Monday, August 24, 2020

How to be a Welcome Guest Poster

Step by step instructions to be a Welcome Guest Poster Posting on visitor locales is an incredible method to expand your profile, build up your own image †and quietly plug an item or administration. Heres how to expand your odds of getting your posts acknowledged Composing visitor posts is an incredible method to advance your work and manufacture your own journalists image. Ive done a great deal of this as of late, to advance my book, Kitten on a Fatberg. Ive invested a considerable amount of energy sending off thoughts, perusing entries rules, and liaising with editors. Here are a portion of the things Ive learned en route Have something to sayâ Start Search for subjects that are publication in nature yet lined up with your item. My book is a comic novel composed with two co-writers, for instance, so Ive tested out different plans to do with composing humor, crowdfunding a novel, teaming up on a book, etc. Research your marketsâ Its essential to ensure theres a solid match between what you need to state and where you may have the option to post it. A science fiction discussion may distribute bunches of visitor banners, for instance, yet in the event that youre a chick-lit creator youre likely improbable to get one of them. You may have an extraordinary piece about a mainstream point, for example, profitability or an inability to write to offer, yet on the off chance that the site has just secured this zone widely, youll presumably be unfortunate there as well. Transform themes into ideasâ While introducing thoughts, attempt to lure your manager with a genuine eye catching title text and a standfirst †that infectious introduction para that magazines and papers use to draw individuals into perusing the full article. At that point, regardless of whether you are tending to a well known subject, you can show you have a remarkable edge on the theme, and you might be in karma. So as opposed to offering the dull and nonexclusive sounding Top profitability tips, attempt 7 different ways to kill your inward slowpoke, followed Keep it individual Dont impact out a similar email to a major rundown of online journals and sites. Convey a couple at once, customizing every one, with a concise introduction about what your identity is (which you may likewise need to change each time). Concentrate on why your thoughts may hold any importance with perusers, get beneficiaries names right, and consistently Follow the rules The greatest bogeyman of composing web journals is, justifiably, entries from individuals who havent followed their rules. These are constantly provided plainly and in loads of detail, so it will appear to be very rude to an editorial manager in the event that you disregard their solicitations about organizing, symbolism, topic, word check, utilization of connections, and so on. Some well known websites will just dismiss your thoughts or accommodation without a second thought if the rules havent been followed. Do as youre told! Editors will quite often need to make a couple of changes to your words. They may need some extra duplicate from you or request words to be cut. They will all the time change the introduction and opening area to cause it to sit better with their style and approach. Recall editors know their business sectors and their titles back to front, and in the event that they need a few changes, it implies they need to distribute you very soon. Along these lines, this is no an ideal opportunity to be valuable about your composing †go with their article choices and turn any mentioned alters round as quickly as possible. Last idea: Keep the promotion stuff to a minimumâ Theres a compensation in visitor posting †you give the editorial manager some substance of significant worth, and theyll let you plug your book. Be that as it may, dont exaggerate the limited time component †if your piece is packed loaded with references to your book, it will simply seem to be one major advert, and it wont be acknowledged. Composing something that is valuable or engaging for individuals is the best notice for your work, all things considered.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Terrorism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 4

Psychological oppression - Essay Example This suggests psychological warfare has been utilized by left-wing and conservative ideological groups, strict gatherings, nationalistic gatherings, administering governments, progressives, among others (Malisow and French 24). This paper will look to clarify the good and political parts of fear mongering just as the issues that characterize and conceptualize the psychological oppression marvel. There are a few narratives and movies that have been made to elucidate the birthplace, just as the issues that spin around psychological oppression. A portion of these narratives incorporate; The Weather Underground by Sam Green and Bill Siegel, The Power Nightmares by Adam Curtis, among others. These two narratives broadly investigate the idea of psychological warfare, how it appeared, its reality and how it is seen by individuals of various units. Most importantly, it is significant that the two narratives agree that fear mongering appeared as a type of insurgency against issues that were t he majority accepted that were against mankind and tranquil conjunction among individuals. In the narrative, The Weather Underground, Sam Green and Bill Siegel have elucidated the way wherein a gathering of understudies rebelled against a portion of the issues they felt the legislature was not tending to. The understudies, under an umbrella body known as Students for Democratic Society, challenged inconsistent privileges of the African American individuals and the Vietnam War (Green and Siegel). In the wake of understanding that their serene exhibitions were being underestimated, they turned to fear. For example, the crushed windows of government structures and even set blew some with bombs. While blowing the administration structures, they passed word for individuals to clear the structures to guarantee that nobody was harmed (Green and Siegel). For this situation, they regarded the holiness of life while disturbing for their privileges. This narrative has a vital impact in giving the historical backdrop of American psychological oppressors. On the hand, The Power Nightmares narrative elucidates the ascent and development of Islamic psychological warfare and the apparent war on fear. Much the same as in The Weather Underground, Curtis’s narrative exhibits that disdain and disappointment with the situation prompted the ascent of fear based oppression. Be that as it may, as per Curtis, fear based oppression started with the Sayyid Qutb, an Egyptian government worker and the organizer of present day Islamist way of thinking, hatred of the western society’s ethics and temperances (Curtis). Having remained in America and seen the spoil in the western ethics as executed by independence, he restricted Gamal Abdel Nasser’s westernization of Egypt. In this way, he targets sparing the general public by rebuilding it along Islamic lines. Furthermore, he is persuaded that his desire must be accomplished by making a tip top vanguard to encourage a tra nsformation. Subsequently, he makes the Muslim Brotherhood of which he turns into the pioneer. He spurs different Islamists, for example, Ayman al-Zawahiri, who later turns into the guide of Osama container Laden (Curtis). They have a solid thought that westernized pioneers can be executed so as to expel their debasement in the general public. Curtis likewise uncovers the ascent of disappointed dissidents, for example, Paul Wolfowitz and Irving Kristol in America. They were upsetting for th

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Glossophobia or the Fear of Public Speaking

Glossophobia or the Fear of Public Speaking Phobias Types Print Glossophobia or the Fear of Public Speaking Symptoms, Complications, and Treatments By Lisa Fritscher Lisa Fritscher is a freelance writer and editor with a deep interest in phobias and other mental health topics. Learn about our editorial policy Lisa Fritscher Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on August 05, 2016 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on April 25, 2019 ColorBlind Image / The Image Bank / Getty Images More in Phobias Types Causes Symptoms and Diagnosis Treatment Glossophobia, or the fear of public speaking, is remarkably common. In fact, some experts estimate that as much as 75 percent of the population has some level of anxiety regarding public speaking. Of course, many people are able to manage and control the fear. If your fear is significant enough to cause problems in work, school, or in social settings, then it is possible that you suffer from a full-blown phobia. Glossophobia and Social Phobia Glossophobia is a subset of social phobia, the fear of social situations. Most people with glossophobia do not exhibit symptoms of other types of social phobia, such as fear of meeting new people or fear of performing tasks in front of others. In fact, many people with glossophobia are able to dance or sing on stage, provided they do not have to talk. Nonetheless, stage fright is a relatively common experience in those with glossophobia. Glossophobia can even occur in front of just a few people. In a child, it may present as the child desperately hoping she doesnt get called on in class to answer a question. It may cause you to avoid situations where you may become the focus of attention. Symptoms Physical symptoms of glossophobia include: SweatingHigh blood pressureIncreased heart rateDry mouthDifficulty breathingNauseaHeadacheDilated pupils Complications The vast majority of careers involve some level of public speaking, from participating in meetings to giving presentations to clients. If your phobia is severe, you may find yourself unable to perform these necessary tasks. This can lead to consequences up to and including losing your job. People who have  social phobias also have a higher than normal risk of developing conditions such as depression or other anxiety disorders. This is likely due to the feelings of isolation that can develop over time. Another possible reason is that some people seem to be hardwired for anxiety, which can manifest in a wide range of ways. Treatment Options Glossophobia can be successfully treated in a variety of ways. One of the most common is cognitive-behavioral therapy  (CBT). You will learn to replace your messages of fear with more positive self-talk. You will also learn relaxation techniques and what to do when you experience a panic attack. You will gradually confront your fear in a safe and controlled environment. Medications may also be prescribed to help you get control of your fear. These medicines are generally used in conjunction with therapy rather than on their own. Once you have successfully worked through the worst of your fear, you might want to consider joining a speaking group such as Toastmasters. These groups can help you polish your public speaking skills through repetition and constructive criticism from fellow members. Building confidence in your ability to speak in public can further reduce your anxiety. While many people have some degree of fear of public speaking, glossophobia can be life-limiting. The success rate for treatment is extremely high. The first step is to find a therapist that you trust who can help you work through the fear.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Symptoms And Treatment Of Bipolar Disorder Essay - 970 Words

Writer obtained the information for this clinical presentation from the interviews with the individual, records from the chart and from asking my supervisor about the person’s history and current goals. 1. Identifying Statement: S is a 51 year old single African American female. She is tall and heavy set, but not obese. She sometimes presents herself as dressed and well groomed. She does not wear jewelry or make-up. Her current diagnosis is Bipolar Disorder. Her current medications are Risperdal and Depakote. She has been residing in her one bedroom apartment in Elizabeth, NJ for the last 2 years. She is currently receiving services from Bridgeway enhanced supported housing. 2. Psychiatric History: According to â€Å"S† she became ill when things between her and her ex-husband started having marital problems. She states â€Å"We used to fight a lot and I would call the police because I was afraid of what could happen.† â€Å"S† could not recall how many times she has been hospitalized, but she knows it was a lot. According to â€Å"S† record she was diagnosed with bipolar disorder in 2013. At the time of her diagnosis â€Å"S† expressed behaviors such as talking rapidly, bad language (cursing at people); feeling angry and aggressive but have no physical altercations at the time. Poor history of medication adherence, which is the primary reason she becomes hospitalized. â€Å"S† was hospitalized 7 times since 2013. She was first hospitalized at Runnells 2012-2013, Trinitas twice 2014, SummitShow MoreRelatedBipolar Disorder : Symptoms And Treatment854 Words   |  4 Pagesmedical condition known as bipolar disord er. Bipolar disorder is when a person suffers from severe shifts in mood and energy. In most cases, bipolar disorder can be treated and people with the illness can live normal and productive lives with the help of medication and or therapy. Aiken, C. (2010). Family Experiences of Bipolar Disorder: The Ups, the Downs and the Bits in Between. Retrieved from Ebsco Host. In this book the author discusses her own dealings with Bipolar Disorder. She goes on to say howRead MoreSymptoms And Treatment Of Bipolar Disorder1489 Words   |  6 PagesDiego City College Bipolar disorder, also called manic-depressive disorder, is a disease that affects thousands of people all over the United States of America. According to Sarris (2011) approximately 1-2% of adults will be affected by bipolar disorder in their lifetime. While some individuals may go undiagnosed, the prevalence percentage can raise to as much as 4% when including milder subclinical presentations (Sarris, 2011). Bipolar disorder can cause severe dysfunction in theRead MoreSymptoms And Treatment Of Bipolar Disorder1125 Words   |  5 Pageswith several mental disorders. The major diagnosis would be bipolar disorder. She also suffers from borderline personality disorder, Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and anxiety. The American Psychiatric Association s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder defines bipolar disorder as a recurrent mood disorder that includes periods of mania or mixed episodes of mania and depression (Murphy, 2012, p. 44-50). It was previously kn own as manic depressive disorder. It is most commonRead MoreBipolar Disorder Treatments : Symptoms And Symptoms2309 Words   |  10 Pages Bipolar Disorder Treatments Kelly Miazga Metropolitan State University December 8th 2014 â€Æ' Bipolar disorder treatments Introduction Bipolar disorder, also known as manic depression or bipolar affective disorder is a mood disorder where the patient experiences episodes of extreme highs known as mania and extreme lows known as depression. Periods of mania and depression vary per person. A person who is displaying a manic episode shows typical symptoms of elevated mood, extreme happiness or irritabilityRead MoreBipolar Disorder : Symptoms And Treatment2115 Words   |  9 Pages Bipolar Disorder The Bipolar disorder or you can call it manic depression, it is a often diagnosed and draining frame or state of mind disorder which causes huge shifts in temperament and frame of mind. The word bipolar means that the two main polar extremes in which a person with the disorder experiences. According a part of the National Institutes of Health that watches over neurological and psychological research this disorder affects about 2.1 million adultsRead MoreSymptoms And Treatment Of Bipolar Disorder963 Words   |  4 Pagesthat goes by we hear someone being labeled as bipolar or another celebrity is getting diagnosed as being bipolar after their spurts of erratic behavior. I had to ask the question, does anyone really know what it means to be bipolar? Bipolar disorder, also known as manic-depressive illness, is a brain disorder that causes unusual shifts in mood, energy, activity levels, and the ability to carry out day-to-day tasks (NIMH). Suffering from bipolar disorder can mean su ffering from drastic changes in moodRead MoreSymptoms And Treatment Of Bipolar Disorder1274 Words   |  6 Pagesconclusion, Ben Tang was diagnosed with bipolar II disorder indicated by DSM-5 at age 47. He experienced symptoms such as feeling depressed, suicidal thoughts, and worthlessness in depressive episodes. He experienced symptoms such as racing mind, trouble falling asleep, and committing reckless behaviors in hypomanic episodes. It can be challenging to live with bipolar disorder because the symptoms can be hard to deal with. There are several ways to manage bipolar disorder, include medications, support groupRead MoreSymptoms And Treatment Of Bipolar Disorder1220 Words   |  5 PagesThe history of bipolar disorder is perhaps just as complex as the condition itself. Bipolar is highly recognized as a treatable disorder. The more we learn about bipolar disorder, the more people may be able to receive the help that they need. Centuries passed and little new was discovered about bipolar disorder until French psychiatrist Jean-Pierre Falret published an article in 1851 describing what he called â€Å"la folie circulaire,† which translates to circular insanity. The article details peopleRead MoreSymptoms And Treatment Of Bipolar Disorder762 Words   |  4 Pages Bipolar Disorder 2 Disorder history, In the 19th century psychiatry, mania had a broad meaning of craziness, hypomania was equated by some concepts of â€Å"partial insanity† or monomania. Bipolar disorder origins in 1854, Jules Baillarger and Jean-Pierre Falret, independently present descriptions of the disorder to Academie de Medicine in Paris. German neuropsychiatrist Emanuel Mendel in 1881 wrote â€Å"that heRead MoreSymptoms And Treatment Of Bipolar Disorder1442 Words   |  6 Pagesmental illness. For example, manic depressive illness, or bipolar disorder, is a cognitive disease which affects â€Å"about 2.6% of the U.S. population† every year (DBSA). Along with the vast number of patients stricken with bipolar, are also a plethora of symptoms, with researchers and patients reporting, â€Å"unusual shifts in mood, energy, activity levels, and (an inability) to carry out day-to-day tasks† (NIMH). Along with the symptoms of bipolar are several factors that contribute to the presence of the

Friday, May 8, 2020

Friar Laurence’s Role in The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet...

William Shakespeare’s play, The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, tells of two lovers who sacrifice their life for each other throughout their family’s feud. Throughout the play, Shakespeare utilizes the Nurse and Friar Laurence to offer guidance to Romeo and Juliet. The Friar, in particular, is considered â€Å"a holy man† because he is a monk and is particularly thought of for his noble counsel (5.3.269). In The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, Friar Laurence’s advice and plans were designed to bring the two lovers together and end the family feud, but in the end, he should have heeded his own advice which might have prevented the death of Romeo, Juliet, and others. Once Romeo meets Juliet at the Capulet party, the two fall in love quickly. After Romeo and Juliet talk further in the Capulet orchard, Romeo meets the Friar and tells him of his plans to marry Juliet. Friar Laurence almost instantaneously approves of the matrimony because this might â€Å"turn your households’ rancor to pure love† (2.4.92). Romeo rapidly replies by saying, â€Å"O, let us hence! I stand on sudden haste† (2.4.93). The Friar replies by telling Romeo that he should slow down because the ones that move swiftly will falter. Although he gives this advice, it is not used in the plan Friar Laurence has to keep Juliet from being wedded to Paris. After Romeo and Juliet are married, disaster strikes when Juliet surprises Friar Laurence at his cell with the news of her being forced to marry Paris. She is so desperateShow MoreRelatedEssay about Evaluating an interpretation of literature653 Words   |  3 Pagesinterpretation of Shakespeare’s Romeo Juliet which portrays arguments about Friar Laurence, indicating that he was to blame for the tragic ending to the play. Marlowe Claims Throughout the plot, it is the actions of Friar Laurence, and he alone that are most significant in ensuring the final tragedy of the play. The statement pro ves that she believes the Friar to be the influence or the main reason the star crossed lovers die whereas in Shakespeares original version he made the Friar a caring man that justRead MoreThe Role of Friar Lawrence in Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare730 Words   |  3 PagesThe Role of Friar Lawrence in Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare Friar Lawrence was one of the most important characters in the novel. Even though he was not on the stage for most of the play he greatly contributed to the tragedy that would soon happen at the end of the play. There was basically three major parts that lead to the death of Romeo and Juliet, which Friar Lawrence was involved in all of them. Friar Lawrence played a vital role in the marriage, planning and death of Romeo andRead MorePardoned or Punished: Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare693 Words   |  3 Pages Pardoned or Punished? The play, Romeo and Juliet, written by William Shakespeare, is about a tragedy of two star crossed lovers who want nothing more than to be together forever. â€Å"†¦Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, And I’ll no longer be a Capulet.† (2.2.35-36) Romeo, a Montague, who is young and passionate, meets Juliet at a Capulet party. When they meet, it’s love at first sight. Juliet, a Capulet, is a beautiful young lady tired of being controlled by her father, Lord Capulet. The twoRead MoreThe True Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet819 Words   |  3 Pagesnear essential to us, even though not everyone has this advantage. William Shakespeare’s famous and celebrated tragedy, Romeo and Juliet, depicts several instances in which the title characters, though still naà ¯ve, behave more responsibly and maturely than the misguided adult figures in their lives–those of the Houses of Capulet and Montague, especially Juliet’s parents, and the culpable Friar Laurence. The earliest representation of the immature rashness of the Capulets and Montagues occurs at the beginningRead MoreTrue Love in William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet Essay1105 Words   |  5 Pagesthink of Romeo and Juliet as a love story with a tragic ending rather than a classic tragedy, because the love Romeo and Juliet find and share is beautiful and inspiring: there is nothing tragic about it.    Juliet My bounty is as boundless as the sea, My love as deep. The more I give to thee, The more I have, for both are infinite. [Act 2, Scene 2, 133-35]    Their heart-rending deaths are of course tragic, resulting as they do from an unforeseeable flaw in Friar LaurencesRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Romeo And Juliet1328 Words   |  6 Pagesmost of the things i am generally interested in reading is Shakespeare plays. Most notably, Romeo and Juliet as being one of my personal favorites.Throughout the entirety reading the play i’ve noticed how much the themes play a role in the effect the characters and their surroundings,resulting in a tragic ending. From some examples, how fate plays into Romeo and Juliet being â€Å"star-cross’d lovers† and, the theme of love playing an extreme role which is pure and beautiful but also destructive and chaoticRead MoreRomeo And Juliet Character Analysis1141 Words   |  5 Pageswhich ‘Romeo and Juliet’ was written, many people were strong believers of fate and it was a common belief in society. William Shakespeare was a famous poet who is recognised for his powerfu l writing and contribution to the English language. One of William Shakespeare’s highly recognised plays is ‘Romeo and Juliet’ written in the late 1500’s. It is a play about two star-crossed lovers alongside fate who by their death end the feud between the Montagues and the Capulets. In ‘Romeo and Juliet’, FriarRead More A Comparison of Love in Romeo and Juliet and The Tempest Essay1969 Words   |  8 PagesThe Phenomenon of Love in Romeo and Juliet and The Tempest      Ã‚  Ã‚   We know from the very opening scene of Romeo and Juliet, Romeo and Juliets love will end in tragedy. We may wonder why Miranda and Ferdinand in The Tempest do not end up with the same fate as Romeo and Juliet. Both couples are from opposing political families. Both couples are enraptured with their lovers. Why then does Romeo and Juliet end with their deaths and the Tempest end with Miranda and FerdinandsRead MoreEssay on Mercutio of William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet1389 Words   |  6 PagesMercutio of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet Although the story of Romeo and Juliet does not focus on Mercutio, to many, he is one of the most interesting characters in literature. His name puns on the word mercurial which meansunpredictably changeable. His unsteady behavior makes him wise beyond his intentions. Arecurring trend in Shakespeare’s plays is the existence of a witty fool and many foolish wits. People such as Romeo, Friar Laurence, and Capulet are people who are made out to beRead MoreThe Role of Fate in Romeo and Juliet2091 Words   |  9 Pagesconceived around a foundation in either tragedy or comedy, this polarity of themes allowing him to experiment with the full range of human emotions. Typically, an integral part of a Shakespearean tragedy is love, which is frustrated by a breakdown in order, or the character of the hero, due to some human limitation. The play Romeo and Juliet has all these typical characteristics. However, the resultant conclusion of events for the characters in this tragedy is adversely affected by the hands of fate

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Thoughts of Tao Te Ching Free Essays

The thoughts of Tao Te Ching (Philosophy) The first thing that struck me about Tao Te Ching is Albert Einstein. I am a big fan of Einstein, perplexed by years of studying his scientific theories and thereafter forever being awed by his genius. We will write a custom essay sample on The Thoughts of Tao Te Ching or any similar topic only for you Order Now As for Taoism, being of Chinese descent, growing up in the eastern world, I have constant exposure to the Taoist practices, culture, traditions, images and symbols. However, the irony is that I had never ventured further than just being a mere observer, a classic case of not seeing the forest for the trees. When I began to read Tao Te Ching, I am intrigued by the concept of Tao and its similarities to scientific theories, Einstein’s theories and thoughts, in particular. In Chapter 1 of the Tao Te Ching, it tells me that the real Tao is not an entity and cannot be described in words or named. All that could be named are just illusions or mere manifestations as stated in chapter 1, â€Å"Naming is the origin of all particular things† and another line, â€Å"Caught in desire, you can see only the manifestations†. The â€Å"mystery† which is the â€Å"unnamable Tao† is reality as stated in this sentence, â€Å"The unnamable is the eternally real†. Then, it goes on to say that, â€Å"Yet mystery and manifestations arise from the same source†. I would interpret this as reality and illusion are both the same. Here, I draw similarity to Einstein’s quote â€Å"Reality is merely an illusion albeit a very persistent one†. Chapter 2 reads to me as Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. It says that what is defined as beautiful is possible only when compared to what is ugly. Likewise, what is ugly is only definable compared to what is beautiful. It gives other examples of paradoxical unity. Often what we see is relative to another that opposes: good and bad; being and non-being; difficult and easy; long and short; high and low; before and after. To me, it means that what we can see as real is defined by comparing to something that is opposite, without which, neither exists. One entity is relative to another. This is exactly what Einstein says in his Theory of Relativity. He says to imagine a passenger sitting in a high speed train hich is really going smooth, and looking out through the windows. The trees will appear to be moving, rushing by and the passenger does not feel that the train is moving. To an observer standing on the platform, the same train appears as speeding by, not the trees. Who is correct? Einstein says both are true. He goes on to explain that if a high speed train is travelling very smoothly and the windows are completely closed, the passengers inside could not tell whether they are moving. This is the part of the Einstein’s theory that is the basis of his famous formula of E=MC? which I find parallel to that of another line of this chapter which reads, â€Å"Therefore the Master acts without doing anything and teaches without saying anything. † My interpretation of this is â€Å"Tao† advocates concentrating on ‘contradictions’ or â€Å"relativity† as the basis of reality and it is also the Master’s recommendation as the principle that governs the world. In other words, everything is interconnected and does not exist without each other, as there is no black without white; no short without long; and no being without non-being. Everything exists as relative to another just as Einstein said so. This interconnectedness and mutual existence appears to me as a key idea of Tao. I understand Tao to be not an entity or something tangible that we can grasp on. We can only know of its manifestations in Nature, in relation to one another – relativity. Through Tao, one can see that everything on earth and in the Universe is intertwined in a harmonious balance. One cannot survive without the other, just like a perfect ecosystem. It follows that a person who has wisdom or has Tao will not resist or try to control nature. He is at â€Å"One† with nature. I find this concept of â€Å"At One† and connectivity expressed in many chapters such as: Chapter 23 – be like the forces of nature, open yourself to Tao, you are at one with the Tao; Chapter 42 – but the Master makes use of it,†¦he is one with the whole universe and; Chapter 51 – Every being in the universe is an expression of the Tao. Last but not least, I find the best expression of my understanding of Tao in Chapter 39: â€Å"In harmony with the Tao, the sky is clear and spacious, the earth is solid and full, all creature flourish together, content with the way they are, endlessly repeating themselves, endlessly renewed. When man interferes with the Tao, the sky becomes filthy, the earth becomes depleted, the equilibrium crumbles, and creatures become extinct. † How to cite The Thoughts of Tao Te Ching, Essay examples

Monday, April 27, 2020

Violence in the Media Essay Example For Students

Violence in the Media Essay In the world we live in, violence is a way of life for many people. Chancesare, most of the people reading this live in nice, upper-middle class suburbs,just like I do. But, just because we dont see this violence doesnt mean itdoesnt happen. We all know it happens, were not stupid, we watch the news, weread the newspaper. So why does the government try to censor violence? Why doesthe government try to censor sex? Is it because we cant handle it? No. I canhandle it. I may be what most psychologists would call desensitized, but thatdoesnt mean Im going to shoot up my junior high school. I could never do that. We will write a custom essay on Violence in the Media specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now After all, the government has kept me away from guns. We simply arent allowedto view violence and sex because well, I cant think of a good reason. But,hey, at least the government sucks at censoring stuff. Im 13 and Ive seenPlayboys. Ive seen at least a gajillion R rated movies, and I can walk into anystore in Connecticut and buy some M rated video games. You know why? No onecares anymore. Theyre as desensitized as we are, and thats a good thing. It isa sad fact that we find violence so entertaining, but hell, it is. I freakinglove to see movies where there are more scenes of mindless violence than thereare actual scenes of acting. These movies are aimed at the lowest commondenominator because intelligent movie goers are as extinct as the Dodo bird. Movies like Showgirls make more money than Panther because they are more fun,not because they are better. It will always be this way. The government shouldnot, and can not, keep us from seeing what we want to see. Just for a moment, lets pretend we live in a future where TV containingsex or violence is illegal, and so are video games and any other medium. Now, ifwe want to see sex, under agers are going to have sex. If you cant get sex inthe media, youre going to want it in real life. If you cant get it there, somepsychopaths are going to rape poor, defenseless people. That creates a lot moreproblems than it solves, not to mention that rape is hell of a lot worse then aminor watching Striptease. The same holds true for violence. Crazy people willalways do crazy things, and there is nothing the government can do to stop it. Category: Music and Movies

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Citizen Kane essays

Citizen Kane essays Citizen Kane was directed and produced by Orson Welles. Influenced by Howard Hughes and William Randolph Hearst, Welles created the character Charles Foster Kane. This was a black and white film made in 1941 about a boy who inherited a millionaires fortune and dedicated all his time and money into make a newspaper, The New York Inquirer, which grew rapid popularity among the public. Throughout the film we see that the paper consumes all of Kanes energy and the struggle that he and his wife encounter because of it. Following Kanes death The shot that I found was the my favorite was the scene where they went back and forth from Kane to his wife at the dinner table progressively getting older and the topic of conversation was growing more and more anger. I liked this shot because it showed that through time the couple grew more distant from each other. The way that Welles shoots this scene is very dramatic and very sharp and tight from cut to cut. I also noticed that the couple is always growing farther and farther apart to the ends of the table which again symbolizes the distance in the relationship. The lighting that I found most dramatic was in one of the opening scenes where Welles used the lighting produced in the projection room for the scene where Kane and an editor have a business talk. This scene was very successful, I think because the light was completely random and cause many shadows and profiles which worked extremely well in the point he was trying to convey in the scene. The dramatic use of sound that I thought was most interesting was the scene in which the newspaper headlines were being shown and going from one paper stand to the next. The music which was played was a very up beat almost speedy music. I believe this music was chosen to demonstrate the wide spread distribution of the paper and popularity that it gathered so rapidly. The publics curiosity and morning ...

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Organizational Strategies and Chronological Order

Organizational Strategies and Chronological Order The word chronological comes from two Greek words. Chronos means time. Logikos means reason or order. That is what chronological order is all about. It arranges information according to time. In composition  and speech, chronological order is a method of organization in which actions or events are presented as they occur or occurred in time and can also be called time or linear order. Narratives and process analysis essays commonly rely on chronological order. Morton Miller points out in his 1980 book Reading and Writing Short Essay that the natural order of events - beginning, middle, and end - is narrations simplest and most-used arrangement. From Camping Out by Ernest Hemingway to The Story of an Eyewitness: The San Francisco Earthquake by Jack London, famous authors and student essayists alike have utilized the chronological order form to convey the impact a series of events had on the authors life. Also common in informative speeches because of the simplicity of telling a story as it happened, chronological order differs from other organizational styles in that it is fixed according to the timeframe of events which happened. How Tos and Who-Done-Its Because time order is essential in things like How-To presentations and murder mysteries alike, chronological order is the preferred method for informative speakers. Take for example wanting to explain to a friend how to bake a cake. You could choose another method to explain the process, but putting the steps in order of timing is a much easier method for your audience to follow - and successfully bake the cake. Similarly, a detective or officer presenting a murder or theft case to his or her team of police would want to retrace the known events of the crime as they occurred rather than bouncing around the case - though the detective may decide to go in reverse chronological order from the act of the crime itself to the earlier detail of the crime scene, allowing the team of sleuths to piece together what data is missing (i.e., what happened between midnight and 12:05 am) as well as determine the likely cause-effect play-by-play that led to the crime in the first place. In both of these cases, the speaker presents the earliest known important event or occurrence to happen and proceed to detail the following events, in order. The cake maker will, therefore, start with decide which cake you want to make followed by determine and purchase ingredients while the policeman will start with the crime itself, or the later escape of the criminal, and work backward in time to discover and determine the criminals motive. The Narrative Form The simplest way to tell a story is from the beginning, proceeding in time-sequential order throughout the characters life. Though this may not always be the way a narrative speaker or writer tells the story, it is the most common organizational process used in the narrative form. As a result, most stories about mankind can be told as simply as a person was born, he did X, Y, and Z, and then he died wherein the X, Y, and Z are the sequential events that impacted and affected that persons story after he was born but before he passed away. As X.J. Kennedy, Dorothy M. Kennedy, and Jane E. Aaron put it in the seventh edition of The Bedford Reader, a chronological order is an excellent sequence to follow unless you can see some special advantage in violating it. Interestingly, memoirs and personal narrative essays often deviate from chronological order because this type of writing hinges more upon overarching themes throughout the subjects life rather than the full breadth of his or her experience. That is to say that autobiographical work, largely due to its dependence on memory and recall, relies  not on the sequence of events in ones life but the important events that affected ones personality and mentality, searching for cause and effect relationships to define what made them human. A memoir writer might, therefore, start with a scene where he or she is confronting a fear of heights at age 20, but then flash back to several instances in his or her childhood like falling off a tall horse at five or losing a loved one in a plane crash to infer to the reader the cause of this fear. When to Use Chronological Order Good writing relies on precision and compelling storytelling to entertain and inform audiences, so its important for writers to determine the best method of organization when attempting to explain an event or project. John McPhees article Structure describes a tension between chronology and theme that can help hopeful writers determine the best organizational method for their piece. He posits that chronology typically wins out because themes prove inconvenient due to the sparsity of occurrences that relate thematically. A writer is much better served by the chronological order of events, including flashbacks and flash-forwards, in terms of structure and control.   Still, McPhee also states that theres nothing wrong with a chronological structure, and certainly nothing to suggest its a lesser form than thematic structure. In fact, even as long ago as Babylonian times, most pieces were written that way, and nearly all pieces are written that way now.

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Choosing health Supporting Legislation For Health Essay

Choosing health Supporting Legislation For Health - Essay Example A report by the department of health dated on August indicates that a third of adults and a fifth of children aged below15 years will be clinically obese .By the year the 2010 it is estimated that 12 million adults in the UK and a million children will be obese while more will be overweight (Department of Health, 2004a). In this case we mainly focus on children’s health and various health issues affecting them where we approach obesity as one of the major challenge. Health support legislation in Liverpool seeks to realize the shared responsibility that everyone has to make changes that will lead to improvement of health (Department of Health, 2004b). One is considered obese when his or her body Body mass index (BMI) is 30-39.9, when its 40 one is considered morbidly obese, when its 50 one is considered super obese. Prevalence of obesity cases has tripled since 1980 and obesity is mostly associated with various aspects for example age, gender (where it mostly affects the female), ethnic belonging to a certain group and people of the lower economic status. In the year 2000 it was estimated that one out every five adults was obese. Obesity may lead to complications and diseases which include diabetes, hypertension, myocardial infarction, colon cancer, stroke among others. The main causes of obesity are sedentary lifestyle, increased energy food intake through eating and lack of regular exercises. In childhood obesity which is our main area of focus it is estimated that more than 75% of obese children become obese during their adulthood, for the last 20 years the number of obese children has been seen to triple mainly for children a ged between six to seventeen years of age (Department of Health, 2000). These is due to increased central fat deposition, it is believed that nowadays children may have a lower life expectancy compared to their parents

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Family Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Family Law - Essay Example U.K.’s family section 8(1) of the Children Act 1989 states that the children must live 50 percent of the growing up with one parent1. Consequently, the children will live the remaining 50 percent of their children years with the other spouse. The essence of the shared residence rule prevents the issue that one parent is better than the other parent. This was the ruling in the D v D (Shared Residence Order case) 2001 1 Flr 4952. The shared residence complies with section 1 of the Children Act of 1989. The section emphasises that the children’s welfare is paramount compared over the welfare of either of the parents. Each parent has equal time rights and decision rights to the development of the children. The Children’s Act of 1989 is grounded on the Law Commission 1986 Working Paper no. 96. The law ensures that both parents are not denied their right to make equal decisions on the children’s schooling, abode, and other related family decisions3. Childrenâ₠¬â„¢s Minister Tim Loughton stated that the state had the duty to ensure the fathers are not eliminated from the child development equation. The fathers have the right have the children live with the father on equal basis, removing the issue of discrimination. In fact, Mr. Loughton stated that the move was to reverse the current United Kingdom scene where children were not given their right to personally feel their fathers’ love, affection, and caresses. ... Consequently, most of the children were refused their right to share time with their fathers. The judge referred to the case T v T judgment stating that court should bring the greatest benefits of the children. The court should never prevent dividing the children’s rights and the father’s right to have 50 percent of the children’s time say with the father4. In terms of case law, A v B Anor [2012] EWCA Civ 285 (14 March 2012) states the court of appeals granted the father’s request to contact his child. The child was living with the spouse’s divorced wife. The wife was a lesbian5. The case states the decision is based on what is best for the children’s interest. The child’s interest includes the child’s need for the father to contribute to the child’s nurturing. The father complainant complies with all the legal requirements of a father role. Consequently, the father prays that the court grant his right to be with his chil d. The court decision states that the father should be granted his right to implement his father image. Specifically, the court can enhance his father –children relationship. The relationship includes providing for the food, clothing, shelter, school, medical, and other real life father responsibilities. By filing a complaint with the court, the court interprets the father’s complaint is convincing proof that the father is serious in his desire to fulfil his right to act as the child’s father. Eric must not get in the way of preventing the father’s right to have the children live with the parent. In the same way, Eric should not prevent the children’s right to stay with the father. By forcing Belinda to North of England, Eric can be charged for preventing the â€Å"stay with child† right of both the

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Self Regulation Theory In Relation To Motivation Education Essay

Self Regulation Theory In Relation To Motivation Education Essay Learning and acquiring a second or foreign language can be difficult for some people and at the same time easy for others. Factors influencing this observation may be explained in terms of individual differences in Second Language Acquisition (SLA). These individuals differences may include personality, intelligence, language learning strategies, attitude, emotion and motivation. Some researchers believe that motivation may impact learners whole process of learning a second language (L2) (Gardner Lambert, 1972). One theory which has long been recognised in the field is called self-determination theory (e.g. Brown 1981, 1990), and it examines intrinsic/extrinsic motivation in L2 learning. However, there has also been a development of a more process-oriented theoretical approach namely the process model of L2 motivation by Dà ¶rnyei Ottà ³ (1998). They have highlighted the importance of developing self-regulatory strategies to manage, reinforce or sustain ones motivation during the course of learning. Accordingly, L2 self-regulation theory was later proposed by Dà ¶rnyei (2005), and the theory represents a major reformation of previous motivational thinking. This essay, therefore, will discuss the extent in which motivation plays a key role in second language learning. The focus of this essay is specifically on the linkage between self-regulation theory and second language learning, using the authors personal experience in Persian language learning as a case study. Research Objective The aim of this essay is to examine the authors experience in Persian language learning and analyse, based on self-regulation theory, to what extent motivation contributes to the learning of a second language. Methodology The essay employs a qualitative analysis based on theories and the authors personal experience in Persian language learning. First, definitions of the term motivation will be briefly demonstrated, and the most appropriate definition for this essay will be chosen. Second, theories and constructs of motivation in relation to self-regulation will be explored. Third, the role of motivation in the authors Persian Learning Experience will be evaluated based on self-regulation theory. Finally, a conclusion will be presented with a further discussion on future recommendations. CHAPTER TWO DEFINITIONS OF MOTIVATION Motivation is a broad concept, and definitions of motivation vary according to research and findings. The aim of this section is to explore several definitions of the term motivation and conclude on the most appropriate definition in second language (L2) learning which will contribute to this essay. To begin with, motivation comes from the Latin verb movere which means to move. It can be described as the driver inducing a person to take a certain action, make a decision, or invest efforts toward carrying out certain behaviours (Dà ¶rnyei Ushioda, 2011: 3). In a psychological perspective, motivation is often defined as the psychological quality that leads people to achieve a goal. For language learners, mastery of a language may be a goal. For others, communicative competence or even basic communication skills could be a goal. In a socio-educational framework, motivation to learn the second language is viewed as requiring three elements: effort, desire, and enjoyment. First, the motivated individual must expend an effort to learn the language. There must be a persistent and consistent strive to achieve success in learning such as by doing homework, practicing the language whenever there is an opportunity, etc. Second, the individual must demonstrate the desire to achieve the goal. Such individual will do all that is necessary to achieve the goal. Third, the motivated individual will enjoy the task of learning the language. Such an individual will say that it is fun, a challenge, and enjoyable, even though at times enthusiasm may be less than at other times. All three elements-effort, desire, and enjoyment-are necessary in order to differentiate individuals who are more motivated and those who are less motivated. However, each element, by itself, is seen as insufficient to reflect motivation. Some students may display effort, even though they have no strong desire to succeed, and may not find the experience particularly enjoyable. Others may want to learn the language, but may have other things that detract from their effort, etc. Motivation in Second Language Acquisition In the field of Second Language Acquisition research, motivation has been identified as one of the key factors which determines L2 achievement and attainment. Motivation initially serves as an impetus to generate learning and later as a sustaining force to ensure that the learner remains on-track with acquiring the target language (Cheng Dà ¶rnyei, 2007). According to Gardner (1985: 50), he posits that motivation in learning is based on four characteristics: a goal, effortful behaviour, a desire to attain the goal and favourable attitudes toward the activity in question. Dà ¶rnyei and Ottà ³s definition of L2 motivation (1998: 65) has a broader sense; they defined motivation as the dynamically changing cumulative arousal in a person that initiates, directs, coordinates, amplifies, terminates, and evaluates the cognitive and motor processes whereby initial wishes and desires are selected, prioritised, operationalised and (successfully or unsuccessfully) acted out. According to Dà ¶rnyei and Ushioda (2011: 4), the by far definition that most SLA research, including this essay, would agree on concerns the direction and magnitude of human behaviour, that is, motivation accounts for: why people decide to do something (choice), how long they are willing to sustain the activity (persistence), and how hard they are going to pursue it (effort). It is important to note that although choice, persistence, effort are the three key issues allowing learners to regulate their own motivation, Ushioda (2003: 99-100) further demonstrates that in order for motivation to grow in a positive way, it cannot be seen as a progressive attempts to regulate behaviour from outside. There needs to be supportive interpersonal processes which foster the development of autonomy and the growth and regulation of motivation from inside. Thus, with this in mind, this essay will consider the issue of motivation in relation to self-regulation in the following chapter. CHAPTER THREE REVIEW OF SELF-REGULATION THEORY IN RELATION TO MOTIVATION IN SLA It has been widely accepted that motivation plays an important role not only in general academic learning, but also in the process of achieving the goal in a second language learning. According to Dà ¶rnyei (2002), L2 motivation has been seen as a dynamic construct that directs and enhances learning behaviour. There are many theories that devoted to motivation in relation to autonomy and strategy use, and two most-cited theories are self-determination theory and self-regulation theory. The self-determination theory, which was developed from the education psychology approach, examines about intrinsic and extrinsic motivation in relation to the learners behaviours and regulation. It denotes a sense of choice, personal responsibility, and self-initiation of behaviours. While the self-regulation theory, a more recent development within the field of SLA research, refers to self-generated thoughts, feelings, and actions that are planned and cyclically adapted to the attainment of personal goals. Other well-known related theories are Language Learning Strategies (LLS) and L2 Motivational Self System. LLS is another approach which relates to strategic behaviours and keys attribute of good language learners. This theory has been trying to establish a link between strategic behaviour and actual learning gains, to demonstrate that strategies are not culturally biased, and to explain why poor strategies user differs from good strategy users only in how they use strategies in context but not in the kinds or frequency of strategy they use (Ortega, 2009:214). Though self-regulation is a more recent alternative study that replacing the traditional emphasis on sheer frequency of strategy use. Its emphasis on the creativity of efforts employed to control ones learning processes is the main issue I would like to point out in this essay. L2 Motivational Self Systemis another important recent theory of L2 motivation proposed by Dornyei (2005). It concerns motivation especially in terms of the theory of possible selves and the self-discrepancy theory (Dornyei Ushioda, 2011). Drawing on theoretical paradigms from both motivational psychology and L2 motivational research, Dornyei (2005)s L2 Motivational Self System model has three main dimentions: the Ideal L2 self, the Ought-to L2 self, and the L2 Learning Experience. Rationale of this Essay: Self-regulation Theory in Relation to Motivation Despite the fact that there are many theories on motivation in the context of SLA, self-regulation theory seems to best fit this essay. The self-regulatory approach allows for the combined study of motivation and strategic behaviour, and of cognition and affect, under a single theoretical framework. As supported by Ortege (2009: 211) who demonstrates a clear relevance of self-regulation theory to SLA and individual differences when learning another language poses a high-anxiety and complex challenge that demands cognitive as well as affective self-regulation, and individuals differ in their capacity to self-regulate. There have been concerns about the clear-cut of LLS, as according to Dà ¶rnyei (2005: 162), there is a change of perspective that the LLS are immensely ambiguous phenomena and nothing is clear-cut about them. Furthermore, Dà ¶rnyei (2005: 190) stated that researchers started to accept that examining the LLS was not important as much as the fact that the good learners choose to put creative effort in their own learning and that they have the capacity to do so. Thus, because of learning strategies examine the outcome of these forces, I decided to draw self-regulation theory which is looking at the initial driving forces. The L2 Motivational Self System also does not fit in my context of describing a short language experience. It concerns more in terms of primary sources of the motivation to learn another language which are the Ideal L2 Self, Ought-to L2 Self, and L2 learning Experience. Review of Self-regulation Theory in Second Language Acquisition The starting point of self-regulation theory is that human endeavours are always goal-directed, intentional, effortful and voluntary (Boekaerts et al., 2006). In the face of multiple goals and ensuing environmental challenges, humans are capable of achieving the ends they choose to pursue because they are able to self-regulate their behaviour (Ortega, 2009: 211). In the context of SLA, L2 self-regulation is a process by which individuals direct their efforts, thoughts, and feelings toward the attainment of their personal goals, and self-regulation is neither a discrete mental ability nor an academic skill (Zimmerman, 2000). In other words, self-regulation involves processes, responses, and strategies that students initiate and regulate (Zimmerman, 1986) to activate and sustain both their behavioral conduct and their cognitive and affective functioning (Boekaerts, Pintrich, Zeidner, 2000; Zimmerman, 2001). Self-regulation theory became the recent developments in the field of L2 individual differences as there has been a need to reconceptualize the strategic behaviour into a theory over the past decades. The two main proponents for this urge are Dà ¶rnyei and Skehan (2003) who have pointed out that the L2 learning strategic behavior should not be limited to OMalley and Chamot (1990)s taxonomy of observed heuristic and reported mental process or Oxford (1990)s inventory of self-reported frequencies of strategy use. Then, in 2005, Dà ¶rnyei pushed forward the solution to theorizing learning strategies and claimed self-regulation theory as a framework for SLA research about strategic behaviour during L2 learning. Self-regulation Strategies Dà ¶rnyei has created a model of motivational strategies based on the psycholinguistic concept of selfà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ regulation which is intended to reà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ theorize language learning strategies by examining strategic learning in the paradigm of selfà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ regulation (see Dà ¶rnyei, 2005; Tseng et al., 2006). This taxonomy of strategic learning is based in the framework of motivation control strategies (Dà ¶rnyei, 2001) and consists of five categories. Dà ¶rnyei (2006) notes that his system was based on Kuhls (1987) and Corno and Kanfers (1993) taxonomy of action control strategies. The categories are defined below: 1. Commitment control strategies Commitment control strategies examine the students ability to set and reach goals in their learning. It helps to preserve or increase the learnersoriginal goal commitment. For example, students may keep in mind favourable expectations or positive incentives and rewards, or students may focus on what would happen if the original intention failed. 2. Metacognitive control strategies Metacognitive control strategies involve the monitoring and controlling of concentration, and the curtailing of any unnecessary procrastination e.g. identifying recurring distractions and developing defensive routines, and focusing on the first steps to take when getting down to an activity. 3. Satiation control strategies Satiation control refers to students capacity to control boredom and dissatisfaction in a learning task, and the ability to cope with these negative feelings (Dornyei, 2005). For example, students may add a twist to the task or using ones fantasy to liven up the task. These strategies can help to eliminate boredom and add extra attraction or interest to the task. 4. Emotion control strategies Emotional control strategies examine how learners cope with emotionally charged feeling such as stress, depression and disappointment that may hinder their language development. For example, students may use self-encouragement or using relaxation and meditation techniques. 5. Environment control strategies Environmental control strategies refer to how a student controls their learning environment in order to facilitate study. Learners with good environmental control are more aware of how their environment affects their learning and have strategies to curb these negative effects. For example, students may try to eliminate distractions or asking friends to help. Such activities will help in eliminating negative environmental influences and exploiting positive environmental influences by making the environment an ally in the pursuit of a difficult goal. CHAPTER FOUR PERSIAN LANGUAGE LEARNING EXPERIENCE Learning Context Persian Language Experience is part of the Second Language Teaching and Learning module. The aim of this language experience is not primarily for future use but to exemplify, and make more real, some of the issues connected with the language teaching and learning with which the modules deal. The instructor gives the reasons for choosing this language as follows: It is unlikely that any of the module students has learned it before. It is an Indo-Europeaen language, and so its grammatical categories, and some of its vocabulary, will be relatively familiar to students. The course runs eight weeks, covering the first six lessons of the textbook. The students will learn in romanised transcription not the Arabic script version as the purpose is to learn a limited amount of conversational Persian (Farsi), with associated grammar and vocabulary. There will be a review session at the end of each two-lesson section. (See Appendix 1 for more details) The class consists of about 30 students from various nationalities, mixed with females and males, aged approximately from 20 to 25, and all the lessons are taught in English. The instructor is the native speaker of the target language. I am a complete beginner-level learner as I have no previous knowledge in Persian language or culture. Though, I still show a great interest in learning a new language. I see this as a challenging task, and I am highly motivated by the thought of using the language as a mean of exploring Persian culture and people. Persian Language Learning Experience in Relation to Self-regulation Theory Personally, I aware that learning a second language is considered as a challenging task which requires time and effort. As I am highly motivated to use the language not just only for the purpose of the module, I developed my own goal to learn the language as much as I could within the time limit. In order to achieve the goal, keeping my learning on track is very important and the following strategies are how I regulate my Persian language learning in accordance to self-regulation theory: Commitment control strategies During the first two weeks, I was very interested to learn the language when the instructor began to introduce the lesson with an easy to remember greeting phrase. I became more motivated to learn Persian when the instructor presented about the tourist places and the culture. Hence, I made up my mind that I have to take this as an opportunity to learn the language as much as I could in order to travel to the area in the future. With this in my mind, I committed myself to buying a Persian textbook, so I would have to fully utilise the book and study thoroughly throughout the course. Metacognitive control strategies After the result of the first quiz, I became aware that maintaining my motivation through culture exploration was insufficient, and I needed to review more grammar and vocabularies periodically. In other words, I needed to structure my Persian learning by setting frequent goals. To illustrate clearly, I set mini-goals for myself to complete one or two exercises in the textbook per day. I also had a specific goal for each week that I must finish studying one chapter in the textbook before every Monday class. In the case that there were other deadlines from other courses and I could not finish one chapter by weekend, I told myself to devote a Sunday evening to complete the chapter. These mini goals provided me an opportunity to reflect and monitor my own progress each week and helped providing the motivation to focus on my tasks. Satiation control strategies During the course, I was always looking for a new inspiration or a new motivation in learning the language. I enhanced my interest by searching about tourist places or Persian culture online. I also recorded my own voice to overcome boredom while learning new vocabularies or practicing pronunciation. Emotion control strategies It was obvious that I experienced negative feelings such as anxiety, frustration, and discouragement after the result of the quiz. I avoided interacting with the instructor in the following lesson. However, I understood that I could not keep avoiding the interactions, and it would be better if I had prepared for the lesson ahead. I tried to get rid of negative feelings and cheered myself up by reminding myself about the real aim of the course, which is to point out some issues in the teaching and learning of a second language, and that the quiz mark was simply a way to reflect on my L2 learning progress. Environment control strategies As the Persian lesson runs only one hour per week, learning in class would be insufficient to achieve my personnal goal. to complete the book. Therefore, I tried to have extra lessons and/or sought out additional sources of input and interactions. I look for a good environment that have easy access to time and place to avoid procrastination such as the internet; I practice Persian pronunciation through YouTube videos and study more about Persian grammar and vocabulary through free lessons online. Self-evaluation Due to the fact that I needed to reflect on my daily progress in order to incorporate received feedback on the prospective assignment, it helped me to monitor my progress and observe my strategies whether the way I self-regulate has been improving my learning or not. In terms of commitment control strategies, I had a high amount of motivation in the beginning that I wanted to learn as much as I could. I had a very high expectation of myself and even bought the textbook in hope to study further the requirement. Although, this might not be strong enough to keep myself commit to my goal, in fact it kept me engaged in the tasks for a short period. Part of this failure was due to the fact that I did not have a definite schedule of my Persian learning and that I was distracted by other subjects. Another part might due to high intrinsic motivation, I was too ambitious to learn and did not examine my ability thoroughly. However, even though my motivation was dropped after the quiz, when I later set up the mini goals for each week, my process of learn became more structure and sustain my motivation throughout the week. In other words, these strategies help me minimizing procrastination or distraction and maximizing concentration and keeping goals in focus. This can be said that metacognitive control strategies are essential to develop a learner autonomy. As Wenden (2001: 62) demonstrates that a recognition of the function of metacognitive knowledge in the self-regulation of learning should contribute to a clearer understanding of learner autonomy, especially how it can be developed and enhanced. Wendens findings on the role of metacognitive knowledge in self-regulatory process also corroborate Chamot and OMalleys (1994: 382) observation that explicit metacognitive knowledge about task characteristics and appropriate strategies for task solution is a major determiner of language learning effectiveness . In addition to my satiation control strategies, the way that I always look for inspiration from different sources for my own learning can keep my learning on process. In my opinion, this strategy should be a way to increase my motivation when I feel procrastinated or bored. However, I found myself spending too much time browsing on the internet about Persian culture and had less time to review the task. I should be careful that it would not take up too much time of my daily Persian learning otherwise it would not be effective. So, it seems that this strategy might not be helpful to me sometimes because I can use it as an excuse to procrastinate. My emotion control strategies, particularly to my positive self-talk is also mentioned in a study by Bown (2009) that this technique helped learners maintain perspective on their language learning. It alleviated feelings of frustration or anxiety. Bown divided that learners used self-talk for two primary purposes: (a) to remind themselves of their own motivation for learning the language and (b) to encourage themselves when they felt that they were not making enough progress. The use of this self-talk also served to help learners keep their expectations of themselves realistic, as informed by their beliefs about language learning. Learners would tell themselves that mistakes are part of learning or that it takes longer to learn Russian than other languages they may have studied previously (Bown, 2009). Though it is true that the use of this strategy became effective when I had a low quiz mark, in my case it must be combined with other strategies (such as metacognitive control strateg ies) at the same time in order to completely encouraging myself. I must have a definite plan (the mini goals) to support my positive self-talk. For my environment control strategies, Wolters (1998), citing research from Corno (1989, 1993), Corno and Kanfer (1993), and Kuhl (1984, 1992), pinpoints a self-regulation technique I employed: (1) environmental control, for example a student who decides to go to a quiet place conducive to studying (225). In my opinion, the way that I always try to turn my surrounding environment into a learning environment for me makes me sometimes enjoy learning by myself rather than studying in the classroom. It helps me complete the mini goal I set for myself in each day. In addition, this can be supported by the study from Bown (2009). The findings suggested that effective self-regulation depended on the learners sense of themselves as agents in the learning process. Learners who recognized their role as authors of their own learning transformed the learning environment to meet their individual needs (Bown, 2009). CHAPTER FIVE CONCLUSION AND DISCUSSION It is believed that motivation is essential in learning a second language as it can be a driven force for the learners to start their second language acquistion and it can be a force that sustain the learning throughout the acquisition. However, motivation, according to Dornyei and Ushioda (2011), is a dynamic and complicate factor which concerns about the choice, persistence, and effort of the learners in regulating thier own motivation. From this, motivation can be seen as a factor that correlate to the learner behaviour which can contribute to the learner autonomy. There are many theories which were developed to examine about motivation in relation to L2 learner behaviour and strategy use. Self-determination theory (SDT) is one of the theories that has a broad framework for the study of human motivation and personality. It is concerned mainly with intrinsic motivation and the way to which the individual is self-motivated and self-determined.Language Learning Strategies (LLS) is another approach which examines the strategies that the good language learner employ. The L2 Motivational Self System is another recent approach in relation to L2 motivation and the self framework. It concerns three self dimensions: Ideal L2 Self, Ought-to L2 Self, L2 Learning Experience. Self-regulation refers to the degree to which individuals are active participants in their own learning. It is a more dynamic concept than learning strategy, highlighting the learners own strategic efforts to manage their own achievement through specific beliefs and processes (Dà ¶rnyei, 2005). In the context in this essay, it is found that motivation became a critical factors on how the learner will choose the strategies to regulate his/herself and keep the learning process going in order to achieve goal of learning a second language. In other words, it can be argued that self-regulation of L2 learning is multidimensional, including cognitive, metacognitive, motivational, and behavioral processes that learners can apply to enhance achievement. The deliberative, adaptive process of self-regulation enables learners to handle tasks effectively and prepares them to take responsibility for their learning (Wenden, 2001). In chapter 4, based on the Self-regulation theory, my Persian Learning Experience has been evaluated in relation to motivation. According to the four self-regulation strategies I employed, it is found that I depend much or less on motivation to regulate or control the four strategies. For instance, motivation became a crucial factor on how I use the metacognitive control strategies to change the way I learn the language. While motivation has been rarely concerned on how I chose the place to study as in the environment control strategies. Nevertheless, I could not agree more that both motivation and the four self-regulation strategies are the two essential factors that cannot be overlooked in learner autonomy and the development in the process to enhance individual learning in order to achieve the goal. Though the aim of the Persian Language Learning class was merely to experience the issues that can be raised in L2 learning and teaching, the fact that the class is conducted only one hour per week might not be enough to motivate some learners to engage during the lesson. In order to have a more effective class, the instructor could raise an awareness of using self-regulation strategies which I believe will be fruitful for the students themselves to have an opportunity to monitor their learning progress and develop their learning autonomy in L2 learning. As Hurd (2008) emphasises, awareness-raising of self-regulation in L2 learning is equally if not more important in independent learning setting (e.g. online environments and distance learning), where students lack the kind of social-affective support provided by regular interactions with other learners and the teacher, and typically may be engaging in language learning on top of full-time study and personal commitments.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Market research

The company/brand selected for the research proposal project Is Wall-Mart. INTRODUCTION Wall-Mart Stores, Inc. , branded as Wall-Mart, Is an American multinational retail corporation that runs chains of large discount department stores and warehouse stores. Headquartered In Bonneville, Arkansas, the company was founded by Sam Walton in 1962 and incorporated on October 31, 1969. It has over 11,000 stores in 27 countries, under a total 55 different names. It operates in India as Best Price.The company is the world's largest public corporation, the biggest private employer in the oral with over two million employees and the largest retailer in the world. Wall-Mart is a family-owned business, as the company Is controlled by the Walton family, who own over 50 percent of Wall-Mart through their holding company, Walton Enterprises. It is also one of the world's most valuable companies and is also the largest grocery retailer in the US. The partnership between Birth Enterprises and Wall-Mart has been dissolved.Now Walter India Private Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of Wall-Mart Stores Inc. Walter India owns and operates 20 Best Price Modern Wholesale stores in 8 states across India. Division of wall-mart: Neighborhood Markets (groceries) Cam's Club (membership) Discount stores (FMC & apparels) Wall-Mart superstructures (groceries) THE PROBLEMS FACED BY WALL-MART Late entry Overlook competitors Destroy small businesses Joint venture & Nationalism Culture difference Suppliers Government Regulations The problem which is looked at In this research project is government regulation.The statement of the problem- The problem which Is looked at In this research project Is the government for retail global companies makes it difficult to make any development in India so Wall-Mart wants to launch e-commerce. Objective of the study- it is to see how Wall-Mart will make a difference in the economy by online purchases. To see how the Indian market responds to e-commerce and wil l it help in increasing sales of the company. What will India do for Wall-Mart?Wall-Mart needs India, and it needs success in India. At the same moment as the Joint venture in India was announced this weekend, Wall-Mart announced something stunning about its November financial performance. In the US, in stores that have been open at least a year, sales actually fell compared to last year. Same-store US sales fell Just 0. 1% – the decline comes to about $mm. It wouldn't have been a decline at all if each US store had sold Just $1 ,250 a week in additional merchandise.The performance is chilling because it's only the second time in 25 years that Wall- Mart's same-store sales haven't grown. The truth is that while the US still accounts for more than 70% of Wall-Mart's sales, the country is full up with Wall-Marts: 53% of Americans already live within five miles of a Wall-Mart, and 90% live within 15 miles. If an American wants to shop at Wall-Mart, he or she already is. So if Wa ll-Mart is going to continue to grow, it must tap new and receptive markets like India. What will Wall- Mart do to India?The mood about Wall-Mart in the United States is conflicted, at best. For two years, there has been a noisy national debate about Wall-Mart's impact – low prices, yes, but also low wages, poor working conditions, small merchants swept away, manufacturers squeezed. In the recent Congressional elections, prominent Democrat politicians routinely attacked Wall-Mart, despite the fact that millions of Democrat voters shop there every week. In developing nations, in contrast, the arrival of Wall- Mart stores is still greeted with gratitude.But will Wall-Mart bring with it to India exactly the kind of business practices that cause resistance to it in the US? Indian's retail market is likely to be transformed over the next 10 years, and Wall-Mart is determined to be part of that. When a superstore opens that can do $1 m or $mm in business a week, it's going to vacuu m sales away from small merchants. Yes, Wall- Marts, and all hyper marts, create hundreds of Jobs. But there is a big difference between being a shopkeeper, and working in a store for mega-corporation.But at this Indian's elected officials want to understand what happens when Wall-Mart arrives, hey need only consult local officials in China or Mexico or Missouri. And if Indian officials want to both usher in a new consumer era, and preserve some of the traditional aspects of Indian commerce, they need to act now – with zoning laws, with rules on the size of stores and the hours they may be open – before the hyper marts roll in. Once they dot the landscape, as we've discovered in the US, it's too late to do anything but mourn the traditional ways of shopping.SECONDARY RESEARCH FINDINGS Wall-Mart will open 50 cash-and carry-stores in the country in the next 4-5 years, a eve that will strengthen the presence of the retail major in the wholesale segment. The announcement c omes a day after the Bops manifesto declared that the party will not allow foreign direct investment (FAD) in the multi-brand retail segment if it forms the next government. The BGP, in its manifesto unveiled Monday, said that it is not in favor of FAD in the multi-brand retail sector, though it was open to FAD in all other sectors if it led to Job and asset creation.However, the company has refrained from entering the sector, citing stringent conditions related to mandatory 30 per cent local rouging. Given that 100 per cent FAD is allowed in the cash and carry segment, this sector presents an opportunity to the company to make in-roads in the vast Indian market. In a statement, Walter also said that it will launch business-to-business (BIB) e-commerce platform for members of its cash and carry ‘Best Price Modern Wholesale Stores'. â€Å"Walter is committed to India and we are excited about our growth plans.We will continue to focus on the cash and carry format as we are very happy with the way it has shaped up in the last few years. The format is also poised o grow in India and we would like to serve the growing customer base by opening 50 new cash and carry stores over the next four-five years and extend the e-commerce platform to our cash and carry members with a virtual shopping opportunity,† Scott Price, president and CEO, Walter Asia, said, in the statement. The retailer currently has 20 Best Price Modern Wholesale Stores in the country.The first store opened in Marital in May 2009. Currently, 100 per cent FAD is allowed in single brand retail, and 51 per cent is allowed in the multi-brand retail sector. Also, 100 per cent FAD is allowed in BIB e-commerce, but not in BBC e-commerce. Price also said that the company will take â€Å"a number of important steps to strengthen compliance so that we do the right thing everyday'. â€Å"We are evaluating and reinforcing procedures and programs relating to all compliance areas†¦ And responsibl e sourcing among others,† Price added.PEST ANALYSIS Strong opposition to FAD in Indian's retail sector Taxation police – VAT Low access to banking facilities Economic analysis: GAP growth Foreign investments Money supply Inflation Social analysis: Corporate social responsibility Environmental safety Ease of shopping Technological analysis: Retail media network ERP system Online shopping CRM system CONSUMER ANALYSIS What will Wall-Mart do for Indian consumers? Wall-Mart will be a sensation in India – as it has been in China and in Mexico.At the moment, there is Just a single hyper mart in the whole country, in Iambi. Indian's rapidly growing middle class has more money to spend than any previous generation – but no place to spend it. Just 7% of retail spending in the country is in what westerners would consider â€Å"organized† retail stores. Even in China, that number is 20%. So Wall-Mart's acres of low-cost merchandise from around the world, gather ed under a single roof, will be like a carnival for a slice of Indian consumers.Wall-Mart store openings in developing nations are frequently huge events – tens of thousands of Chinese show up when new stores open there – and with good reason. People everywhere are grateful to have the products of the world delivered to their doorstep at affordable prices. Competitors are competitors within an industry. Competition in the industry can be weak with few competitors that don't compete very aggressively or it can be intense tit many competitors fighting in a cut-throat environment.Key competitors of Walter in the retail sectors are: VA Barilla Group- It has a strong presence in apparel retail and owns renowned brands like Allen Solely, Louis Phillips, Trouser Town, Van Houses and Peter England. The company has started to expand aggressively to compete with other players. Trend- It is subsidiary of the Data group, operates lifestyle retail chain, book and music chain consum er electronics chain etc. Landmark Group K Rajah Crop Group Reliance Pantaloon Others stores are: Big bazaar Spencer Careful & metro are the main wholesale cash-and-carry brands. Market research The company/brand selected for the research proposal project Is Wall-Mart. INTRODUCTION Wall-Mart Stores, Inc. , branded as Wall-Mart, Is an American multinational retail corporation that runs chains of large discount department stores and warehouse stores. Headquartered In Bonneville, Arkansas, the company was founded by Sam Walton in 1962 and incorporated on October 31, 1969. It has over 11,000 stores in 27 countries, under a total 55 different names. It operates in India as Best Price.The company is the world's largest public corporation, the biggest private employer in the oral with over two million employees and the largest retailer in the world. Wall-Mart is a family-owned business, as the company Is controlled by the Walton family, who own over 50 percent of Wall-Mart through their holding company, Walton Enterprises. It is also one of the world's most valuable companies and is also the largest grocery retailer in the US. The partnership between Birth Enterprises and Wall-Mart has been dissolved.Now Walter India Private Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of Wall-Mart Stores Inc. Walter India owns and operates 20 Best Price Modern Wholesale stores in 8 states across India. Division of wall-mart: Neighborhood Markets (groceries) Cam's Club (membership) Discount stores (FMC & apparels) Wall-Mart superstructures (groceries) THE PROBLEMS FACED BY WALL-MART Late entry Overlook competitors Destroy small businesses Joint venture & Nationalism Culture difference Suppliers Government Regulations The problem which is looked at In this research project is government regulation.The statement of the problem- The problem which Is looked at In this research project Is the government for retail global companies makes it difficult to make any development in India so Wall-Mart wants to launch e-commerce. Objective of the study- it is to see how Wall-Mart will make a difference in the economy by online purchases. To see how the Indian market responds to e-commerce and wil l it help in increasing sales of the company. What will India do for Wall-Mart?Wall-Mart needs India, and it needs success in India. At the same moment as the Joint venture in India was announced this weekend, Wall-Mart announced something stunning about its November financial performance. In the US, in stores that have been open at least a year, sales actually fell compared to last year. Same-store US sales fell Just 0. 1% – the decline comes to about $mm. It wouldn't have been a decline at all if each US store had sold Just $1 ,250 a week in additional merchandise.The performance is chilling because it's only the second time in 25 years that Wall- Mart's same-store sales haven't grown. The truth is that while the US still accounts for more than 70% of Wall-Mart's sales, the country is full up with Wall-Marts: 53% of Americans already live within five miles of a Wall-Mart, and 90% live within 15 miles. If an American wants to shop at Wall-Mart, he or she already is. So if Wa ll-Mart is going to continue to grow, it must tap new and receptive markets like India. What will Wall- Mart do to India?The mood about Wall-Mart in the United States is conflicted, at best. For two years, there has been a noisy national debate about Wall-Mart's impact – low prices, yes, but also low wages, poor working conditions, small merchants swept away, manufacturers squeezed. In the recent Congressional elections, prominent Democrat politicians routinely attacked Wall-Mart, despite the fact that millions of Democrat voters shop there every week. In developing nations, in contrast, the arrival of Wall- Mart stores is still greeted with gratitude.But will Wall-Mart bring with it to India exactly the kind of business practices that cause resistance to it in the US? Indian's retail market is likely to be transformed over the next 10 years, and Wall-Mart is determined to be part of that. When a superstore opens that can do $1 m or $mm in business a week, it's going to vacuu m sales away from small merchants. Yes, Wall- Marts, and all hyper marts, create hundreds of Jobs. But there is a big difference between being a shopkeeper, and working in a store for mega-corporation.But at this Indian's elected officials want to understand what happens when Wall-Mart arrives, hey need only consult local officials in China or Mexico or Missouri. And if Indian officials want to both usher in a new consumer era, and preserve some of the traditional aspects of Indian commerce, they need to act now – with zoning laws, with rules on the size of stores and the hours they may be open – before the hyper marts roll in. Once they dot the landscape, as we've discovered in the US, it's too late to do anything but mourn the traditional ways of shopping.SECONDARY RESEARCH FINDINGS Wall-Mart will open 50 cash-and carry-stores in the country in the next 4-5 years, a eve that will strengthen the presence of the retail major in the wholesale segment. The announcement c omes a day after the Bops manifesto declared that the party will not allow foreign direct investment (FAD) in the multi-brand retail segment if it forms the next government. The BGP, in its manifesto unveiled Monday, said that it is not in favor of FAD in the multi-brand retail sector, though it was open to FAD in all other sectors if it led to Job and asset creation.However, the company has refrained from entering the sector, citing stringent conditions related to mandatory 30 per cent local rouging. Given that 100 per cent FAD is allowed in the cash and carry segment, this sector presents an opportunity to the company to make in-roads in the vast Indian market. In a statement, Walter also said that it will launch business-to-business (BIB) e-commerce platform for members of its cash and carry ‘Best Price Modern Wholesale Stores'. â€Å"Walter is committed to India and we are excited about our growth plans.We will continue to focus on the cash and carry format as we are very happy with the way it has shaped up in the last few years. The format is also poised o grow in India and we would like to serve the growing customer base by opening 50 new cash and carry stores over the next four-five years and extend the e-commerce platform to our cash and carry members with a virtual shopping opportunity,† Scott Price, president and CEO, Walter Asia, said, in the statement. The retailer currently has 20 Best Price Modern Wholesale Stores in the country.The first store opened in Marital in May 2009. Currently, 100 per cent FAD is allowed in single brand retail, and 51 per cent is allowed in the multi-brand retail sector. Also, 100 per cent FAD is allowed in BIB e-commerce, but not in BBC e-commerce. Price also said that the company will take â€Å"a number of important steps to strengthen compliance so that we do the right thing everyday'. â€Å"We are evaluating and reinforcing procedures and programs relating to all compliance areas†¦ And responsibl e sourcing among others,† Price added.PEST ANALYSIS Strong opposition to FAD in Indian's retail sector Taxation police – VAT Low access to banking facilities Economic analysis: GAP growth Foreign investments Money supply Inflation Social analysis: Corporate social responsibility Environmental safety Ease of shopping Technological analysis: Retail media network ERP system Online shopping CRM system CONSUMER ANALYSIS What will Wall-Mart do for Indian consumers? Wall-Mart will be a sensation in India – as it has been in China and in Mexico.At the moment, there is Just a single hyper mart in the whole country, in Iambi. Indian's rapidly growing middle class has more money to spend than any previous generation – but no place to spend it. Just 7% of retail spending in the country is in what westerners would consider â€Å"organized† retail stores. Even in China, that number is 20%. So Wall-Mart's acres of low-cost merchandise from around the world, gather ed under a single roof, will be like a carnival for a slice of Indian consumers.Wall-Mart store openings in developing nations are frequently huge events – tens of thousands of Chinese show up when new stores open there – and with good reason. People everywhere are grateful to have the products of the world delivered to their doorstep at affordable prices. Competitors are competitors within an industry. Competition in the industry can be weak with few competitors that don't compete very aggressively or it can be intense tit many competitors fighting in a cut-throat environment.Key competitors of Walter in the retail sectors are: VA Barilla Group- It has a strong presence in apparel retail and owns renowned brands like Allen Solely, Louis Phillips, Trouser Town, Van Houses and Peter England. The company has started to expand aggressively to compete with other players. Trend- It is subsidiary of the Data group, operates lifestyle retail chain, book and music chain consum er electronics chain etc. Landmark Group K Rajah Crop Group Reliance Pantaloon Others stores are: Big bazaar Spencer Careful & metro are the main wholesale cash-and-carry brands.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

The Enlightenment Period and Napoleons Rule Essay

The time of the Enlightenment was a time of great change, reform, and the emergence of great minds such as Isaac Newton, Johannes Kepler, Galileo Galilei, and even Copernicus. These men cleared the path to thinking in a new way and brought about the change necessary for the Scientific Revolution. The Enlightenment allowed people to think more critically and even was the time in which the â€Å"Experimental Method† was consolidated by Galileo Galilei (1564-1642, Buckler, J., Crowston, p.592 para. 6). It allowed people to begin to think â€Å"out of the box† if you will. Monarchies and the power of the king before this time ruled over the general population unthreatened and very rarely did opposition come to stand. Quite often if opposition did stand†¦show more content†¦Napoleons’ rise to emperor in France was indisputable mostly because of his overthrow of the Directory. His success’s as commander of the French army in Italy, only led to his aspir ing status change to â€Å"Emperor† of France after overthrowing the Directory in November of 1799. His undying ambition for expansion of the empire he was creating however would be his undoing. Napoleons rule as emperor of France was quit spectacular actually and many admired and adored him as ruler. His ways were very appealing, and as a speaker he was very persuasive and admired by most of his people until his later years in his fall and demise. However, Napoleon did not seriously adhere to the ideals of the French Revolution, he did that of the Enlightenment but his undying ambition and character as â€Å"Emperor† undermined the true need of the French Revolution. The ideals of the Enlightenment were pretty straightforward. They involved the change of speculation, to experimentation thanks to the help of Galileo (1564-1642, Buckler, J., Crowston, p.592 para. 6), the hope of religious tolerance regardless of the type of religion, individual freedom, as well as secul ar Education for man to better understand their world and that of their surroundings. Napoleon very charismatically ruled over his empire and actually did advocate the ideals of the Enlightenment. He was a supporter of religious tolerance, believed in individual freedom,Show MoreRelatedEnlightenment and the French Revolution1227 Words   |  5 PagesName Subject Professor Date Enlightenment Influence on Political, Social and Cultural Policies of French Revolutionary Period. The age of enlightenment led by influential intellectuals during the 18th century Europe greatly inspired the French citizens, especially the peasants, leading to the revolutionary period culminating from 1789 to 1799. 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