies are usually reviewed in order to improve the services provided through the health care system. The health care policies are aimed at solving or addressing an issue within the health care institutions. Researchers assert that the expenditure in health care is slowly outpacing the GDP in most countries. This paper will employ a possible policy that can address the issue of billing and retrieving of payment from insurance companies and patients in the hospital unit. The creation of a policy usually encompasses three main steps. These steps include the formulation stage, legislative stage and the implementation stage. In the formulation stage, the policies are usually reviewed by professional experts in the medical field. The legislative stage is the most essential phase in the creation of a policy. This is the stage whereby the policy is enacted through the support of the legislators (Feldstein, 2011). Lastly, the implementation stage is the last stage whereby the intervention of the policy is performed. In this case, the predicament lies within the billing department which also deals with retrieving of funds from insurance companies. The payment system in a health care institution deals with processing the payments for the services offered in the health care institution. In order for the health care institutions to address this predicament, they should apply the pay per performance policy. This policy is one of the emerging trends in health insurance (Forman, 2008).

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