Saturday, February 15, 2020

Choosing health Supporting Legislation For Health Essay

Choosing health Supporting Legislation For Health - Essay Example A report by the department of health dated on August indicates that a third of adults and a fifth of children aged below15 years will be clinically obese .By the year the 2010 it is estimated that 12 million adults in the UK and a million children will be obese while more will be overweight (Department of Health, 2004a). In this case we mainly focus on children’s health and various health issues affecting them where we approach obesity as one of the major challenge. Health support legislation in Liverpool seeks to realize the shared responsibility that everyone has to make changes that will lead to improvement of health (Department of Health, 2004b). One is considered obese when his or her body Body mass index (BMI) is 30-39.9, when its 40 one is considered morbidly obese, when its 50 one is considered super obese. Prevalence of obesity cases has tripled since 1980 and obesity is mostly associated with various aspects for example age, gender (where it mostly affects the female), ethnic belonging to a certain group and people of the lower economic status. In the year 2000 it was estimated that one out every five adults was obese. Obesity may lead to complications and diseases which include diabetes, hypertension, myocardial infarction, colon cancer, stroke among others. The main causes of obesity are sedentary lifestyle, increased energy food intake through eating and lack of regular exercises. In childhood obesity which is our main area of focus it is estimated that more than 75% of obese children become obese during their adulthood, for the last 20 years the number of obese children has been seen to triple mainly for children a ged between six to seventeen years of age (Department of Health, 2000). These is due to increased central fat deposition, it is believed that nowadays children may have a lower life expectancy compared to their parents

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Family Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Family Law - Essay Example U.K.’s family section 8(1) of the Children Act 1989 states that the children must live 50 percent of the growing up with one parent1. Consequently, the children will live the remaining 50 percent of their children years with the other spouse. The essence of the shared residence rule prevents the issue that one parent is better than the other parent. This was the ruling in the D v D (Shared Residence Order case) 2001 1 Flr 4952. The shared residence complies with section 1 of the Children Act of 1989. The section emphasises that the children’s welfare is paramount compared over the welfare of either of the parents. Each parent has equal time rights and decision rights to the development of the children. The Children’s Act of 1989 is grounded on the Law Commission 1986 Working Paper no. 96. The law ensures that both parents are not denied their right to make equal decisions on the children’s schooling, abode, and other related family decisions3. Childrenâ₠¬â„¢s Minister Tim Loughton stated that the state had the duty to ensure the fathers are not eliminated from the child development equation. The fathers have the right have the children live with the father on equal basis, removing the issue of discrimination. In fact, Mr. Loughton stated that the move was to reverse the current United Kingdom scene where children were not given their right to personally feel their fathers’ love, affection, and caresses. ... Consequently, most of the children were refused their right to share time with their fathers. The judge referred to the case T v T judgment stating that court should bring the greatest benefits of the children. The court should never prevent dividing the children’s rights and the father’s right to have 50 percent of the children’s time say with the father4. In terms of case law, A v B Anor [2012] EWCA Civ 285 (14 March 2012) states the court of appeals granted the father’s request to contact his child. The child was living with the spouse’s divorced wife. The wife was a lesbian5. The case states the decision is based on what is best for the children’s interest. The child’s interest includes the child’s need for the father to contribute to the child’s nurturing. The father complainant complies with all the legal requirements of a father role. Consequently, the father prays that the court grant his right to be with his chil d. The court decision states that the father should be granted his right to implement his father image. Specifically, the court can enhance his father –children relationship. The relationship includes providing for the food, clothing, shelter, school, medical, and other real life father responsibilities. By filing a complaint with the court, the court interprets the father’s complaint is convincing proof that the father is serious in his desire to fulfil his right to act as the child’s father. Eric must not get in the way of preventing the father’s right to have the children live with the parent. In the same way, Eric should not prevent the children’s right to stay with the father. By forcing Belinda to North of England, Eric can be charged for preventing the â€Å"stay with child† right of both the