Monday, September 30, 2019

Organic Food vs. Non-Organic Essay

Unfortunately, most organic food is disappearing, because people are not taking the time to buy it. People are buying non-organic because the food is cheaper, easier to find, and full of nutrition. But why is organic food disappearing when it has more nutrition, better tasting, and ecosystem diversity. What are people really doing? People now at days choose to buy non-organic food because it’s cheaper, easier to find, and full of nutrition. When coming in to a store the first thing you can see is the low prizing of the products. This is one reason people choose to buy non-organic products. When going into the organic section of foods and seeing that is twice the prize as non-organic people automatically chooses non-organic food. Milk certified as hormone and antibiotic-free costs 6 dollars per gallon, while grocery milk only costs 3. 50 per gallon. When coming into a super market most of the things that you see are non-organic products. This is another reason why people choose non-organic products, because it is easier to find. People now at days are really busy and doesn’t have many time to be shopping, and makes non-organic products easy to find and less time wasters. People chooses to buy non-organic products because they are easy to find, but they don’t know that it could only take two minutes looking for organic products. People chooses to buy non-organic products because they are full of nutrition. This is another reason why people chooses to buy non-organic products. Non-organic products have been industrialized and enhanced with vitamins, which many of organic products are missing. Organic products are naturally grown and are healthy to the body. Because non-organic products have been industrialized the quality of the soil is secondary, while the soil of organic products is pure. This is why food that has been grown organically tastes better than industrialized products. People chooses non-organic products because it grows faster and easier. By growing organic food it allows the environment a wider range of insects, plants, and organisms to coexist. People chooses to buy non-organic products because they won’t have to be worrying about getting a worm in their apple. Non-organic products are insect free, this is another reason people chooses non-organic products. What are they really doing? Organic fruit and vegetables are contaminated with as much as 40% more antioxidants, which scientists believe can lower the risk of getting cancer and heart disease. The levels of antioxidants in milk from organic crops are up to 90% higher than in non-organic milk. Non-Organic is most likely to be contaminated with left overs that sometimes occurs in dangerous combinations of chemicals added to organic products. They contain more water than organic products, which makes the organic products dry, and sometimes rough. Banning the use of artificial food additives like hydrogenated fats, phosphoric acid, aspartame and monosodium glutamate, which have been scientifically to health problems like heart disease, osteoporosis, migraines and hyperactivity. Non-Organic, the negative effects of pesticides in health includes neurotoxicity, disruption of the endocrine system, carcinogenicity and immune system suppression.

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