Monday, September 30, 2019

Organic Food vs. Non-Organic Essay

Unfortunately, most organic food is disappearing, because people are not taking the time to buy it. People are buying non-organic because the food is cheaper, easier to find, and full of nutrition. But why is organic food disappearing when it has more nutrition, better tasting, and ecosystem diversity. What are people really doing? People now at days choose to buy non-organic food because it’s cheaper, easier to find, and full of nutrition. When coming in to a store the first thing you can see is the low prizing of the products. This is one reason people choose to buy non-organic products. When going into the organic section of foods and seeing that is twice the prize as non-organic people automatically chooses non-organic food. Milk certified as hormone and antibiotic-free costs 6 dollars per gallon, while grocery milk only costs 3. 50 per gallon. When coming into a super market most of the things that you see are non-organic products. This is another reason why people choose non-organic products, because it is easier to find. People now at days are really busy and doesn’t have many time to be shopping, and makes non-organic products easy to find and less time wasters. People chooses to buy non-organic products because they are easy to find, but they don’t know that it could only take two minutes looking for organic products. People chooses to buy non-organic products because they are full of nutrition. This is another reason why people chooses to buy non-organic products. Non-organic products have been industrialized and enhanced with vitamins, which many of organic products are missing. Organic products are naturally grown and are healthy to the body. Because non-organic products have been industrialized the quality of the soil is secondary, while the soil of organic products is pure. This is why food that has been grown organically tastes better than industrialized products. People chooses non-organic products because it grows faster and easier. By growing organic food it allows the environment a wider range of insects, plants, and organisms to coexist. People chooses to buy non-organic products because they won’t have to be worrying about getting a worm in their apple. Non-organic products are insect free, this is another reason people chooses non-organic products. What are they really doing? Organic fruit and vegetables are contaminated with as much as 40% more antioxidants, which scientists believe can lower the risk of getting cancer and heart disease. The levels of antioxidants in milk from organic crops are up to 90% higher than in non-organic milk. Non-Organic is most likely to be contaminated with left overs that sometimes occurs in dangerous combinations of chemicals added to organic products. They contain more water than organic products, which makes the organic products dry, and sometimes rough. Banning the use of artificial food additives like hydrogenated fats, phosphoric acid, aspartame and monosodium glutamate, which have been scientifically to health problems like heart disease, osteoporosis, migraines and hyperactivity. Non-Organic, the negative effects of pesticides in health includes neurotoxicity, disruption of the endocrine system, carcinogenicity and immune system suppression.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Louis Armstrong and His Innovation

Louis Armstrong was known as one of the greatest artist in Jazz History. With his work and dedication to the Jazz music, He managed to connect diverse population of society using his music through his innovations; Blues, Improvisation, Singing, Repertory, and Rhythm.Louis Armstrong made an impact on BluesLouis Armstrong was mostly known as one of the greatest trumpet player in Jazz history, specifically Early New Orleans Jazz. In this case, Armstrong recognize the Blues; a type of jazz genre, as a founding foundation of Jazz. Blues Jazz has the important role in Jazz history. Blues originated during 19th century in Southern plantation. The founders of Blues were mostly slave and ex-slaves who sings as they pluck plants in the fields.†You got to like playing pretty things if you're ever going to be any good blowing your own horn.† With the help of Charles Black, Columbia law professor, Louis Armstrong would not have been recognize for this reasons. When Charles heard Armstrong performed lived, the experience he have with Armstrong during his live performance feels that it will have an effect about viewing the race. Louis Armstrong song, â€Å"Savoy Blues† made an impact on society. It shows tenderness of the sound and shows a little feelings behind the song. This song was considered as a sweet jazz, a sound that lacks improvisation and performed with a moderate tone. With the use of sweet jazz, other uprising black musicians started to use this kind of music genre. If Louis Armstrong did not use the sweet jazz, he would not inspired other inspiring artist and would not impact his music. The Idea of Louis Armstrong was to inspired young black musicians to embrace the sound of Jazz, specifically Sweet Jazz. In this case, a movement called Harlem Renaissance that supports the black achievements were introduced. In Conclusion, Armstrong recognizes blues as the founding foundation for Jazz because it leads to the rights of the black men during their years. Through his musical career, he shows to people that it is possible to have a strong feeling to blues. In this case, He influenced a lot of inspiring musicians to create a music that is similar to him, also known as sweet jazz. Improvisation led him to be KnownThrough his Improvisation, his goal is to have a connection to his verbal to the music. Armstrong describes his music as a approaching to improvisations in the terms of suggesting logic developments and through his progress. His music shows that his first chorus plays melody and his second chorus plays the same melody with another combination of melodies. As he plays his instrument, trumpet. He always stated that his trumpet always tells a story. In short, whenever he plays his trumpet he just need to go with the flow to feel the music in it. Armstrong develops his music through creating a story, according to Roy Eldridge, When Armstrong creates music, it's like connecting an idea of telling a story with syntactic and cumulative development. Every phase that Armstrong plays led to somewhere else, that links to other songs. In this case, Armstrong's motivation was to shows a attention to others, mostly through a nightclub. Armstrong's improvisation shows that his melodies were unique, creative, and shows emotions towards the songs. His Improvisation depends on an attractive tunes, His music structure must be elegant. Another approach with his improvisation is through harmony, through the chord progressions, the tune must be focused shifted from tune to harmony in order to create an abstract and a large scale creative sounds. Armstrong's Improvisation brought changes to his melody. His improvisation methis was to think what rhythm that is already created and what to add to it in order to be more creative rather than creating a new rhythm from the scratch. Armstrong's melodic tunes were considered as a free mode. His chord progressions was seen as a potential to create a harmonic improvisations, a related way of creating a new rhythm. With in that, People respect Louis Armstrong with his great composition on music because of the quality of the tune and his pitches, the mood within the song he made and it sound that is made has a relaxing tune for the listeners to like it. In summary, throughout his career, records shoes that his music was advancing, using improvisation, he managed to get a lot of attentions through his music. The main goal was to let everyone know the connection of his music and the other's music rather than listening to a music without knowing anything. With improvisation, he made jazz as music that shows individual expressions. Crystal Voice of Louis ArmstrongThrough his career, He also sings specifically scat-singing. Scat singing is type of singing that is using nonsense syllable instead of words. Throughout the Jazz history, male vocalist of jazz were musical performers originally and one of them was Louis Armstrong. With the use of his improvisation, he emphasized the music more with his scat singing. According to his singing, his trumpet and scat has a connection between in it. As he plays his trumpet, it is played by using a triplet pattern of eight notes and develops motif by the right ascending or descending tune of his melody. Same thing as his scat, the development of the motif of the trumpet somehow related to scat. As Armstrong sung, the sound that came out gives a â€Å"dynamic synergistic effect. It brings a thrilling tune when using voice that is like a trumpet instrument.When Armstrong sings, people described it as a â€Å"heart warming†, and â€Å"beautiful and nostalgic.†. Louis Armstrong has the same manners to sing as he did on trumpet. As being said, His singing and playing trumpet has the emphasize on a gracefully melodic, rhythms, and triadic extensions. With is singing, Louis made an impact on the other singers such as; Ella Fitzgerald, Billie Holiday, and Elvis Presley. Armstrong's scatting melody was considered as a powerful melody throughout his music, as well being said, some artist have been collaborated with him like Billie Holiday and Ella Fitzgerald. In conclusion, Armstrong wouldn't been so recognized if he didn't introduce scat-singing to the public. As his use scat singing, he opened a door full of opportunity to the future aspiring. RepertoryAs Louis Armstrong considered as one of the most influential person in Jazz, His music has a potential to the listeners. Throughout his musical career, There were a lot of people that His music was not original, but just were being improvised. In fact, it is true; however, not all the hits he just improvised, some of them were written originally . As he composing his own song, there were some mistakes on it, over and over he changes some of his tunes in order to get the right tune. With his repertory, he sold a lot of albums. His repertory made an transformation through his career.As people believed that his repertory was low quality, his career suddenly fail to become popular. With his dedication to music, he started again to show different kinds of repertory that he has that ended up to have one of the best recordings in his period. His repertory showed variety of sound such as timbre. He also includes different techniques within his music such as inserting instruments' range. With his repertory, He created some of Tin Pan Alley songs into a masterpiece. In that case, Some of Louis Armstrong's musics became one of the standards of jazz. With his work, His music was introduced widely by the people such as his music, Memories of You, On the Sunny side of the street, and I got rhythm. After he was introduced by him music, another musicians were been also recognize with their innovations such as Charlie Parker, Miles Davis, and Dizzy Gillespie. Reverberating RhythmLouis Armstrong's Rhythm introduce to the world as a second nature to everyone. As critics says that some people considered Armstrong's music was disorganized, but most people recognizes his music has a perfect rhythm, harmony, pitch, and a flow. Theortically, people considered Armstrong's contributions to the people is to teach them to appreciate music.With the rhythm of Armstrong, he became more integrated to his language over time. When Armstrong create a new rhythm, he made it very seriously but when it is very complicated he intended to change the tune in to simple tune. However, Armstrong's rhythm made his music complicated. This complication in his music did not bother him, in fact, he began to recruit other singers specifically blue. As he recruits singers, he developed a habit playing a triad minor in his music. In some people's vision, Louis Armstrong's rhythm seems to lack something. He was also judge by having an old fashioned music. In order to correct this mistake, Armstrong changes some of his tune or re arrange it in order the listeners will be satisfied. With his popularity in repertory, he able to performed wonderfully in front of his audiences, the goal was to entertained the audience, it happened. In some of his music he change some of his phrases to a more triad. Based on his rhythm, he has this first eight bar that assembles his melody's pitch. As the critics says about his rhythm, â€Å"Armstrong has the right rhythm instinct and sense of time in ‘swinging around and away from the regular beat' as he expresses it. His rhythm made a huge impact on Early New Orleans Jazz, his skills on rhythm, he able to connect phases without any problem compared on other Early New Orleans Jazz such as dealing with complicated notes within music. Through his creativity, he was able to tell people that music may be hard to understand sometimes, it just need to be hear it carefully in order to understand what the song is trying to tell.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

International Trade Theories Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

International Trade Theories - Assignment Example Therefore, in order to have a positive balance of trade the nations tried exporting to other countries and restricting imports as it negatively affected their balances and hence their wealth. According to the mercantilism theory, there was a fixed amount of money present in the world and in order for one country to have more money; it had to export to other. So, mercantilism refers to the concept of exporting more and importing less (â€Å"Classical Theories of International Trade†, n.d.). Absolute Advantage Toward the end of the century, economic growth was being hindered by mercantilist policies. Adam Smith in his book, The Wealth of Nations (1776) presented a response to mercantilism where he claimed that these policies granted the producers an advantage at the cost of a disadvantage to the consumers. Adam Smith’s theory did not regard imports as bad but rather mentioned imports as good because other countries may be making a particular good that is more appealing to the consumers therefore trade, imports as well as export, would be profitable and lead to better satisfaction for the consumers. This meant that countries that had an â€Å"absolute advantage† in producing a particular good would produce that good and export it while it would import a good that another nation has an â€Å"absolute advantage† in (Theory of International Trade, n.d.). ... The principle of comparative advantage has been described as that occurring as a result of specialization and the division of labor (Maneschi, 1998). According to the theory, due to technological or other factors some countries specialize in producing a particular good at a lower cost. This implies that such countries have a â€Å"comparative advantage† in producing a particular good and should therefore export these goods to other countries. The same country should only import those goods in which it does not specialize that is has a comparative disadvantage in due to the higher relative costs. However, the theory also assumes that countries try to maximize their production and consumption which is not true in the real world at times. Balance of Trade Balance of trade refers to a country’s payments and receipts which results from the transactions of its residents. In ideal conditions, the balance of the receipts and payments should be equal, which is the condition of a balanced trade. However, trade is not always balanced. The trade balance in some cases can even be a trade surplus and trade deficit. Trade surplus occurs when a country’s exports exceed their imports. Trade deficit occurs when a country’s imports are greater than its exports. Trade deficits are not necessarily bad as it depends upon the life cycle and the economy and therefore may assist the economy during expansion. However, during a recession, trade deficits may prove to be detrimental for the economy. Influence of Government Governments play a pivotal role in encouraging or restricting international trade. The policies set by the government impact trade unlike free trade where there is no government role in the economy. Governments provide barrier to trade by setting

Friday, September 27, 2019

Law, Government and Politics in Canada exam Essay

Law, Government and Politics in Canada exam - Essay Example The Governor General also signs bills into law. He/she also commands the armed forces, calls for elections, appoints judges and hosts other relevant tasks. However, in practice, the Governor General’s duties are symbolic in nature. In approving the laws presented to him by the PM, his /her signature is referred to as royal assent, which is simply ceremonial. In the past 80 years, the Governor General has never failed to assent to a bill and has never removed PM from office. In addition, he/she has never denied appointment and never has he vetoed a law. These laws are not written; hence subject to discussions. In conclusion, I believe that the Governor General does not have significant political power since his/her powers are symbolic and are indeed delegated to him/her by the Queen. The powers are not significant because he/she follows what has already been decided upon by either the Queen, the PM, or the Cabinet. Being a symbolic post, I think Canada can still make it without the Governor General. However, being a royal country, this symbolic figure means a lot to the country; hence the relevance. In addition, the above duties entrusted to the Governor General are relevant, and they need someone to perform them (Bogart, 2005). Question 2 I agree with the Supreme Court’s response to question on whether Under the Constitution of Canada, the National Assembly, legislature or government of Quebec can affect the secession of Quebec from Canada unilaterally. In fact, this was the best answer to that question that the constitution is more than what is written there. It contains global rules and principles that govern the authority of the constitution. The Supreme Court ruled out that the constitution contains a few provisions that can be misleading if interpreted without considering underlying principles of federalism, rule of law, democracy, respect for minorities, as well as the principle of constitutionalism. The Supreme Court argued that the constit ution is based upon these principles and that democracy does not simply mean ‘simple majority rule’. Indeed, it exists in other values, given that province people and those who live in the territories live interdependently. The court argued that that would be illegal and would only be possible if the majority of Quebecers votes favored secession, which would be followed by negotiations. This would mean that all parties would be satisfied because negotiations mean that each party gives out on something in order to reach a concession (Bogart, 2005). Overall, the court’s response to the reference questions does not harm Canadian national unity. On the contrary, it supports it when it declares that the people of Canada are closely interdependent through economically, culturally, socially and politically and that a decision that would favor secession would put the strong ties at risk. To preserve national unity, the Supreme Court rule that province secession could not be come up unilaterally, under the constitution and that negotiations were necessary to reach a conclusion. The decision put into consideration, the fact that all participants have a right to contribute to constitution change through continuous discussions. In that decision, the Supreme Court added that rights of others must be respected by Quebec, and vice versa. Negotiation results would be final,

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Performance Enhancing Drugs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Performance Enhancing Drugs - Essay Example The first factor is the developments in the field of science that have led to the finding of a larger number of performance enhancing drugs. The second factor has been the dramatic increase in the financial rewards that accrue to successful sportsmen, and hence the incentive to attempt to use any means to succeed. Measures have been introduced to discourage the use of performance enhancing drugs in the field of sports, but anecdotal evidence suggests that these measures have in no way reduced the use of performance enhancing drugs in the field of sports. (Athletes and Performance-Enhancing Drugs). Strychnine, heroin, cocaine, and morphine have seen use as performance enhancing drugs, but probably was more harmful than in providing an enhancement of performance. During the Second World War amphetamines were used widely by soldiers to avoid fatigue, due to the toll of a long war on their physical capabilities, and as such represents the first use of performance enhancing drugs in the form of stimulants. (Athletes and Performance-Enhancing Drugs). The stimulant group of performance enhancing drugs includes amphetamines, caffeine, B-agonists, phenylpropanolamine, and ephedrine. Stimulants work on the Central Nervous System, and speeds up certain parts of the brain and body. This capacity of the stimulants makes it useful to sportsmen like athletes and weight lifters, as it quickens reflexes, improves confidence, and reduces an athlete’s sense of fatigue. The side effects due to the use of the stimulants include anxiety and psychosis. The anabolic-androgenic steroids makes up the next group of performance enhancing drugs, and include stanozolol, methanedienone, nandrolone, clostebol, oxandrolone, and testosterone. Anabolic steroids are the synthetic equivalents of testosterone, which is the naturally occurring male hormone. Chemical modifications enhance the muscle building capabilities,

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Benchmark progress towards sustainability Essay - 1

Benchmark progress towards sustainability - Essay Example It also implies involving as many individuals from the society as possible. For a corporate, a sustainable vision means monitoring the impact of its production, manufacturing and other operations on society and environment. Considering the future as well as molding the business strategy for greater good of the society can be regarded as an ideal sustainable stance (DeSimone & Popoff, 2000). With increasing globalization and urbanization, the environment is affected adversely and depletion of natural resources is beyond measures. Harmful carbon emissions, global warming and pollution are only few of the adversities. It is also known that if these environmental hazards are not taken care off now, then it will prove detrimental to our future generations, making their life more difficult compared to the present scenario. Sony is a multinational corporation headquartered in Tokyo, Japan. The company was founded in the year 1946 (Sony, 2014a). Sony deals with products such as, consumer electronics, video games, entertainment and media, semiconductors, telecom equipments and computer hardware. Apart from these, the company is also involved in financial services, credit finance, banking and insurance. The company even has an advertising agency under its umbrella. At present, the company is on the ninth position with Panasonic in the â€Å"Greenpeace Guide to Greener Electronics.† (Greenpeace, 2012). According to this guide, electronics companies are graded on the basis of their efforts towards preserving environment. Samsung is a multinational conglomerate headquartered in Seoul, South Korea. The company was founded in the year 1938 (Samsung, 2014a). After starting off as a trading firm, Samsung diversified into numerous areas such as, textiles, food processing, retail, securities and insurance. Late 1960s saw Samsung’s entry into electronics (Samsung, 2014b). Presently, the company is into

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Career management in business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Career management in business - Essay Example There is evidence available in the form of research which suggests that career management and planning is something serious with professionals now than ever before. This is because they have realized the need to acquaint themselves with the changing times, and thus raise the bar of growth and development even further. It is a fact that career management and planning should be in such a manner that it is not only effective but also based on the long term graph of the individual under consideration. With that said, effective career management and planning is dependent on the dedication with which one plans and eventually manages his own career, for the good times that lie ahead. In the times much like today, career management and planning has taken the lead over all other aspects, and there is reason enough to believe such a hypothesis. Career management in today’s time has become an important field. This is because people are now becoming more and more professional with regards to their work domains. Hence the need of the hour is to inculcate feelings and sentiments of growth and development within one’s professional repertoire. The world has become a global village and so have the core competencies, which seem to become advanced with each passing day. The emphasis is on doing things which have not been explored yet and learning new and varied quarters which were hidden in the past (Wilson 1994). Career management and planning has thus reached new summits where employees have felt that it is their utmost duty to give in their best and thus deserve the same in the end. It is this discussion which has helped the individuals to grow as a whole as well as in their respective capacities. Teamwork remains the key and that too for all the right reasons. If career management and planning is something to gain from, teamwork and commitment remain hand in hand with one another. These are some of the important reasons

Monday, September 23, 2019

Identity, belief and contrast between deontological and teleological Essay

Identity, belief and contrast between deontological and teleological ethical systems - Essay Example Teleology, on the other hand is the philosophical study of design, purpose, directive principle, or finality in nature or human creations. Teleology traditionally is contrasted with philosophical naturalism, which views nature as lacking design or purpose. Two classic examples of these opposing views are found in Aristotle and Lucretius, the former as a supporter of teleology and the latter as a supporter of what is now called philosophical naturalism. Apart from these two ideals there are the seven major ethical systems that are regarded as the most ethical of the ethical systems. These are Relativism, Kant's Categorical Imperative, Utilitarianism, Commandments of God, The Children's Ethics, Darwinian Ethics and Rousseau and Nietzsche's idea of will and ideal. Relativism is the ethic of no ethics. It is considered good in educational circles to make studies, especially of controversial topics, "value-free". Whereas, Kant's Categorical Imperative says that to behave ethically, you must act so as to be happy for your actions to be examples of general laws. Similarly, Utilitarianism represents all ethical theories where the goal is maximization of some measure of goodness.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Concussions Case Study Essay Example for Free

Concussions Case Study Essay With all the excitement sports in our country and even around the world bring, some horrific injuries occur due to the competiveness of each participant. The human body can only take so much, and seems like a big target when competition is involved between two or more teams. An injury that has evolved the most out of all the injuries that can occur to someone is the concussion. According to the National Athletic Trainers Association and the National Collegiate Athletic Association, concussions in athletes is becoming the most common injury found compared to some other sports related injury. In the past, if you got hit in the head really hard you went out till your headache went away then you went back in the game. Nobody back then realized how much damage that hard hit to the head really did to you, or how long you should stay out for and recover. Due to advances in technology we now realize our philosophy â€Å"rub some dirt on it† or â€Å"shake it off† especially when it comes to head injuries is something you should never do. Due to improvements in technology and our scientist we are starting to realize and go deeper into how severe a concussion is or traumatic brain injury (TBI). By definition, a concussion occurs when there is a rapid acceleration or deceleration of the head. The brain moves or rotates inside the skull and different parts of it move against each other. Symptoms include headaches, confusion, amnesia and sensitivity to light or noise and can last days, weeks or months. According to the article â€Å"The Science of Hard Knocks† when this mild to severe blow to the head occurs what happens is the brain jiggles inside of the skull reorganizing blood flow. This causes no physical symptoms you can see so doctors can only depend on the information the athlete tells them. This is a huge problem because athletes being as competitive as they are, they may get cleared to play again and still have a concussion. According to the article â€Å"The Science of Hard Knocks†, A ton of concussions are being missed. And a ton of people are being allowed to go back not having fully recovered, says Robert Cantu, a concussion expert and chairman of the department of surgery at Emerson Hospital. Due to this some rules in and restrictions have been put in place by the NCAA on concussions that every head coach and athletic trainer must follow, but the main rule is if an athlete even shows the slightest sign of having a concussion they must sit out the for the entire event and must sit out at least a week before returning. Not only has this rule decreased the number of concussions but it has given the opportunity for athletes to recover fully from a concussion. There is really only one way to treat a concussion, the article â€Å"The Science of hard knocks† states that the only accepted treatment right now for a concussion is to rest the brain. This means no contact sports, no exercise, and no strenuous thinking, all in which are very difficult for your typical college athlete not to do. A big thing that many scientist and neurologist are studying now is the differences concussions have on men vs. women. The number of women participating in sports grew from 1.9 million to 3.2 million between 1990 and 2010. With an increase of participation in sports comes an increase in injuries, including concussion, and a need to understand its effects. Evidence is mounting that women, who are more likely than men to suffer a sports-related concussion, also have more severe symptoms in the days immediately fol lowing the injury. Though men go through a series of big hits, especially in the National Hockey League who is under intense pressure to come up with rule changes to reduce the number of concussions, also known as mild traumatic brain injuries, which have been linked to dementia later in life, studies show that men are less prone to get a concussion because of how long men have been playing sports and hitting our head. According to Dave Elemberrg within the past 100 years, our bodies and brains have adapted to the big hits. But, because women are so new to sports, women are three times more likely than men to suffer a sports-related concussion, says Tracey Covassin, a Canadian researcher at Michigan State University. The reason why women seem to get more concussion than men is not because they are less athletic Covassin says, but because she suspects that female athletes are getting more concussions because they are stronger, faster and more aggressive than in the past. â€Å"Women are also more likel y to be honest about their symptoms, she says, since unlike their male counterparts, they  dont risk losing lucrative professional contracts if they are injured.† Concussions have been overlooked by many people for a very long time. Because of this, some athletes have paid the price and now have to live with the consequences of not letting a traumatic brain injury heal properly. Due to our improvements in technology, rules and regulations set by the NCAA on this issue, and hard work done by scientist and neurologist we now have a better grasp on how serious a concussion or, a traumatic brain injury can be. It is safe to say that there is need for a more widespread understanding of the potentially dangerous impart of concussions in sports

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Who Do I Admire Essay Example for Free

Who Do I Admire Essay Most of the people have somebody who they admire, that person can be a writer, an artist, a politician, some kind of public figure, a celebrity or even a friend. But that person who I admire is somebody very close to me, that person is my father. My father is not a great scientific, politician, artist or something like that. Neither has done something big to the society. He’s just a normal father and a good one by the way. So, you may ask yourselves, that if he hasn’t done anything special, why would you admire him? Well, to understand better about the reason why I admire him, I’m going to tell you about his life. My dad was born in La Romana in the 1970’s, since he was born he was raised in a poor environment, but besides that he had a lack of his parents love and support. That means he didn’t have an easy childhood. Even though his parents weren’t such good parents that didn’t affect much my father, because he at least had support of some people of his family. My father since he was a kid had dreams and goals, like most of the people do. But to fulfill one of his goals, he needed to study and graduate from high school. The problem is that his family didn’t have enough money to pay a student expenses. But my father didn’t let anything to stop him to fulfill he’s goals so he being a kid started to work as a shoe shiner to earn money by his own just to pay the school expenses. While years were passing by, my father was maturing faster than any other person of his age, due to the situation he was living. His high school graduation day came, and he had the will to continue developing in his studies, he wanted to go to the university to become a professional and so to be able to reach one of his goals. Since he was a poor person without the necessary resources to pay a university, he needed to ask help. He asked for any help to his familiars and friends, but nobody could help him, and he decided to ask his father. Unfortunately his father didn’t want to provide him any help to be able to continue his studies and he could never go to the university. Even that occurred, that never stopped my dad. His will was strong, he demanded himself to be able to progress and to continue forward. He searched for better job opportunities in one of his brothers’ company. There he got a job being a truck driver. But he didn’t want to stay as one. With time and hard work, he could obtain a better position in the company; he managed up to be the manager of the company. With his hard work and perseverance he became independent. He started his own company, and continued working. Now days, he has a company in his hometown and a branch in Higuey where he’s living today. As you’ve been listening, you know now that my father has not lived an easy and joyful life. Since his childhood he has been working to become someone important in life. Though my father grew up without the love of his parents, he never acted the same with his family. He has been an excellent father, I can’t complain about nothing. He worries a lot about his family, in every sense. He wants us to live like he wished he could live, giving my mother, my sister and I those things he could never have, and gives us that support he never received. My dad is an excellent father, a good businessman, in overall a great person. I have known a lot of people, and I have not seen anyone as my father. I don’t know if he has become someone big and important in life. But I can say that he has really become the most important person in mine. Maybe I don’t know who you admire. But I think you have heard enough to understand why my dad is the person who I admire.

Friday, September 20, 2019

History of the Lambada and Its Relationship With World Music

History of the Lambada and Its Relationship With World Music Lambada History is very interesting, because it is composed of many stories and it is quite difficult to hear one and the same story of Lambada. But doubtless remains the fact that the Lambada is one of the most famous and popular Latin dances, which are known and are dancing around the world. The word Lambada refers to the rhythm (a mixture of karimbo and merengue) and dance that combines elements of Forry (forrà ³), samba, merengue and maxixe (Brazilian dance of the nineteenth century), which had huge success in Europe. Lambada became the most popular dance in 1989 and early 1990s. This fiery dance which was born in Latin America, ruled the entire planet, and in Europe it sold over two million records with Lambada music. People were amazed with this music that reminded the rustle of palm trees, the lapping of the warm ocean, singing of birds. Thats why in the early 90s almost every day on American and European television was shown video of Lambada dancing by professional South American dancers. That was true musical performance video, which was kind of a dance school, and opened a whole world of Latin American culture. Europeans and Americans took Lambada with enthusiasm, they admired the fiery and the brightness of Hispanics, and soon Lambada was dancing in the whole E urope and America. The history of Lambada and its relationship with the world music The origins of Lambada dance came from karimbo at the time when Brazil was a Portuguese colony (1500-1822 gg.) in the northern part of the country there was a popular dance called karimbo, that was very sensual dance of man and woman. Over time the dance has changed, and changed the music: because of the proximity to the Caribbean region, the Caribbean music culture had a strong influence on Brazilian music (even today we can feel it if you listen to Caribbean radio station in the northern states of Brazil). This close relationship gave birth to some new rhythms Sirimbà ³ and Lari Lari; so karimbo dance eventually changed so much that gave birth to practically new one. After some time the local radio station Belà ©m (capital of Parà ¡) began to call this new kind of music percussion rhythm and the rhythms of Lambada (the word Lambada means a strong rhythmic beats of music). This last name Lambada became very popular and became associated with the new image of the old dance style . Later people again began to dance karimbo in pairs, and it was very much like merengue, but had a larger number of spinning. In the end, a mixture of metal and electronic music of the Caribbean once again changed the face of karimbo, and the music quickly spread throughout the northeastern region of Brazil (the most touristic places), only this new karimbo was already called Lambada. Lambada long traveled along the coast, and finally reached Bahia (the oldest of the Brazilian state), where it began to experience the effect of dance Forry (another old Brazilian style with the accented rhythm). Gradually, the timing of Lambada from a 4 / 4 changed to 2 / 2, so it can be confidently said that it was then Lambada completely lost its resemblance to the karimbo. Lambada was danced with bent legs, steps were made from side to side and never from front to back. In a fashion were tight skirts, and it happened so that they began to be associated with the Lambada, and Lambada with them. Even nowadays in some places (for example in Lambar in the nightclub of the city of Sao Paulo) we can steel meet the classic couples: a lady in a narrow skirt and a man in long trousers. (Kempley 1990) Together with the Trio-eletricos (great mobile platform in which musicians perform dancing and singing during the Carnival) Lambada began to spread along Bahia and settled in the town of Porto Seguro. During the first boom of Lambada in the south-eastern region of Brazil (the most economically developed) it refered to the rhythms that came from Bahia, and were assumed that all these rhythms live only in the summer and then die. While all acknowledged that the Lambada was a real rush of the summer, many early lambaterii (places where the Lambada was danced) wewre closed closed in winter when tourists left. However, Lambada did not die The story of Lambada spread to Europe says that one day in late summer, several French businessmen came to Brazil and bought the music rights to 300 songs in the style of Lambada. Then they returned to France and organized a group Kaoma, investing lot of money in its promotion. In that way the Lambada style became known throughout the world and reached even the Far East, where it has remained to this day. The world fever of Lambada was so strong that it even returned to Brazil, to the most economically developed south-eastern region, that has already forgotten it. The fact that today in Brazil there are thousands of schools of ballroom dancing, great competitions and tens of thousands of dancers is a merit of the French Kaoma and their international success. This second wave was called the Second Boom of Lambada and this event greatly influenced the world culture. First of all Lambada became an international phenomenon, when millions of young people again began to dance in pairs, and evoked a wave of interest to the Latin American culture. Having spread around the world, the dance has changed dramatically. Due to the fact that in Europe there was lack of good dancers of Lambada (for example for movies and shows), most professionals had to make changes to it: the Lambada was added with whirling and steppe-like elements from jive and East Coast swing, as well as some acrobatic movements. Many dancers have begun to mix Lambada with other musical styles, trying to create something new and unusual. As to the Lambada music, it was played on all radio stations, and some musicians (eg, Sidney Magal and Fafà ¡ de Belà ©m),trying to follow this new vawe, created new real hits on its basis. However, pretty soon people discovered that their interest to the Lambada was based solely on efforts to earn more money, and these musicians were quickly forgotten. After some time, many composers of Lambada seemed to be forgotten, these music and dance were losing their power, and millions of fans around the world were helpless before it. Another musicians have begun to mix Lambada with other musical styles, mix Lambada with Caribbean Soca, Merengue, Salsa and Zouk. Anyway, now Zouk is a child, a native son of our beloved old Lambada. Thus we can say that Lambada is a real rhythm of Latin America, which has a rich and bright national culture. History of success and spread of Lambada throughout the world shows that the culture of Latin America is very popular and interesting to people around the world. Latin American dances are always very popular, millions of people around the world love to dance them. Also, Latin American music attracts Europeans and Americans with its incendiary rhythms, unique power. Lambada became one of the most brilliant and incendiary dance, which danced the whole world, and despite the fact that its success is already lost, the era of Lambada opened the brightness of the culture in Latin America to the world and brought new sound and rythms to the world music industry.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Athiesms Problem :: essays research papers

To any of you who doubt the presence and magnificence of our Lord, Jesus Christ; first, I must say that I understand exactly where you are coming from. I, too, at one point was a non-believer. Moreover, I was violently anti-Christian to the point of persecuting these children of God. The following is a letter of my conversion to Christianity. It reads through from my early years and the person that I was at that time through to my troubled childhood and teen years all the way to where I am right now. I will focus on and demonstrate the many ways in which I know that Jesus Christ is Lord and God. Hopefully, you will listen with an open heart and realize the wonderful truth that took me so long to see. At the end are a few easy Bible verses to read for further study. My childhood was much like any other. I was born on January 13, 1980 to loving parents and a solid home. Everything was as good as things could be. I very vibrantly remember when I was two years old writing my name on a piece of paper and running around to show my mother what I had done. It was very important to me even at that young ago to feel respected and loved. I remember playing with my sister and chasing her around the house. We loved each other and our situation. When I was very young, my mother and father divorced and my father left us completely. That was the deal; if he left, it was going to be a clean break. I still remember seeing him for the last time when I was four years old. In the coming years, I would end up seeing him again, but not before much damage had been inflicted in our home. My mother remarried a friend of my fathers' and things again went quite smoothly indeed. I had a fairly strong bond with my stepfather. We did many exciting and interesting things toge ther. I very much enjoyed our time and could not get enough of it. When I was seven, I gave the word that I desired to quit Cub Scouts. This was one of the stronger bonding opportunities between the two of us. I did mention that I had good reasons for my request, but I knew at that very moment that things would never be the same.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Mother Daughter Relationships - Learning from Mother in Amy Tans The J

Learning from Mother in The Joy Luck Club      Ã‚   "I have already experienced the worst. After this, there is no worst possible thing" (Amy Tan 121). Throughout The Joy Luck Club, Amy Tan tells stories of how mothers use the misfortunes in their lives, to try to teach their daughters about life. Many of the mothers had bad experiences in their pasts and do not want to see their daughters live through the same types of problems. They try to make their daughters' lives as easy and problem free as possible. However, the daughters do not see this as an act of love, but rather as an act of control. In the end, the daughters realize that their mothers tried to use their experiences to teach them not to give up hope, and to look at the good of an experience rather than the bad.    Amy Tan starts The Joy Luck Club with the daughter, Jing-mei, and mother, Suyuan Woo. Suyuan lived through a hard life in Kweilin during the war and teaches her daughter to keep her head up and have faith, even though things may seem hard at the time. When Suyuan lived in Kweilin, she had many things that could depress her, "but to despair was to wish back for something already lost. Or to prolong what was already unbearable" (11). Suyuan's wishful thinking reveals that she did not want to think of all the bad things happening around her. Rather, she wanted to focus on the fact that she "had luxuries few people could afford" (10). The ability to find the good when others see only bad helped Suyuan center her attention on the superior things that she had, such as the Joy Luck Club and her friends. Later, when Jing-mei goes to meet her sisters in China, she becomes "so nervous [she] can't even feel [her] feet"(331). The uneasy emo... keep trying. Although Rose believes that she has "no hope," inside she has a nengkan as powerful as her mothers, which makes her wish her marriage would last, just as her mother wishes Bing would still be alive.    Overall, each mother in The Joy Luck Club went through something emotionally exhausting and saddening in her life. The mothers use their experiences to try to direct the course of their daughters' lives, to make them simpler and more carefree. Initially, however, the daughters only see that their mothers want to make decisions for them, not to help them. Ultimately, the daughters realize their mothers' intentions, but not all accept them. The important thing, however, is that each daughter learns a valuable lesson and comes to peace with her mother.    Work Cited Tan, Amy. The Joy Luck Club. New York: Ivy Books, 1989.   

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Agatha Christie’s “The idol house of Astarte” Essay

The story the â€Å"Idol House of Astarte† is just one of the stories that appeared in Dame Agatha Christie’s â€Å"The Thirteen Problems† (1932, 2000)(also published as â€Å"The Tuesday Club Murders. â€Å") Ms. Jane Marple, one of Christie’s most beloved characters is the village old maid who has a knack for observing parallels between situations (Bargainnier 42). She along with her playwright nephew Raymond West, the artist Joyce Lempriere, Scotland Yard’s Sir Henry Clithering, the elderly clergyman Dr. Pender and the solicitor Mr. Petherick are featured telling accounts of puzzling situations and crimes they have experienced (Christie 1). To each story, the storyteller withholds the solution to the how the crime was solved and how it was committed. The challenge to the listeners is to guess the answers to the question of how the murders or crimes were committed and by whom. (2) â€Å"The Idol House of Astarte† (15-30) is the story shared by Dr. Pender. In it, he recalls the experience he had and the murder he witnessed at a party at the house of a Sir Richard Haydon on Dartmoor. The house itself, while unremarkable in appearance, was said to be built on a location full of history including that of the Neolithic hut dwellers, the Druids, Romans and early Phoenicians. On the grounds is a peculiar piece of land with a dense crop of trees, which Haydon thought to be the sacred grove of a Phoenician goddess of the moon, Astarte. The sight and eerie atmosphere of the grove inspired one of the guests, an actress called Diana Ashley to suggest a Fancy dress or costume party for that evening. In the course of the evening, the house party dressed in their costumes once again venture to the grove and encounter a surprise in the form of a fully costumed Diana Ashley who was acting the part of a priestess at the goddess temple. In excitement, Sir Richard Haydon attempts to approach Diana, stumbles and then falls forward. When he doesn’t get up, his cousin Elliot investigates what happened and announces that Richard was dead apparently from a stab wound. Despite searching for a weapon or possible reason for Haydon’s death, none could be found. The next day, Elliot Haydon was also found stabbed but alive in the same position as Richard was. The difference was that a dagger was left in the wound. According to him, something supernatural happened in the grove and that his wound was inflicted by something he could not explain. The story goes on to detail the many solutions Ms. Marple’s party offers up for the deaths. Most of which considered the supernatural and superhuman. Of them all, only the lawyer Mr. Petherick and Ms. Marple offered solutions that completely discounted the supernatural. In the end, it was Ms. Marple who came upon the correct answer to Dr. Pender’s mystery. There were many factors that made the story mystical. The story itself carries many suggestions of supernatural things such as magic and ghosts. Much mention has also been given to the â€Å"atmosphere† of the grove, which was often described as spooky or creepy. There was also of course the setting, which was in a clearing in a dense crop of trees and the time at which the murder happened which was a night with a rising moon (20). There was also the eerie dark punctuated with whispers and sighs, and the small summerhouse or â€Å"temple† at the clearing itself where a stone statue of the goddess Astarte was enshrined. The atmosphere of evil and foreboding enveloped the characters in the house party. Ms.Marple’s group was also invariably influenced by the eerie nature of the story and Dr. Pender’s description of how he felt on seeing the grove as well as the events as they unfolded. I think this very â€Å"atmosphere† itself plus the mere fact that a clergyman such as Dr. Pender could be affected by such â€Å"evil† atmosphere, hindered the characters in the house party including some members of Ms. Marple’s group in their objective and sober assessment of the facts. In fact, I believe Ms. Marple stated it best when she said: I don’t see how anyone else could have done it†¦I mean if, as Mr. Petherick so wisely says, one looks at the facts and disregards all that atmosphere of heathen goddesses which I don’t think is very nice. (Christie 29) I also found it interesting that the more â€Å"artistic† in Ms. Marple’s group such as Raymond West and Joyce Lempriere, were more susceptible to thinking up solutions of a supernatural nature such as seances and superhuman strength used in throwing a javelin. Sir Henry Clithering, while not completely taken in by the supernatural, did consider the possibility of murder done by a professional and exceptionally talented dagger of knife thrower. (27) Owing to his profession as a solicitor, Mr. Petherick was more trained to evaluate facts without the influence of atmosphere. Ms. Marple, besides being a â€Å"matter-of-fact† sort of person, has the wealth of her experience and observations of living in a village that she can build her judgment on. Profession and experience seem to be used as indicators and measures of each character’s objectivity and imagination. Both Ms. Christie and the character Dr. Pender are wonderful storytellers. The description of the grove and the feelings it created in those who visited it shows just how important atmosphere can be not only in a story (Bargainnier 28) but also in influencing how people think, feel, and view things. Works Cited Bargainnier, Earl F. The Gentle Art of Murder: The Detective Fiction of Agatha Christie. Bowling Green, OH: Bowling Green State University Popular Press, 1980. Questia. 4 Nov. 2007 . Christie, Agatha. â€Å"The Idol House of Astarte. † The Thirteen Problems. New York: Signet, 2000. 15-30.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Mainframe computer Essay

Hardware and Software Components BUS 210 July 8, 2011 Brian Wirpsa Axia College Material Appendix E Hardware/Software Components In your own words, describe the following hardware/software components Legacy systems| The legacy systems are the IT system as a whole for a company. The legacy system is computers, hardware, and software needed to run an IT system. | Mainframe computers| Mainframe computers were the hub of a company’s IT system information. They were large, used mostly for number crunching, and only accessible by company managers. Later, although they remained expensive minicomputers were made that were used for word processing, and more readily available for other function departments to use. | Microprocessors| Microprocessors are the software components that help to make the personal computer possible. Microprocessors are essentially the brains inside of a pc. | PCs| PC’s or personal computers are much smaller than mainframe computers and made for individual use. They were computers that use software that any individual can use and within a business held a connection to the company’s mainframe. Network computers| Network computers act as the middleman in the communication between the pc and a company’s mainframe. This group of pc’s connection to the mainframe server called a â€Å"land area network† acts as a landline for the network of computers located in the same building. | World Wide Web and Internet| The world wide web is a connection worldwide to any and every computer in the world. The world wide web allowed information to be transferred to and from anywhere in the world via the internet. With wires, cables, Ethernet wires, and routers is how The internet was able to transfer information. | Wired and wireless broadband technology| Wired broadband technology is the use of the internet through wires that transmit data at a slow speed. Like a tunnel, wired internet technology must move slowly through the small space provided by the wiring. Wireless technology uses no wiring, therefore that tunnel is now wide open with more space and room for data to transfer at a higher rate of speed. PC software PC software is the brains that operate the computer. PC software is what is used to connect all functions of a computer together to work such as the hardware components and the software itself. | Networking software| Networking software is the second brain for a computer that allows it to connect to a company’s servers and company pc’s. | Computer security software | Computer security software is the protective shield or skull for a computer that prevents outsiders from entering a computer system and taking vital information.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Priciples of Software Engineering Essay

Describe each law in your own words. Illustrate with a practical example ? Glass’ law â€Å"Requirement deficiencies are the prime source of project failures Coming to my explanation Glass law states that if the basic requirements of the projects is not constructed properly that may leads failure of the project. To achieve goals in the project it plays an vital role and any drawbacks may leads project unsuccessful. Around 20% of all IT project failures were caused by incomplete or badly managed requirements. Example: Technological University-Online Practical Tests In the case of technological university the requirements specifications for the online practical exams had been implemented without consulting students and university staff. This system was designed in such a way that students affliated to that university are write the test test online at the same day and same time. Considering the requirements of the colleges were different an the project objectives were different. This leads to failure of the that project. Boehm’s first law â€Å"Errors are most frequent during the requirements and design activities and are the more expensive the later they are removed†. Coming to my explanation Boehm’s law states that the basic designing of the projects mat leads to errors and miscalculations. The sooner you find a problem, the cheaper it is to fix , otherwise to detect the errors in the project is very expensive or complicated . This law is applicable from midrange systems. Example: City Council – Pay Roll System A city council developed a replacement payroll system believed that users had comprehensive knowledge of all the business requirements. But the current staff or IT team had participated in building the old system – they had no knowledge of how it was built. That leads to many errors and it cause project failure. Boehm’s second law â€Å"Prototyping (significantly) reduces requirement and design errors, especially for user interfaces†. Coming to my explanation Boehm’s second law states that by prototype modelling the disigning of the project and errors can be reduced. To design the system the staff will be educated . So that that will increase the usability of the system among users. Example: In a postgraduation course prototype modelling experiments were conducted . Some of them were used requirement driven approach and others are prototyping approach. This will leads to satisfaction for the client compare to all other methods. Davis’ law â€Å"The value of a model depends on the view taken, but none is best for all purposes†. Coming to my explanation Davi’s law states that to describe systems requirements, it is very useful. This model is useful to solve the complicated tasks that other models find that difficult to solve. Example:In a system to solve the problems different methods were implemented. Each task follows their methodolgies to solve the problems. At the end all the methods got different results but there methodologies is useful to solve the problem. Your first task is to describe each software development methodology clearly and completely in your own words. You may use diagrams, examples or UML to help you do this. Waterfall Model : The waterfall model is a sequential software development process, in which progress is seen as flowing steadily downwards through the phases of conception, design, analysis, initiation ,testing and maintenance. This model is used in manufacturing industries and construction industries . It is ; highly structured physical environments in which after-the-fact changes are prohibitively costly, if not impossible. Since no formal software development methodologies existed at the time, this hardware-oriented model was simply adapted for software development. For example, one first completes requirements specification, which after sign-off are considered â€Å"set in stone. † When the requirements are fully completed, one proceeds to design. Spiral Model: The spiral model is a software development process combining elements of both design and prototyping-in-stages, in an effort to combine advantages of top-down and bottom-up concepts. Each phase starts with a design goal and ends with the client reviewing the progress . Analysis and engineering efforts are applied at each phase of the project, with an eye toward the end goal of the project. The spiral model might mean that you have a rough-cut of user elements as an operable application, add features in phases, and, at some point, add the final graphics. The Spiral model is used most often in large projects and needs constant review to stay on target. It can get their hands in and start working on a project earlier. Q3) Using the first four laws of the text, show where these are either implemented or missing in each software development methodology (Total Two). If a law is missing, explain the consequences and suggest how the process might be improved. Water Fall Model Glass’ law Requirement deficiencies are the prime source of project failures. The end users gathered by requirements in waterfall model. It states that the basic requirements of the projects is not constructed properly that may leads failure of the project. The failures were caused by incomplete or badly managed requirements. Boehm’s first law â€Å"Errors are most frequent during the requirements and design activities and are the more expensive the later they are removed†. It basic designing of the projects mat leads to errors and miscalculations. In waterfall model this law cannot be able to correct the errors. This law is not reliable for waterfall model. Boehm’s second law Prototyping (significantly) reduces requirement and design errors, especially for user interfaces†. This law cannot be able to correct the errors in waterfall model. The design phase would be reduced by prototype modelling. Davis’ law â€Å"The value of a model depends on the view taken, but none is best for all purposes†. The purpose of this model is not suitable for this law. Spiral Model Glass’ law â€Å"Requirement deficiencies are the prime source of project failures In waterfall model risk analysis is conducted on the prototype. By this if they need any requirement it will included in next stage. Boehm’s first law â€Å"Errors are most frequent during the requirements and design activities and are the more expensive the later they are removed†. In spiral model each phase starts with a design goal and ends with the client reviewing the progress . The risks were eliminated after number of stages. Boehm’s second law â€Å"Prototyping (significantly) reduces requirement and design errors, especially for user interfaces†. In spiral model it will design the prototype. and construct and design the prototype. The analysis and engineering efforts are applied at each phase of the project.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Kite Runner Essay Essay

â€Å"There are only really a few stories to tell in the end, and betrayal and the failure of love is one of those good stories to tell†- Sean Lennon. Khaled Hosseini’s ‘The Kite Runner’ is a story that really is quite relevant to this quote. People might say that it isn’t, but there betrayal in almost every nook and cranny of the story. Betrayal is simply defined as being disloyal to someone, yet it is so much more than that. Betrayal can cause the greatest sadness in life. It can cripple a man’s heart and could be the cause of one’s death. Amir’s betrayal towards Hassan; Baba’s betrayal towards Amir, Hassan and Ali; Rahim Khan’s betrayal towards Amir when he told him to get Sohrab and send him to John and Betty Caldwell. All of them terrible betrayals, but in the end, the reason for each and every person’s weaknesses, but more importantly, their strengths. These are probably what makes the book so interesting. â€Å"†¦The failure of love†¦Ã¢â‚¬  is also a main topic throughout the book, how characters repeatedly disappoint each other, creating hatred, anger, sadness, and eventually even loss. In this book betrayal is the main action, the dominant style and the prevalent idea. I suppose it makes it a lot like real life. The first betrayal mentioned in the book, and possibly the most important one is Amir’s betrayal towards Hassan when he silently watches as Hassan is raped. Throughout the book, Amir remembers, and reminds us of this betrayal towards Hassan and how it was his fault that Hassan was raped and eventually, how it was his fault Hassan was killed. In his letter, Rahim Khan says, â€Å"What you did was wrong, Amir jan, but do not forget that you were a boy when it happened. A troubled little boy. † He was right, it didn’t excuse the mistake Amir had made but it gave him a reason to feel just a tiny bit better about himself. But he didn’t, Amir blamed himself for Hassan’s death, and over time in helped him grow as a person and even become a lot like Baba. He regrets the deed he did and tried to make things right by adopting Hassan’s son and giving him a better life after Hassan was killed. Even then, he goes back on his promise to Sohrab, Hassan’s son, that he would never put him back in an orphanage, causing Sohrab to attempt committing suicide, probably the darkest scene in the entire story. After being discharged from the hospital, Sohrab and Amir go back to San Francisco and from then on Sohrab lives on the periphery of Amir and Soraya’s life. Then finally, Amir is given a chance at redemption at the afghan gathering at the Lake Elizabeth Park in Fremont, when he started flying a kite and Sohrab decides to join him. After cutting down the last kite, Amir asks Sohrab whether or not he wants him to run that kite for him, and Sohrab nods. Then Amir says,’ For you a thousand times over’, the last Hassan had said to Amir before he was raped. The second most important betrayal mentioned in the book, which we find out about near the end of the book is Baba’s betrayal towards Amir, Hassan and Ali. After learning about this Amir’s entire viewpoint of Baba changed. He no longer saw him as a towering figure of Pashtun might and began to see him as a thief, the very thing Baba had said to be the worst sin in the world. Baba’s betrayal had been that he was Hassan’s actual father, because Ali was actually sterile. Amir and Hassan had both grown up unaware of this and Hassan had even died unaware of this. This betrayal caused many unfortunate events. If Amir had known about them being brothers, he might not have let him get raped. If Hassan had known he might not have left with Ali and might not have died. And most importantly Sohrab wouldn’t have to be an orphan. This betrayal caused Amir to travel to Afghanistan and get beaten up greatly by Assef. It was probably the betrayal that caused the most pain to the characters in the book. But it was a necessary act. In Afghan society, honor was and important factor to one’s reputation, and if people had learnt that Hassan, the child of a Hazara woman, was the son of Baba, a greatly respected and highly reputed man, then he would most likely have lost all credibility in his community. Unfortunately the solution he had found for to let Ali think that he was the child’s father. This act took all of Ali’s nang and namoos, his pride and honor, without his even realizing it. The third and of the listed, probably the least important betrayal in the book was Rahim Khan’s betrayal towards Amir when he lied about John and Betty Caldwell saying that Sohrab would be in a safe place with them. After the trauma both Amir and Sohrab go through, it turns out that the Caldwell’s don’t even exist. This was the start of problems for Amir. After he no longer could send Sohrab to the Caldwell’s due to their lack of existence, he had no choice but to adopt him. When he asked, Sohrab didn’t answer just cried into Amir’s shirt. Later when Sohrab has to go to an orphanage so that Amir can complete the adoption process, Sohrab attempts suicide. Finally they make it back to San Francisco where Sohrab is always silent and eventually people begin thinking he is mute. Amir near-death experience and Sohrab’s attempt at suicide could both have been avoided had Rahim Khan not called Amir, but then Amir would never have solved his emotional crisis. So even though it was a betrayal, it was a betrayal that benefitted the people it betrayed. Betrayal and love are two factors that affect almost every emotional decision we make. The decision might benefit one while putting others at a disadvantage. Amir, Baba and Rahim Khan, three of the most influential characters in the story are the ones to tell the biggest lies and cause the most pain. Baba and Amir cause emotional and psychological pain while Rahim Khan’s lie causes Amir a great deal of physical pain as well. But in the end Amir’s lie hurt the people he loved, while Baba and Rahim Khan told lies that benefitted someone in one way or another. In Baba’s lie, Hassan had to make his identity into that of a hazara, causing him to face taunts all the time, but it made it easier for him to be accepted, as much as a hazara is accepted in Afghan society, and saved his own reputation. If he had accepted Hassan as his second son, he would have been ridiculed and they would have to face shame together. Rahim Khan’s lie, while it physically caused Amir a great deal of pain, eventually ended his psychological turmoil and gave Sohrab a new home in which he would be loved. But Amir’s lie only caused pain and suffering for both him and Hassan. Hassan eventually had to leave the house as Amir could no longer tolerate the consequences of what he had done and therefore tried to frame Hassan. After their leaving, every time Baba brought up the topic of Hassan, Amir felt a pang of jealousy and began to have trouble breathing. All in all, all the betrayals in the book, make it better in one way or another because after there are only a few good stories to tell, and the ones of betrayal and the failure of love are the best ones.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Analysis Of Frankenstein And The Metamorphosis Essay -- Franz Ka

In this essay I will analyze both Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein and Franz Kafka’s The Metamorphosis and how they use similar techniques of inquisitive questioning and unjust rejection throughout their stories in order to show how two strange â€Å"monstrosities† try to come into a culture. For instance, how seeing Gregor’s reaction to his sudden transformation, in metamorphosis, where instead of shock at how unreasonable it is, he simply remarks at the new tendencies the transformation has come with. We can better see the purpose on why Frankenstein’s monster was so obsessed with trying to integrate itself into human society. While these details at first glance might seem to be nuances of a much bigger picture they hold great importance to these characters and how they develop as the reader will see in the rest of the essay to come. To begin, let’s give a short description of Mary Shelly’s Frankenstein, Frankenstein is the story of a scientist named Victor Frankenstein who successfully managed to create an artificial lifeform, made of sewn together body parts, and known only as the monster. Although, he did succeed in creating life the monster he created only served to disgust him. He abandons his creation to its own devices and although the monster is a kind gentle soul, the repeated rejections by society and his creator only cause it pain and eventually it lashes out, first by murdering Victor’s brother, than his best friend, and finally his wife. The creature however finds no solace in any of this for even though he has gained his revenge he also destroyed the only connection to society he ever had. The creature leaves society and travels towards the north pole, where victor per sues to his de... ... middle of paper ... the idea of Frankenstein’s monster as a societal outcast, and something we can see emphasized in Gregor’s character as he becomes more and more estranged by his family. The monster on multiple occasions attempts to learn and be a part of human society and culture whether it have been with gentle family he spies on in the forest, where he learns to read, write and speak from overhearing lessons from Felix to Agatha, or the time when he dived into the lake to save a girl from drowning. That despite the fact that he is rejected by society he still feels a need to be a part of it. Similar to how even though the removal of furniture from Gregor’s room would have increased the amount he had to move around with and made it easier to allow his new bug like habits. It would also have removed some connection to his family, and may even have lead to him forgetting who he is.

Motivating Employees in Fast Food Industry Dissertation

Motivating Employees in Fast Food Industry - Dissertation Example This essay discusses that like all the business entities, managing and motivating employees in a fast food business or organization is of high importance. Those fast food organizations, which are properly managed are normally expected to take into consideration the human resource capital first rather than concentrating on the financial aspects of the business. In accordance with these views, it is required from the fast food organizations to help maintain an ambience at the workplace which not only results in an improved cooperation and commitment among the employees aimed at achieving the organizational goals and objectives but also helps in improving their motivation level. The fact that motivated employees are better performers is a widely recognized belief and this is often associated with higher levels of production and retention in relation to employees working in an organization. In addition to this, employees with high levels of motivation in an organizational frame of refere nce are more inclined towards improving and increasing the productivity levels together with the efficiency, as compared to those who are either not motivated to do so or less motivated than the former. The research problem is important since there is a lack of research work carried out in the context of exploring motivation among employees working in fast food industry in the UK and also the research problem undertakes the issue of identifying strategies which may prove helpful in improving the existing level of motivation among employees and result in a better overall organizational performance. Since there are a large number of restaurants serving fast food in the UK, the addressing of this research problem is therefore considered relevant and pertinent as it will focus on the issues related to an industry which forms a formidable part in the consumer market in the UK. Research Aim As per the problem statement, the proposed aim for the study is the identification of factors, whic h hamper motivation among employees and those factors, which are regarded by them as motivating factors. In addition to this, the researcher aims at identifying specific strategies on the basis of findings related to above-mentioned areas. Research Questions On the basis of the research objectives identified above, the proposed research work will answer the following research questions: 1. What are the factors perceived by employees in fast food industry, which are considered as barriers in improving their motivation? 2. Are the employees motivated by improvement in workplace environment? 3. Are there any other factors which employees regard as helpful in motivating them? 4. What are the strategies for motivating employees working in fast food industry in the UK? Research Ethics In order to carry out the proposed research work, the researcher intends to fully adhere to the ethical considerations considered necessary for the conduct of a study involving usage of information or data, which may be regarded as private, confidential or involving rights of third parties. For this reason, the researcher will consider obtaining written consent from the organisations, which will be selected to be studied. As per the aim of the proposed study and the methodology adopted, which is discussed in the later parts of this proposal, the researcher will approach the employees of the selected organisations and obtain their views about the level of motivation with which they are working in their respective organisations. To this effect, it is ethically required that the researcher obtains consent from the concerned individuals in the organisations selected

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Should Marijuana be legalized in America Research Proposal

Should Marijuana be legalized in America - Research Proposal Example Marijuana should be legalized within America, mainly due to the fact that it has absolutely no rationale to ban it in the first place. Crude marijuana, as researchers have been able to extract, possesses more than 400 chemicals as a combination. This however occurs during smoking when all of these 400 chemicals split up into thousands of other chemicals themselves. Notwithstanding the nearly 12,000 studies done on the medical utility of marijuana, a staggering common consent does exist in the scientific community of late which suggests that the smoked form of marijuana cannot be termed as a medicine. One should thus make laws that go against putting the users or sellers of marijuana in jails as they have a right to exercise their lives in the best manner that they deem fit. (Hough, 2003) According to a number of public opinion polls that were conducted in America sometime back, Americans do not support the idea of liberalizing marijuana, just for the sake of it. They are simply not in the harmony with it and thus they do not allow their government to do anything of such nature. Thus this gives the drug pressure groups some food for thought whereby they abstain themselves from using the word "legalization" in their trading with the government and hence the people in particular, in this matter. This term has been substituted with preferred ones like harm reduction, decriminalization and even ‘medicalization’. However they (drug lobby groups) are hell bent upon achieving their goals, which are to approve the bill of medicinal marijuana as legal and free for all and sundry to research openly and extract benefits from.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Criminal court process in United Kingdom Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Criminal court process in United Kingdom - Essay Example After being arrested, you are charged with a crime hence you will be booked for appearance in a court of law. The charge sheet will contain the offence that one is charged with. I f the charge has different counts; this will also be reflected therein.   Being booked in usually involves being photographed, fingerprints taken, and disclosure of personal information. The officials will then add your name and the crime committed into the official police record. Personal belongings will be taken from you and kept safely until you come out of custody. You will be asked to sign an inventory after this. Court/ TrialLargest percentages of criminal cases get adjudicated in the magistrate’s court.   A children’s court exists as a type of a magistrate’s court (Banks, 2013.p7.). In the magistrate courts, there are exists three magistrates although at times the case is adjudicated by a single magistrate (Criminal Prosecution Service).   Then there are crown courts that a djudicate fewer cases and the cases referred to this court involve;†¢Ã‚  Instances where the accused has intimated that their case be adjudicated by that court†¢Ã‚  Cases referred by magistrates because of the gravity of their sentence, which cannot be passed in the lower court.The other set of courts involve the Court of appeal that may adjudicate appeals emanating from the crown’s court. The other set of court is the House of Lords. Judges in these courts have to ensure that they take up their tasks expeditiously to ensure that they bestow justice to every person.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

The Persuaders Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

The Persuaders - Essay Example The 2004 presidential campaign is also made a part of this video to explicate how the two persuaders, the Republicans and the Democrats, tried to take maximum advantage of innovative techniques to attract and persuade voters on basis of their individual demographic profiles. However, the catch-22 is that with more fierce bombardment of marketing techniques, it has also become increasingly harder to get consumers to respond to them. It is implied that as the marketing claims continue to become more sophisticated, consumers also continue to get more cynical. This has prompted refinement of old techniques by the persuasion industries to reestablish a bond between Americans and various brands. The video shows that in order to establish a magical and long-lasting connection with consumers, many brands have begun to use very surprising techniques like hiring of linguists and brain researchers as brand managers. Such brand managers seek to awaken the hidden desires of consumers by their magical words to influence their decision making when they go to a store to buy a certain product. Although they strive to create an emotional connection between consumers and their brands, there is much debate on whether these connections could be held real. My personal opinion is that often such brand managers, instead of honestly explaining the real message and promise behind the brand, only mean to manipulate consumers, misguide them, and tarnish their tastes. It is not uncommon for consumers to get lost or carried away while listening to these brand managers work their magic with their words. For example, the reality can turn out to be drastically different after buying a product and dis covering the contrast between its real value and the value promised by brand managers earlier on. I use an Apple iPhone and I can demonstrate well how the relatively new marketing trend, in which consumers are persuaded by brands to buy a product to

Monday, September 9, 2019

Social Work Methods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Social Work Methods - Essay Example This definition bears a common denominator to most definitions of social casework, definitions which, given by sociologists, do not derive from any traditional social construction, but from a methodology formulated for the sole purpose of reinstating the social situations of particular groups or individuals in a statement by Periman. â€Å"Casework begins with a study phase to clarify the facts of the problem, followed by a diagnosis during which the practitioner analyzes the facts; casework finishes with treatment, during which the practitioner and client attempt to resolve the problem.† Prominent among the applications of social casework theory are those of its Anti-oppressive Practice (AOP). AOP is directed towards the sanitisation and restoration of the society to justice and human dignity, and seeks to eliminate the three recognised forms of oppression; namely, structural, cultural, and personal. Social caseworkers, therefore, take special interest in situations involving any of these three forms, and work conscientiously to address the specific injustices or traditional eccentricities in the situation in hand. Through AOP, they work towards the restoration of the oppressor party or parties to a sense of equity, seek to compensate the oppressed for oppressive damages, and, through enlightenment of both the oppressed and the oppressor about the proprieties and codes that do or should regulate human interrelationship, offer an uplift to societal human relations. â€Å"Anti-oppressive practice entails workers both acknowledging and challenging these three levels of oppression-structural, cultural and personal-in their daily practice. This understanding is incorporated into social work and welfare practice with clients by actively using strategies to bring about change at all three levels.†(Ronnie Egan, Jane Maidment; Allen & Unwin, 2004,

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Evaluating ICT Use in Teaching Dyslexic Students in the Mainstream Dissertation - 1

Evaluating ICT Use in Teaching Dyslexic Students in the Mainstream Primary Schools in Saudi Arabia - Dissertation Example 4Study Sample 40 3. 5Ethics 40 3. 6Administration of the Questionnaire 42 3. 7Conclusion 42 Chapter 4: Result and Analysis 43 4.1.Introduction 43 4.2.Response Rate 43 4.3.Characteristics of the Study Sample (Demographic Data) 44 4..2.1.1Academic Qualifications 44 4..2.2.1Major 45 4..2.3.1Minor Major 46 4..2.4.1Teaching Experience 47 4..2.5.1ICT Training 48 60 4.4.Discussion 83 Chapter 6 Conclusion 88 6.1Achievements of the Study 88 6.2Implications for practice 88 6.3Strengths and weaknesses in the study 91 6.4Implications for further research 92 References 94 Abstract Since the introduction of computers in schools in 1970s the role of computers has progressed form tutor to topic to tool. Today, information and computer technology (ICT) has far reaching implications in every sphere of life. Education and learning process have achieved new dimensions with the integration of ICT in the process. It is of special significance for teaching of children with special needs since these student s are characterized by deficits that have adverse impacts on their academic performance. Among the learning disabilities, one of the major causes of concern is dyslexia due to its high prevalence and multivariant manifestation and is characterized by marked reading disability. Use of ICT based intervention strategies have shown potential for overcoming these deficits. Integration of ICT to learning renders the teacher training for ICT imperative. The current study attempts to investigate the availability and integration of ICT resources for the education of regular and dyslexic students in Saudi Arabia and the perceptions of teachers regarding its efficacy for the purpose. The study involved participants from primary schools of Riyadh, KSA who were provided questionnaires comprising of close ended questions on their educational qualifications, experience and ICT training; use and availability of ICT related hardware and software; and their opinion regarding the efficacy and obstacle s in the use of ICT. Significant results from the quantitative research proved a positive correlation existed between ICT training and efficacy of ICT as an educational tool; thus indicating the importance of teacher training in influencing teachers’ perception and usage of ICT. ICT AND DYSLEXIA For people without disabilities, technology makes things convenient; for people with disabilities†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦it makes things POSSIBLE. (Treviranus, 2000) Chapter 1: Introduction This chapter introduces use of information and communication technology (ICT) for education of students with dyslexia and the importance of study of various aspects of dyslexia for an individual as well as a teacher. In order to achieve this aim, the chapter attempts to outline the rationale behind the study, followed by an update on special education status with special attention to Saudi Arabia as the researcher’s country of residence as well as United Kingdom (UK); researcher residing in UK for the major part of the research process. Finally the chapter outlines the aims of the research along with the various objectives followed to achieve the aims. 1.1 Introduction The last two decades have witnessed tremendous advances in information and c

Saturday, September 7, 2019

How does positivist research in criminology seek to create knowledge Essay

How does positivist research in criminology seek to create knowledge that avoids these problems, and how successful has it been - Essay Example The positivist approach to criminology rejected the classical idea that people who commit crimes do it from free will; positivists believed that it is in our biological make-up, and that we are born with the tendency to commit crimes. So, we do not freely choose to commit crimes, we are born, or not born with criminal elements. While many positivists put our tendency to commit crime on different parts of our biology, the research was scientific – it looked for factual results. It was believed that if we could find factual results, then we could discover what characteristics are present in people who commit crime and then prevent it by finding the same types of characteristics in others – biological or psychological. The approach took this form because it believed that other ways of criminological research were based on elements of life which could not be controlled and which made crime difficult to predict and impossible to prevent. These elements of life were moral jud gement, subjective views of people and their beliefs and opinions. Positivists argued that because these elements were subjective, they could do nothing to help prevent crime and criminal behaviour, whereas a scientific approach could give proper statistics, and reliable results, which could gain much ground in the research of criminology. Although the approach of the positivist school appears attractive, this paper will argue that its final results were not as effective as it had hoped they would be. While it is not argued that the results brought could not be relied on, it is suggested that the results were not reliable enough to be applied to prevent crime. Of course, the prevention of crime based on scientific statistics would be a very attractive idea, both history and results have shown that in practice it has not been as effective as the positivist school promised. To believe in an objective idea of criminal behaviour is not

Friday, September 6, 2019

Comparison and Contrasts of Literary Work Essay Example for Free

Comparison and Contrasts of Literary Work Essay In my paper I will be comparing and contrasting two literary works of a short story and a poem. The short story and poem I chosen to compare and contrast is â€Å"Story of the Lost Son† (Gospel of Luke) and â€Å"The Boxer† (Paul Simon and Brue Woodley. On my paper I will be writing about the similarities and differences between the short story â€Å"Story of the Lost Son† and the poem â€Å"The Boxer†. My paper will be given you the insights on a short story and poem can be similar in one way, but also different in another. In the short story of â€Å"Story of the Lost Son† it was about a poor father with two sons and the youngest son wanted to go out in the world on his to get what was coming to him. In the poem â€Å"The Boxer† you have a poor boy who want to leave home and go out in the world and make something for his self but couldn’t because he didn’t have the money for it. In the first paragraph I will be talking about the short story of the â€Å"Story of the Lost Son† (Gospel of Luke). In the short story â€Å"Story of the Lost Son† it was about a poor family with just a father and two sons. The father had some land and money put up for his two sons when they was ready to be on their own. So that they could have a little something rather than go out on their own nothing. When the youngest son found out that his father had that for them he goes and tells his father that he was ready to be on his own and he was ready to get what he had coming to him. His father’s told him he wasn’t ready because he was still just a boy but he argues that he was ready. When he left from home he got marry and blew all his money in just a month and didn’t had any way to get it back. So what he had to do was run back home and apologies to his father to see if his father would accept him back home even though he ran off knowing that his father was trying to tell him he wasn’t ready. But for him being stubborn and hardheaded he didn’t know what the income would be. In this paragraph I will be talking about the poem â€Å"The Boxer† by Paul Simon and Brue Woodley (1968). In â€Å"The Boxer† they are talking about a poor boy who was from a family who didn’t have nothing and been promise so much, but didn’t receive it. Realizing that all of it was just a lie he set off on his own it search for something better for him and his family. Stranded in a railroad stations surrounded by workmen with wages he found his self with the rest of the ragged people begging for quarters. He had his mind set to find a job, but he didn’t get any offers from any jobs. Being in New York City he found his self lonesome and homesick, because he was all by his self it a city he didn’t know. At those times he would catch his self in the street of the Seventh Avenue with the rest of the people who didn’t have anything to do. That’s when he started boxing and always relied on his two gloves to give him the comfort he need. Young boy never went back home since he left. The similarities that these two literary works have in common are that they both were young boys who were poor and they left home. In the short story of â€Å" Story of the Lost Son† the youngest left home with the little money his father gave him to because he claim that he was ready to be on his own. And then in the poem of â€Å"The Boxer† he was also a young boy leaving his home to go somewhere else because he thought he would do better out there away from their family. But if you read both works, you would realize that they both boys came from a poor family try to find somewhere else to go to better their self. What else these two literary works have in common is the theme because they are both from a poor family with nothing going out there in the to make something out of their selves. The differences between the short story and the poem are a whole lot. In â€Å"Story of the Lost Son† the youngest son left home because he didn’t want to follow the rules his father was giving him and he thought he was ready to be out there on his own but he wasn’t. And then he blew all the money his father gave him because he got marry and less than a month he didn’t have nothing left and he went back home begging and telling his father sorry because he thought his father wouldn’t let him come back. How the poem â€Å"The Boxer† different is that you have a young boy leaving home to find something better for him and his family. He didn’t leave home, because he wanted what was coming for him, he left to better his self. Both literary work the character left home on their own, but only one made something of his self and didn’t went back home begging his family to figure him. In conclusion my two literary works that I compare and contrast show you how two different literature a similar, but also different. They both was young people who left their family and home to go on their own but only one make something of their selves while the other return back home the same way they left. So what I’m trying to say I enjoy these two literature because they both show you the do’s and don’ts. If you go out there on your own and you came from nothing it best to fight so that you want feel like you waste your time.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Techniques Used By Mahatma Gandhi During Struggles History Essay

Techniques Used By Mahatma Gandhi During Struggles History Essay At the time when Gandhi landed in India from his long sojourn in South Africa, the Indian national movement he was already so involved with from overseas had been becalmed by the long years of split after the acrimonious Nagpur Congress of 1906. He also arrived at the moment when most of the prominent leaders who had sustained it in the first decades of the century were either dead or on the verge of death. The Congress still had not managed to find solutions to the most common objections thrown at it by the British administrators that it was highly elitist and composed of a small faction of babus. Viceroy Curzons comment that The party contains a number of intelligent, liberal-minded and public-spirited men . . . but as to their relationship with the people of India, the constituency which the Congress Party represents cannot be described as otherwise than a microscopic minority of the total population.  [1]  The creation of Home Rule Leagues by Tilak and Annie Besant may have presaged more populist methods than those used previously by the localised and conservative Congress, but the sentiments raised remained Western ideals. Annie Besants tract of 1917 said that India demands Home Rule for two reasons, one essential and vital, the other less important but weighty: first, because Freedom is the birthright of every Nation: secondly, because her most important interests are now made subservient to the interests of the British Empire without her consent, and her resources are not utilised for her greatest needs.  [2]  Highly relevant no doubt to the liberal elite who made the strongest supporters of Congress but not relevant to the ryots and the peasants whose life is not one of political aspiration but of mute penury and toil. Indeed, Gandhi made this point within a year of returning from Africa: the system of education at present in vogue is wholly unsuited to India it is a bad copy of the Western model. It has dried up all originality, the vernaculars and has deprived the masses of the benefit of higher knowledge which would otherwise have percolated to them through the intercourse of the educated classes with them. The system has resulted in creating a gulf between educated India and the masses.  [3]   One of the first tasks which Gandhi therefore set himself on rejoining his political career was to make moves to create a real national unity and to fuse together previously local or sectional interests into a genuine national movement. Indeed, he recalled of first political organ with which he chose to involve himself Gujarat Sabha that for me the value of it lies in the education that the masses will receive and the unity that the educated men and women will have of coming in close touch with the people.  [4]  Gandhi spoke to the peasants of Champaran in 1917 not of political demands, not of home rule nor for reformed legislatures and voting rights, but of the troubles which the rural folk poured out to him how they were forced to grow indigo on their best lands, of the weight of the money payments in place of the indigo obligation, how the planters servants bullied them, and how the planters enforced illegal demands on them.  [5]   Throughout all of this time that Gandhi was involved in Congress, the movement was largely characterized by its new responsiveness to the needs for links with these dominant peasant communities. This began with Gandhi though his travels across the country meant that he himself never acquired exclusive links with any particular groups in the countryside. His chief collaborators came from across the country, and themselves became involved in rural issues: Vallabhbhai Patel was a Patidar lawyer from Gujarat; Rajendra Prasad, a small landowner lawyer from Bihar; Rajagopalachari the small town lawyer from Tamil Nadu; Abdul Ghaffar Khan, a small landowner from the Frontier. Peasant communities were also encouraged to make connections with Gandhi and his collaborators: he went to Champaran and Kheda in 1917-8 after direct requests from local leaders. For the first time, as well, there were genuine moves to create a political community involving Hindus and Muslims, with Gandhis involvement with the Khilafat movement in 1920-1. As he said, I hope by my alliance with the Mahomedans to achieve a threefold end to obtain justice in the face of odds with the method of Satyagraha and to show its efficacy over all other methods, to secure Mahomedan friendship for the Hindus and thereby internal peace, also, and last but not least to transform ill-will into affection for the British and their constitution which in spite of its imperfections has weathered many a storm.  [6]   The more inclusive religious politics may have faltered later on, but Gandhi still felt confident of telling the Round Table Conference in November 1931 that All the other parties at this meeting represent sectional interests. Congress alone claims to represent the whole of India, all interests. It is no communal organisation; it is a determined enemy of communalism in any shape or form. Congress knows no distinction of race, colour or creed; its platform is Universal.  [7]  The Nehru Committee recommendations in 1928 also made so bold as to say . . On the assumption that India is to have the status of a member of the British Commonwealth of Nations there is scarcely any difference of opinion between one section or another of political India. It may be safely premised that the greatest common factor of agreement among the well-recognised political parties in India is that the status and position of India should in no case be lower than that of the self-governing dominions.  [8 ]  A more inclusive set of concerns for national politics did pose problems for the Government of India, who wished to cast the national movement as being as unrepresentative as it had previously been and it did indeed do so on several occasions, such as the Government of Indias resolution on the Non-cooperation movement in 1920: The confidence of Government in the good sense of India has already been in great measure justified by the unanimity of her best minds in their condemnation of the folly of non-cooperation. For a most weighty body of educated opinion has rejected this new doctrine as one that is fraught with the most mischievous potentialities for India.  [9]  However, as direct action proved a larger and more diverse constituency for national politics, this line of argument was quietly dropped. Gandhi also provided the national movement with innovative and attractive forms of protest which gained much more attention than the pre-war pamphlets and meetings. Where in the partition of Bengal, the boycott had been used, it had quickly descended into sporadic violence due to lack of leadership and tacit support for himsa methods. Gandhis addition of symbol and religiosity provided an extra nobility and purity to what otherwise could have descended into jacquerie. Even the British Report of the Committee appointed to investigate the Disturbances in the Punjab, in April 1919 drew attention to the sacred vow which Gandhi ordered all his followers to take: we solemnly affirm that in the event of these Bills becoming law, and until they are withdrawn, we shall refuse civilly to obey these laws and such other laws as a committee to be hereafter appointed may think fit, and we further affirm that in this struggle we will faithfully follow truth and refrain from violence to life, perso n or property.  [10]  Gandhi also brought considerable skill as a publicist and columnist for his ideas but most importantly of all he chose techniques of protest in which the disenfranchised could also play a prominent role. The campaigns of noncooperation did not bring the raj to a grinding halt British administration carried on in its usual cumbersome fashion. However, where the means of protest were as simple as changing spending habits, it was perfectly possible for people to choose the action appropriate to them, from attending a meeting to closing a shop, staying away from classes, or persuading local to stop selling foreign cloth and liquor. The handspun cloth which Gandhi hailed as the symbol of a swaraj soon became the virtual uniform of Congressmen who in an earlier generation had prided themselves on their semi-Western sartorial elegance. Even some of the more religious actions could have serious consequences for the British not least the temperance movement which hit British excise revenue hard. For those looking to be yet more active, Gandhi managed to make jail an attractive form of political protest even for such notable and law-abiding Indians as Motilal Nehru, who now went to jail as an honour, though before 1921, they would have considered it a shameful disgrace.  [11]  Between 1921 and mid-1922, four areas each produced well over 1,000 convictions, arising out of the movement.  [12]  Yet even despite this popularisation of the political process, in the early 1930s, Congress and British sources seemed to agree that the Congress standing army is at most one lac (100,000); and although in 1936 lakhs was in the plural, it was still not claim millions, or crores (10,000,000).  [13]   What allowed such a disparate group of people to nevertheless campaign together was to some extent the fact that Gandhi chose tactics which convinced all of a common enemy in the shape of the British rulers. By picking off targets on particular issues such as tax reassessments and lack of consultation rights, Gandhis supporters could join together in spite of their apparently insurmountable differences for example, Gandhi was able to win the support of both mill owners and weavers of Ahmedabad. His tactics for action also were designed to place maximum pressure on the legitimacy for British rule which the Liberals had questioned for decades at home in any case. Mahatma Gandhis statement on satyagraha in November 1919 stated that On the political field, the struggle on behalf of the people mostly consists in opposing error in the shape of unjust laws. The law-breaker breaks the law surreptitiously and tries to avoid the penalty; not so the civil resister. He ever obeys the laws of t he State to which he belongs, not out of fear of the sanctions, but because he considers them to be good for the welfare of society. But there come occasions, generally rare, when be considers certain laws to be so unjust as to render obedience to them a dishonour. He then openly and civilly breaks them and quietly suffers the penalty for their breach.  [14]  With just 100,000 Europeans in the whole country, it was clear that only a low level of civil resistance to the economic and legal bases of British rule would be sufficient to severely jeopardise the security of British tenure. By going beyond this to question even the British fitness to rule, Gandhi moved decisively beyond the aims of the nineteenth century nationalists and severely embarrassed the European rulers. For example, the commanding officer of the Amritsar Massacre was condemned by the Government of India, but received great sympathy from the British public. Gandhis response was to condemn the official report an d the government response to it as pages of thinly disguised official whitewash and called on the Indian nation to rise against an intolerable wrongs not by armed rising, but by non-cooperation: if we are worthy to call ourselves a nation, we must refuse to uphold the Government by withdrawing co-operation from it.  [15]  The 1930 salt march generated great India-wide publicity and drew large numbers to meetings, at which Gandhi appealed to village officials to resign from their posts which buttressed the imperial regime. Resignations began to occur in large numbers, under pressure of publicity and social boycott, and the Viceroy reported to London how grave the situation was as Gandhi challenged the legitimacy of government. In Gujarat the personal influence of Gandhi threatens to create a position of real embarrassment to the administration . . . in some areas he has already achieved a considerable measure of success in undermining the authority of Government. As the government of Bombay saw it, the real problem was that more and more people who used to be judged sane and reasonable were joining Gandhi, not because they expect any definite results from anti-salt laws campaign but because belief that British connection is morally indefensible and economically intolerable is gaining strength among educated Hindus, Gujaratis mostly but others also.  [16]   Yet in 1934, Gandhi agreed that three years of civil disobedience had served their time, and that the time had come for Congress to return to constitutional politics to test the forthcoming Government of India Act. Rajagopalachari argued that If the magic of the Congress name and memory of its past sacrifices are utilised, then a position of trust and confidence among the masses could be established, and whatever the new constitution may be it can give us the power., Congressmen released from prisons soon became not just leaders of a political movement, but cadres of a political party seeking to win elections. To the dismay of the British and their supporters they were able to draw on the moral authority which Gandhi and their own participation in satyagraha had won for them. Their campaign was slickly managed, appealing to traditional nationalist themes, as well as highlighting the fruits of full responsible government in the provinces, which the new Government of India Act of 1935 now provided, was, moreover, assiduously fostered. The control this allowed over land revenue administration was particularly emphasised a key theme for the zamindar class who had previously seen their interests best served by the British rather than the nationalists. In the 1926 elections, Congress had not polled very well, but in 1934, on a similarly small franchise, Congress overwhelmingly won the Central Legislative Assembly. It went on to win innumerable district board elections in the next two or three years; and in 1937, at the end was a long three-year campaigns eventually secured legislative majorities in the provincial elections in seven of the eleven provinces of India.  [17]   The fact that Gandhi still managed to inspire and to some extent control such levels of political activism for example the salt march in 1930 and the 1941 individual satyagrahi was due to a personal magnetism not shared by any other Indian leader of his generation. From the very first political actions he took in India in 1917, a young English ICS man commented that to the peasants Gandhi seemed their liberator, and they credit him with extraordinary powers. He moves about in the villages, asking them to lay their grievances before him, and he is daily transfiguring the imaginations of masses of ignorant men with visions of an early millennium.  [18]   This personal attraction was not confined to peasants, but even to the members of Congress. As the official record says for 1919, In proposing the fifth resolution Mahatma Gandhi made a speech in Hindi He said he was bound to condemn mob excesses. He admitted that these were committed under grave provocation given by the Government, but he wanted that even in grave provocation they should not lose their heads. He wanted true Satyagraha of them.  [19]  It also proved that much of the national unity which Gandhi brought into his campaigns such as the Khilafat and Rowlatt Acts in 1920-1 was based on his own personal leadership after being jailed and subsequently retiring from public life, it seemed to many that the movement he symbolized had died. Yet in response to the Simon and Nehru Commissions, Gandhi returned with a campaign of civil disobedience which brought thousands into active opposition to continued British rule. During the 1937 election campaign, it was reported that à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ many villagers observed fast on the day of polling and broke it after exercising their franchise in favour of the Congress candidateà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ village voters bowed before the Congress candidates box as a mark of respect to Mahatma Gandhi.  [20]  Even the government understood the personal charisma the Mahatma brought with him, and had striven not to reinforce this position with martyrdom in 1922 and 1931. His value to both followers and opponents increased, even though he was behind bars, and his year-long prison term was marked by the negotiations with the Viceroy which culminated in the Gandhi-Irwin agreement. Ultimately, despite the great veneration for Gandhi, he failed to convince other nationalists to agree with his Eastern model of swaraj. In Hind Swaraj, he said the present system of education in India perpetuated immoral ideas, bred generations of Indians eager to collaborate in an imperial regime which was importing an evil civilization and threatened to create a widening gulf between the so-called educated and the masses. He argued trenchantly for the use of vernaculars as opposed to English, and the abandonment of the current over-literary and foreign syllabus in favour of study soundly based on spiritual values in the context of practical labour.  [21]   While symbolically Nationalist leaders were in favour of this, divergences became very obvious. So much so that Gandhi retired for a second time from Congress politics, saying in 1934 that I have referred to the common goal, but I have begun to doubt if all the Congressmen understand the same thing by the expression Complete Independence. For me Purna Swaraj has an infinitely larger meaning than Complete Independence, but even Purna Swaraj is not self explained. No one word or compound expression will give us a meaning which all can understand.  [22]  Clearly it did not have this meaning to Gandhis colleagues. Even Gandhis ideas of swadeshi did not create the impression he had intended: I put the spinning wheel and khadi in the forefront. Hand-spinning by the Congress intelligentsia has all but disappeared. The general body of them have no faith in it. The removal of the khadi clause in the constitution would mean removal of the living link between the Congress and the millions w hom it has from its inception sought to represent; and yet if it remains, it has to be rigidly enforced. But it cannot be, if a substantial majority of the Congressmen have no living faith in it. . .  [23]  Gandhis early consideration for the Muslim community did not prevent the Muslim community withdrawing from the Congress actions; and although Gandhi himself was very opposed to the two-nation theory, the Muslim Leagues demands were never seriously heeded by a Congress whose focus was securely on the British raj. In fact, Congress refused to go into coalition with the Muslim League after the 1937 legislative elections. Even the distinctively Indian conception of self-rule which Gandhi spent his life trying to deliver, did not force out Western political doctrines. Jawaharlal Nehru used his Presidential Address at the 1936 Congress to say I am convinced that the only key to the solution of the worlds problems and of Indias problems lies in socialism, and when I use this word I do so not in a vague humanitarian way but in the scientific, economic sense. . I see no way of ending the poverty, the vast unemployment, the degradation and the subjection of the Indian people except through socialism. That involves vast and revolutionary changes in our political and social structures, the ending of vested interests in land and industry, as well as the feudal and autocratic Indian States system. . . Some glimpse we can have of this new civilisation in the territories of the USSR. Role of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose in the Freedom Movement In the Congress, there was a group which was influenced by the socialistic idea. This group had young elements such as Subhas Chandra Bose, J.L.Nehru, J.P.Narain, Acharya Narendra Dev, Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia, as its workers. They worked in mobilizing the working class and the peasant for the national movement and radicalizing the Congress. Again there was a division in this group. Some members formed Forward Block with Subhash Chander Bose as its member. Netaji did not agree with Gandhiji on peaceful agitation. He launched an uncompromising struggle against the British imperialism after the outbreak of Second World War. The government banned this organisation and arrested almost all its important leaders. Subhash Chander Bose was also arrested but, in a, very mysterious way, he escaped from the-custody of the government and reached Germany and japan via Kabul. He organised Azad Hind Fauz though a stop in this direction had already been taken up by Captain Mohan Singb.Hemade Indian Nat ional Army out of the Indian prisoners in Japan. He was Supreme Commander of the Azad HindFauj. A womans regiment (Rani Jhansi) was also formed under the captaincy of Laxmi Swaminathan. He came to Singapore via Japan. He established a provincial government ofAzad Hindustan with H.Q_ at Singapore on October 21, 1943. His government was given recognition by many nations. He declared war against the U.S.A. and its allies and made Burma as H.Q. He called upon the people to give him their blood and he would give them independence. The Indian National Army perxtrzted into the Indian soil and took possession of some area of Manipur Aishavpur. He planned to march 6y declaring Delhi Chalo (March to Delhi). laspite of his determination, his dreaund liberating the motherland was 1*x)t fulfilled due to shortage of food, tack of forces, ammunition and onset of monsoon. The action of the Indian National Army awakened the national feelings and had its impact on all sections of the people. The people were prepared to make any sacrifice f6r the country. The slogan Jai Hind influenced the people greatly. It is sad to say that Netaji was reported to be killed in an air-crash. Shah Nawaz, Dhillon and Sehgal who had deserted Indian Army to join INA of Netaji Subliash Bose were tried before a Court Martial in Red Fort, Delhi. The Congress leaders defended these patriotic sons of India. The Court Martial convicted them and awarded death penalty for sedition. There was resentment among people against this decision. As such the government did not dare to execute them. Governor-General set them free by using his special powers. The contribution of Netaji and members of Indian National Army is significant. They aroused national feelings. Their action forced the British government to free the country at the earliest, His dreams came true and India became free on 15th August, 1947 after a long struggle. The Britishers exploited our economy. They used our economic surplus for their own gain and drained our wealth to their motherland. They devised the policy of divide and rule and aroused communal feelings in our society: In 1857, there was a revolt against the regime of East India Company because of exploitation and other factors. Our leaders termed it as First War of Independence whereas Britishers dubbed it as Mutiny a mere sepoy rebellion. Although it failed because of the absence of common purpose, unity and co-ordination, and non-availability of modern weapons and Social, religious and economic factors awakened the national feelings among the people of India. Communication and transport, introduction of western education brought the people closer to each other and they decided to dislodge the British Government. The people felt the need fora common platform to oppose the Britishers and they started forming associations in order to right the Government unitedly. It was in 1885 that the Indian National Congress came into existence. During the first 20 years of its inception, the Congress was reformist and liberal organisation. In the beginning of 20th century, young members of Indian National Congress became opponents of liberal policies of the Moderates. Because of the difference of opinion the Congress was splitted in the year 1907 at its Surat session. However, with the efforts of Annie Besant and other leaders, both groups, got united in the year 1916 and the Congress started the struggle for freedom unitedly. Non-corporation (1920-22), the Civil Disobedience (1930) and the Quit India (1947} Movements proved milestones in the subsequent period. Finally it was in 1947 that India got Independence from the British rule. In 1915, Mahatma Gandhi came back from South Africa, where he successfully opposed the policy of racial discrimination of the South-African government with non-violent means. After the passage of Rawlatt Act which aimed at arresting-any Indian without trial, there was a protest all over the country. The feelings of Indian people were suppressed-resulting in Jallianwala Bagh massacre. Congress became agitated with the above massacre and with other events in the country and decided to launch non-cooperation movement under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi. In this movement, people boycotted foreign goods and govt. institutions and made bonfires of foreign goods. However, Mahatma Gandhi suspended this movement because of violence in Chauri Chaura (Gorakhpur). Mahatma Gandhi launched civil disobedience movement again in 1930 by a march to DANDI to break the salt-law. The Congress in its Lahore session held on 31st December, 1929 adopted a resolution for complete independence and decided to observe 26th January every year as independence day fill the country gets independence. With the out-break of second world war and Britishers not taking the Congress into confidence for war, Congressmen became agitated, Congress under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi decided to launch Quit India Movement. He termed this as the last struggle of his life to win the freedom. This was a decision to do or die. ft was a mass struggle based on non-violence. But this movement was also crushed with a heavy hand. Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose with his Indian National Army played a significant role in the achievement of freedom. He declared war against the British. He aroused national feelings among the people. Netaji and other freedom fighters dream became true and India got independence on 15th August, 1947 after a long freedom struggle.