Saturday, August 31, 2019

Argumentation in the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Essay

At the beginning of the story, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Huck is constantly under the influence of a mother figure. That mother figure makes him feel guilty when he does something wrong, rewards him when he does something right, and also serves as a kind of protector of him. Although Huck does not realize it, he is always being looked after by something or other. At one point it’s the widow, and throughout most of the story it’s the river. In the story, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, the river becomes a provider of food, transportation, and refuge, metaphorically taking over the role as his mother when he runs away with Jim. At the beginning of the story, the Widow takes Huck under her wing and tries to teach him right from wrong. She makes him wear nice clothes, go to school, and say his daily prayers. Throughout his stay with the widow, Huck does not respond to the widow’s ways of teaching very well. When the widow asks Huck to do something, he does it, however, begrudgingly. She tries to teach Huck to become a gentleman and treats him as if he were her own son. When Tom Sawyer comes back into the picture, the widow takes on the motherly role of disapproval. She does not like the way Tom acts and makes believe all the time. This is why, rather than asking to see Tom, Huck usually snuck out when she did not know. The widow can not act as Huck’s mother for long though, because Huck is kidnapped by his father and fakes his own death to get away from everybody. After Huck’s â€Å"death,† he escapes to the river where he hides out on an island while his friends and family are searching for his body. During this time the river, without Huck realizing it, kind of takes over the role of mother. It provides protection from the elements when rain hits. It also hides Huck as the steamboat sails past with all his friends and family on board. Huck does not want the people to see him, or they will know he was just faking and will take him back to the life he is not fond of. Knowing this, Huck hides in the bushes and trees that grow along the river. When a mother knows that its child is in danger, she will hide it from the world so that it won’t get hurt. The river shows this motherly trait to Huck. The first thing a mother does for its child when it is a newborn, is to feed it. While Huck is a runaway, he needs food for survival. The river, in a way, provides this when Huck finds a loaf of bread floating down the river. Also later on in the story, Huck and Jim happen upon a house boat where they find many different types of fruit among other things.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Listening Is a Desirable Skill in Organizational Settings Essay

Listening is a desirable skill in an organizational settings; good listening can improve worker productivity and satisfaction. The challenge facing the workplace of today is how we will do business going forward. Far removed are the face to face staff meeting and on site work functions of the 70’s, 80’s, and early 90’s. In today’s workplace staff meetings are held virtually with offsite employees, conference calls, and video conferencing. Although much research in listening has taken place over the last few years, little of that research addresses workplace listening directly and much is based on false assumptions: that listening is a unitary concept. Listening is a cognitive function rather than a behavioral skill, and that listening is a linear act. In the past years many businesses /organizational have taken a closer look at listening and its competency that apply directly to the workplace. And have come up with a strong argument for listening to be the most important skill of effective communicators. This paper explains the process of listening, the significance of this form of communication, and it domination of effective workplace communication. Listening is one of the most important skills you can have. How well you listen has a major impact on your job effectiveness, and on the quality of your relationships with others. The purpose of communication is achieved only when the receiver receives the message sent by the sender fully and clearly. Developing good listening skills is a key step toward collaborating with colleagues. Good communication, therefore, calls for active listening skills. These skills will help you clarify and understand the messages that are being sent to you. To be a successful collaborating professional, you must understand the intent of those with whom you interact. It has been proved by many researchers that the success of a business essentially depends on the promotion of good listening skills at all the levels in the organization. {{3 Rane,D.B. 2011;}} The ability to understand and give response effectively to verbal communication is known as listening. The effectiveness in listening doesn’t necessarily depends on the interrelationships between the sender and the receiver of the message, but more is found to be a vital skill more particularly for the managers in business organizations while obtaining need-based information to perform their jobs successfully. The quality of relationships with others and job effectiveness largely depend on the listening ability of the individual concerned. Lack of listening ability at all the levels in any organizations lead to work-related problems. Thus listening, among others, is one of the most essential skills one should have. This reveals that improvement in workplace productivity is quite possibly developing active listening and better communication at all the levels. {{6 Johnson, Lawrence J. 2004; 3 Rane, D.B. 2011 ;}} Listening emphasizes two effective behaviors: accuracy, that is, confirming the message sent; and support, that is, affirming the relationship between the speaker and the listener: This model serves as an effective basis for improving workplace listening, both through formal training programs and through individual workers’ own efforts. References Abbasi, M. H., Siddiqi, A., & Azim, R. u. A. (2011). Role of effective communications for enhancing leadership and entrepreneurial skills in university students. International Journal of Business & Social Science, 2(10), 242-250. Retrieved from Goby, V. P., & Lewis, J. H. (2000). The key role of listening in business: A study of the singapore insurance industry. Business Communication Quarterly, 63(2), 41-51. Retrieved from Johnson, L. J., & Pugach, M. C. (2004). Listening skills to facilitate effective communication. Counseling & Human Development, 36(6), 1-8. Retrieved from Mercer County, C. C. (1992). The art of active listening Rane, D. B. (2011). Good listening skills make efficient business sense. IUP Journal of Soft Skills, , 43-51. Retrieved from

Thursday, August 29, 2019

African American Literature Essay Example for Free (#2)

African American Literature Essay African American (597) , African (466) , Short story (403) , American literature (133) , African american literature (7) company About StudyMoose Contact Careers Help Center Donate a Paper Legal Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy Complaints ? African American literature has a strong deeply rooted background in the history of America, thus giving the writers categorized in this genre a strong message to convey in any story they chose to tell. From tragic life moments to happy life moments, the writers have the ability to tell their story in a variety of methods. This canon of literature serves as a diary for the African American community. All of the literary works that compile this genre reflect the many twists and turns a collective group of persons must endure while struggling to achieve a place in history. The following discussion of three historically significant African American stories reflects the struggles one race of persons had to endure on their journey throughout various time periods in America. The Short Stories In the short story, My White Folks Treated us Good by Mariah Hines the author describes in first person account of a situation when African American slaves were treated well in comparison to the stories of abuse, rape, and neglect most persons are accustom to reading from this era. The slaves never went hungry, always had clothes to wear, were able to work under their own accord, always treated with respect, and were told to take Sundays off while also being encouraged to attend church on Sundays. The slaves were in fact treated so well that when they were free to leave, they choose to remain at their former master’s farm and continued working for him. Hines concluded the Master continued to support his former slaves. Hines stated â€Å"Master helped us much as he could. Some of us he gave a cow or mule or anything he could spare to help us (p. 34). † Moving forward in time, the short story Sweat by Zora Neale Hurston describes a situation of domestic abuse in a long term relationship between a wife, Delia Jones, and her husband, Sykes Jones. Sykes enjoyed torturing Delia, he would find ways to make her job as a washwoman more difficult by kicking the clothes across the room or by scaring her with ways related to her fear of snakes. Sykes enjoyed fighting; he in fact enjoyed it so much so that he intentionally picked fights with Delia. This type of torture strained their marriage to the point of near silence on a daily basis. Sykes thought it to be a good idea to bring a rattlesnake into their home. The rattlesnake got lose in the home, Delia was able to get outside the home but Sykes remained in the home and was attacked in their bedroom. Sykes yelled to Delia for help and comfort, but she was unable to come to him related to fear. Delia finally walked to the door, but due to the nature of his injuries and the distance to the doctor she understood he would not make it through this attack, therefore she allowed him to pass in their backyard. â€Å"She could scarcely reach the chinaberry tree, where she waited in the growing heat while inside she knew the cold river was creeping up and up to extinguish that eye which much known by now that she knew (p. 108). † This story shows how those who choose to abuse others always pay for those actions in the end. Alice Walker wrote the story Nineteen Fifty-Five, about a young white singer, Traynor, who purchased a song from a young African American woman, Gracie Mae, and went on to become famous after recording and releasing his own version. His version of Gracie Mae’s song continued to eat away at Gracie Mae for the rest of her life. It did not have the same meaning, nor was it loved by his fans for the same reasons she hoped it would be. The fans loved Traynor, not the song. Traynor continued to keep in contact with Gracie Mae throughout his time in the army, touring, marriages, and divorces. Then towards after many years, contact stopped and Traynor was found dead after 15 wives and a troubled road in the end. Gracie Mae lived vicariously through Traynor and his portrayal of her song. Gracie Mae herself lived quite happily through the birth of many children, the divorce and/or death of three husbands, the showering of gifts from Traynor, and his ultimate death. Gracie Mae did have a connection to Traynor that flowed deeper than her song. â€Å"One night I dreamed Traynor has split up with his fifteenth wife p. 297). † Due to the stereotypes and prejudices of this time period Gracie Mae and Traynor were never able to express the emotional connection they felt between each other. Common Literary Conventions Literary conventions and themes were similar in the stories; connotations, culture, undertones, and main characters were alike. The three stories were written in first person and portrayed a personal struggle endured by each main character. The main character was always female, strong, and independent in different way. The stories span three different periods of time, yet still reflecting similar struggles in very different settings. These conventions are important when connecting the messages of these stories. Each has a story of struggle, some are internal while others are outward, and each woman must find inner strength to change or cope with their situations. Beginning with My White Folks Treated us Good, this story was historically important in relation to conveying the happiness that could be found in such a dire situation as slavery. Hines showed not all slavery conditions were adverse or abusive; there was still the possibility of enjoying life, and gaining independence by getting the break needed, such as the freeing of all slaves, to make one’s own life better. In Sweat, Hurstson was able write a story about a woman able to persevere in a dreadful situation of both mental and physical abuse. During this time in history, women were not able to be independent and outspoken due to a fear of judgment or increased abuse. Delia was given the chance to be free from the abuses of Sykes and took that chance by allowing him to die from his injuries, thus resulting in her freedom. Following in the same suit, Nineteen Fifty-Five expressed the internal struggle of a woman’s desire to be understood and independent. Gracie Mae wanted to sing her own song and live her own life, without connection to a version of her song that did not represent the original intent. Gracie Mae was happy with her life, but was never free from what the release of her song brought to her life. Conclusion Culturally, these stories are important to all American’s. The historical significance of these stories and the emphasis on equality places a connotation of acceptance and availability of equal opportunity to all persons regardless of color, social class, age, race, gender, or personal situation. African Americans are able to tell their personal stories of struggles and triumphs through literature. This literature is a valuable tool for all persons wanting to educate themselves about significant times in American history. References Young, A. (1996). African American Literature: A brief Introduction and Anthology. New York, New York: HarperCollins College Publishers. African American Literature. (2016, Dec 18).

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Construct a sonnet of 14 exact lines based on milton's paradise lost Essay

Construct a sonnet of 14 exact lines based on milton's paradise lost book 5 - Essay Example According to Raphael, when God appointed his Son as King of heaven, Satan was jealous and refused to accept the appointment. Sneaking away in the night with a third of the host of heaven, Satan convinced them that they were equal to the Son and should not have to bow to him. Only one angel, Abdiel, stood up to argue that because they were made by God, God was of a more refined nature even than themselves and so his son must also be. It is only through God that the angels have the wonderful life they have and therefore they should be glad to take example of what is right and good from both God and Son. Satan argued back that because they cannot remember being created, they must have made themselves and are therefore equal to God. Other arguments he brings into the discussion include ideas of skepticism, freedom, equality, and natural right (Hooker, 1996). Abdiel warns of the impending doom descending as the punishing arm of God, but still leaves

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

China and Globalization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

China and Globalization - Essay Example Hence, regardless of the final outcome, the Third Plenum and its aftermath represent a defining moment in the history of the economic modernization of China. At first, Deng supported modernization with negligible central involvement so as to eliminate the barriers created by centralization, which had pushed China to its 1978 crisis. Eventually, the emphasis remained on modernization, yet with centralized macro-control. Deng had successfully loosened the grip of central planners, who had attempted to diminish, disrupt, and unsettle his Western-based market socialism (Zhang 38). Deng’s approaches to economic modernization were rooted in the idea that the inflexibility of Mao Tse Tsung’s economic policy should be abandoned. Mao Tse Tung enforced balancing socialist ideals in a state of China’s historical economic retardation. Thus, the emerging status of China as a global leader started with the vision of Deng Xiaoping when he became the Communist Party’s frontrunner in 1978 (Waters 2). With Deng’s rise to power, China started its journey toward global leadership. On the 10th of October 1978, Deng tersely discussed one facet of his agenda for China. To progress, he thought, China had to attain what he referred to as the four ‘modernization’—modernization of science and technology, national defense, agriculture, and industry (Waters 2). He believed that China should gain knowledge of other countries’ best practices and acquire massive foreign support. As a point of departure for progress, he supported the launching of latest technology and facilities as created by other countries. Deng’s recommendation, especially with regard to gaining knowledge from other countries and launching cutting-edge technology, is still considered by incumbent Chinese leaders (Zhang 44). On the 23rd of October 1985, Deng stressed to his government officials that nothing separates a market

Monday, August 26, 2019

To what extent are there differences between the Tories and New Labour Essay

To what extent are there differences between the Tories and New Labour Discuss - Essay Example They believed in divine right and in traditional hereditary system. They also were also strong supporters of the Anglican Church being against the Catholics which served to bring the reign of King James II to an end since he pushed the country to Catholism. They also were against scientific advances claiming that they pushed people away from the church. They were not in support of change The New Labor or Labor Party came into formation in 1900 by a group of working people who felt that the Tory Government ignored them and thus was born under the name Labor Representation Committee. However it did not take root until the 1920s and 1930 they occupied most of the seats in the government. It served to improve the lives of the minority on the principles of equality within the society. They were supporters of change and believed that the country’s resources belonged to everyone. The party pledged to deal with issues like poverty, unemployment, diseases and ignorance in the country. Labor Party put their focus on economic and social factors with the advocating of social liberation achieved by the legalization of social vices like divorce and separation, homosexuality and the stopping of capital punishments. With 1the name change to New Labor, the party was taken over by a new leader, Tony Blair, the youngest leader the party had ever had. He was elected Labor Prime Minister for three terms.2 One of the differences between the two parties is the capitalism verses socialism. The Conservatives Party had more of capitalist ideologies while the Labor Party had the communist one. Communists relied on the market to allocate capital to different socially owned enterprises where we see Tony Blair actually relying on the business men to be in charge of the economic policies. The Conservative Party on the other had relied on markets to determine investments, production and distribution decisions. Leaders like Margaret Thatcher who were conservative in

Flexibility development in the warehouse planning and design for Essay

Flexibility development in the warehouse planning and design for future - Essay Example Simple data warehousing (long-term storage of detailed data) may be useful for archival purposes to back up ad hoc databases from direct training or training management. However, the requirements of tomorrow's warehousing software involves the active participation of not a large amount of workers, rather a few number of man power is required along with an appropriate qualification and motivation to do the job. Such individuals would be well trained to make the software a success with ease in work. They would be active enough to participate in demand planning to anticipate market demand, supply planning to allocate the right amount of enterprise resources to meet consumer's demand and demand fulfilment to fill customer orders quickly and efficiently. This form of data is of little use for strategic training management. An analogy would be a collection of partially manufactured subassemblies and raw materials that require significant processing in order to become a final product usable by strategic training management. Because of the need to combine data across such categories as schools, time, and budget categories, the amount of disaggregated and descriptive data is likely to cause a scale problem today. By this we mean both the amount of storage space required to hold these data and the amount of time needed to combine and manipulate the data to make them useful for decision-making. This won't happen in future warehousing software. RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) Technology Systems would be involved in warehousing to great extent in the form of transceiver, transponder or in the form of a tag which by using throughout the supply chain, configure-to-order assemblers would closely coordinate the arrival of components for final assembly. Future warehouse management technologies would perform the function of finite scheduling and process sequencing of orders thereby managing all the constraints of the present warehousing that includes insufficient labour, physical space and value added processing. Many formerly custom-programmed features are now built into today's Warehouse Management Systems. Functionality often includes batch picking, zone selection, and velocity analysis as well as Web interface functions, E-commerce applications, inventory visibility productivity metrics, inventory cycle counting, labour management, and the ability to support multiple facilities from a single computer. The concept underlying today's Warehousing System software is to build an end-to-end, process-integrated logistics flow. In addition, there is a higher level of configurability. In the future, Warehousing Management System functionality will continue to broaden. For example, adding postponement and a visual-process modelling tool so that the warehouse management system will respond to change more easily. There will be an increasing focus on dynamic

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 20

Management - Essay Example The said structure may be considered as bureaucratic or post-bureaucratic depending upon the performance. Bureaucratic is considered when there is a value for merits, hierarchy and definite separation of responsibilities and roles. On the other hand, a post-bureaucratic organization may have the hierarchy but there is a sense of equality in voicing out opinions and ideas through dialogues. Post-bureaucratic also favors consensus which means the decision would depend upon the majority of votes or prevailing idea (DuBrin, 2012: 263). Despite of the â€Å"majority wins† mentality, hierarchy still exists in post-bureaucratic organizations. Kraft was sort of a centralized rigid organization way back before its acquisition of Cadbury. After one and a half year of acquiring Cadbury, the company decided to split the organization into two namely the snack food business and grocery business (Geller, 2011). In addition, it also made efforts to decentralize its structure by allowing more staffs to participate in decision-making and improving the company as a whole. The decision-making involving the product development and manufacturing would be the ones transferred to the lower levels of the organizational hierarchy. In addition, the structure might look like a matrix because the information technology, human resources and logistics teams would be shared across the organization (Ferrari, 2010). Organizational structure is not the only concern in the paper as the ethical issues are also important in the productivity and performance of a company. It is already an accepted fact that making mistakes is inevitable but can be reduced by careful preparations, best practices and sound decisions. Each mistake can be detrimental to the overall state of the company so the rightness or wrongness of an action or practice is being looked at by the professionals and even by the public. After all, a business depends upon the profit that will be gained from

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Develop a two-page response paper that addresses the following Movie Review

Develop a two-page response paper that addresses the following questions (find in order instructions) about the Klute (1971) by Alan J. Pakula - Movie Review Example The advantages of her staying focus on the idea that by doing so she will be able to prove herself and the entire society that she is a self dependent woman who was able to fight successfully for her place under the sun and live a life in the manner that she wants to. However, one of the greatest disadvantages about staying is that the woman in question found herself in the center of rather dangerous events and if she follows this path, her life might be in great risk. Thus, up to a certain extent she is presented with a choice between life and death. When the main character considers leaving, she also sees several advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, if she quits she will be under the protection of the police and will no longer be afraid for her life. Keeping in mind that two of her â€Å"colleagues† died, the odds that she will be the next are rather high. On the other hand, there are other some disadvantages of leaving. Thus, if Daniels returns to the conventional life, she might feel that she failed as an independent woman since she was not able to live life on her own. It is my strong belief that the conflict that the main character experiences is resolved as her new life offers an unexpected aspect that she did not take into account: she develops a romantic relationship with the detective Klute who provokes extremely strong feelings that she is partially afraid of. 2. It would not be a mistake to point out that the movie in question challenges the description of gender in the movies as it was put by Laura Mulveys. There are several points that should be noted. First of all, this feminist argues that the potential viewer of the film would be a white male and the main character is depicted in a typical way that white men would find quite attractive (Humm, 1997). In addition to that, Mulveys argues that a strong women’s agency is partially advocated in the cinema of the end of the century and indeed one of the central

Friday, August 23, 2019

The History of Rock and Roll Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The History of Rock and Roll - Essay Example However, crossover music may also be a combination of two dominant styles that are each distinctive. Jerry Lee Lewis' "Great Balls of Fire" went to the top 3 of the C&W, R&B, and Pop charts because it had distinctive elements of all three styles. Musical styles can sometimes be combined into 'fusion' music, such as Rockabilly, that forms a new style but is still considered a form of crossover. Crossover is important because it increases the size of the available audience. This is especially true when radio stations are categorized by genre. An audience will have a loyalty to a certain station and by getting airtime on both a rock station and a country station, the artist has doubled their exposure. This phenomena was critical to 45-RPM record sales in the 1950s. Exposure to new music was through the radio and record sales were directly linked to airtime and radio station promotion. A crossover record could double their sales or as in the case of "Great Balls of Fire", sales could triple. Elvis Presley's musical career peaked in 1960 before he left for the Army. The previous 6 years had an enormous impact on rock and roll that his later career would never have been able to capture. When Elvis signed with Sun Records in 1954, he brought the right ingredients to an environment that meshed perfectly with his style (Stuessy and Lipscomb 36). Rock and Roll had been introduced to a rebellious post war youth in an affluent economy. The 45-RPM record had made music on demand accessible for everyone and it was most popular with the younger audience. To this scene, Elvis brought his unique mix of musical talents. He had a broad range of style from Gospel to hard core Rock and Roll that held a wide appeal (Stuessy and Lipscomb 40). He could successfully blend these styles or use them independently. His physical appearance and performances were just rebellious enough to mirror James Dean and entrance the emerging TV viewers. Elvis was able to dominate the youth culture and explo it the new mediums of recording and television. After his release from the Army, Rock and Roll had taken new directions and had a life of its own. Music was getting more sophisticated and the audiences had generated expectations of a continually changing sound. His 1960s hits "In the Ghetto" and "Suspicious Minds" lacked the spark that had ignited the Rock revolution (Stuessy and Lipscomb 38). They were generic sounds that could have been performed by a dozen other artists. Though he would always remain one of the most popular figures in music, without the early years he would never have reached the success that he has today. A Good 1950s Rock and Roll Song The Rock and Roll of the 1950s was a pulling away from the Big Band era and the crooners of the 1940s. It had to be counter to those sounds. Where Big Band had been highly structured, Rock was required to have little if any structure. This often resulted in songs that were simple and direct with few chords and simple progressions. This was part of Rock's appeal. A good song needed a familiar structure that the audience could immediately relate to. Buddy Holly's "Oh Boy" was built on the I IV V chord progression that had permeated Country and Blues for decades (Stuessy and Lipscomb 30). The successful song would take these familiar progressions and escalate the tempo, timbre, and volume to create a good Rock and Roll

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Imperialism and 1st World War Essay Example for Free

Imperialism and 1st World War Essay The portrayal of the artists is indeed a true picture of the horrors of World War I which cannot be envisioned by just reading accounts of the war as given in different readings. The paintings reveal the disgusting events that will surely put the shivers into the generation of today in realizing the atrocities and soul stirring hardships that were experienced by all those who were part of the war. While the monarchy of the combating countries relaxed and simply gave orders it were the soldiers representing the states that bore the brunt of the chilling circumstances. Soldiers were silent observers in seeing their colleagues butchered in helplessness while they themselves were lucky to come back alive into their trenches unaware of what the next day had in store for them. The medical corps and nurses were always on the alert to receive the dead and grievously wounded soldiers while those who were captured had to submit to the inhuman tortures at the hands of their captors. Several soldiers were maimed in leading a life of revulsion, helpless in leading a life of misery. The onslaught of gas attacks made several soldiers to die in agony while many suffered psychologically in being unable to lead normal lives. The fear of gas attacks was so severe that soldiers had to always move with gas masks in specified territories. There was always a sinister plan underway and it became difficult for the combatants to judge about who friends are and whom to understand as enemies. There was always an ongoing process to build tunnels and infrastructure to face the challenges of enemy attacks in a war that never seemed to end. All who were physically fit could be expected to be called for war duties with little hope of returning alive. The war was extensively destructive as nothing was spared and all means were used to inflict the maximum damages irrespective of the intensity of suffering and loss to life. Human life appeared to have no value nor did the sufferings of the masses for the leaders who gave orders to fight with the sole objective of winning the war. The focus was on winning over the adversaries by whatever means that was possible in using weapons and other means that inflicted maximum loss and suffering. References Discussion, Imperialism and 1st World War, http://dl. bergen. edu/webct/entryPageIns. dowebct

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Creative writing Essay Example for Free

Creative writing Essay On Writing by Stephen King is a memoir of the craft of the job as a published author, mainly aimed toward the aspiring ones. The book is divided up into three sections. The first section titled C. V. was all authentic glimpses into King’s life and featured interesting little episodes that King considered his ‘life lessons’ or things that sparked his sense of humor. It also provided a very important part in the basic aspects of being a good writer: King grew up loving to read and read frequently. He started writing and submitting his work at an early age and that’s where C. V. paints the picture of a real-life struggling novelist: how he had to work at several different crummy, though nevertheless interesting, and inspiring book setting jobs while supporting a family, a drug habit, and a fairly large and fairly flawed manuscript. The second section was titled On Writing, a section I found the most interesting and identified the most with as part of being both an aspiring author and a curious one. In this portion of the memoir of the craft, King gives you, flat-out but not in a patronizing tone, what you need to succeed as a decent writer. The best way to summarize how I felt about the section as a whole is this: when he revealed that he taught high school English for several years before the success of Carrie, I was desperately jealous of those students. But at the end of the day, I suppose any reader that is interested enough in King could always be his student by picking up book after book of his and becoming transfixed by his material and intelligence from cover to cover. Lastly, there’s the last section of the book, where King explores his painful memories of the accident from when an oblivious man in a blue van literally ran King over during one of his notorious thought-processing walks. The man, in attempt to calm down his Rottweiler’s in the backseat, veered off road and took King clear off his feet. This section of the book is about that and his slow road to recovery. It literally wrenched my heart when he talked of his wife setting up a table in the stuffy hall that he sat at to write for the first time. It was obvious that writing is more than just a business occupation and it becomes obvious in this section that King has a true passion for the craft. Despite it being far from the definitive writer’s guideline, this book takes on a unique perspective on creative writing spectrum. King lays down the law and then he teaches it, essentially. He shares his techniques, his pet peeves, and his own personal horrific experiences both as child and adult and he does it all within the defined space of what all he can say on a printed page. And he does it well. He constructs a personal ending with tragedy, growth, and experience within a tight covering of his famous storytelling style. And overall, I think Stephen King wrote this simply because he could. He knew it is a select audience that is going to read it and those fans who don’t ever care to be writers won’t read this book. Maybe I’m wrong and they might with the mindset that they might gain some secret insight into the mind of their idol and let me just tell you firsthand if that is the case, they will be disappointed. In not so many words, King says exactly the same thing himself. â€Å"There is no secret to my storytelling. It just is what it is. As true as I can say it, it’s just a lot of hard work, dedication, time, and exceled patience. All of which, I had to learn on my own,† King writes. Lastly, in the heart of the book, in the section On Writing, King writes, â€Å"Now comes the big question: What are you going to write about? And the equally big answer: Anything you damn well want. Anything at all as long as you tell the truth. Your truth. † That’s the biggest lesson I took away from this. But there is more, believe it or not. You can tell it from his writing. And before he gets to the end, King goes ahead and lets the cat out of the bag when he is writing about beginning again after his debilitating accident. He writes, â€Å"I feel that buzz of happiness, that sense of having found the right words and put them in a line. It’s like lifting off in an airplane: you’re on the ground, on the ground, on the ground and then you’re up, riding on a magical cushion of air and prince of all you survey. That makes me happy because it’s what I was made to do. † As a human, I was touched by his childhood anecdotes and often laughed with him about his insecurities. I am still in awe at what he has recently had to overcome physically. But as a writer, I am grateful for a brief glimpse into his vocational, bright burning world. I gained confidence from learning about things I have been doing right and have changed many bad habits or wrongdoings I’d been screwing up on obliviously the entire time because sometimes the coldest hands to wrap around your neck are the true ones. The only bad thing I can say about this book is that it’s too short, something one rarely has the opportunity to state regarding the beloved author. And a huge thank you goes to the beloved author himself Stephen King for a brief indulgence into the life of a genius storyteller.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Setting In The Heros Walk Cultural Studies Essay

Setting In The Heros Walk Cultural Studies Essay Setting is a device used by most authors, to represent the elements of time, place and social context in their work. These elements help in creating a mood, building a character or providing credibility to the events that take place during the time period of the novel. Throughout the novel, The Heros Walk by Anita Rau Badami, different proportions of these elements are revealed to help the plot move forward. This novel is set in a town of Toturpuram situated in India; telling a story about the hardships of an middle class Indian family who have been living in the same house for several decades. The story revolves around a Canadian-raised orphans clash between tradition and modernity, who is forced to live with her grandparents in India, after losing both her parents in a car accident. This novel is a wise and affectionate portrait of middle class life in India during the 20th century. The religious influence, traditional culture and weak political system of India have been accurately reflected in this novel. India is known as the land of spirituality and philosophy, as it has been a birthplace for several religions that exist in todays world. The religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism have all been originated on the land of India. However the religion that is practiced by majority of the population and believed to be one of the oldest religions in the world is Hinduism. The religion is the way of life in India. All the main characters in this novel are also the followers of Hinduism, who are impacted by religion in one way or another. Badami has incorporated the religion into these characters lives very cunningly throughout the novel. Hinduism believes in the birth and reincarnation of souls, which are immortal and imperishable. A soul is a part of a jiva, the limited being, who is subject to the impurities of attachment, delusion and laws of karma ( This novel helps the readers understand the lives of middle class families in India during the 20th century, which were greatly influenced by the religion. The example of such a character is Raju, who even blames god for the unfortunate condition of his life, when he says, That bastard god up there must have decided: This bloke is laughing and smiling too much. Give him a taste of something nasty. I must have been a murdering rogue in my last life, and now I am paying for it. (Badami, 121). In most Hindu families, the first bit knowledge received by a new born child is always something related to the religion. The children are taught about the history of their religion, their gods and goddesses and much more, even before they know how to walk pro perly. There is an similar instance in the novel where Nandana starts praying to Hanuman to send her parents back to her; the brave monkey god, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ who always helped people in trouble (Badami, 250). At this point of time, Nandana is not really aware of the significance of Hanuman in her religion, but she just starts praying because that is what she has been told to do from the time she was born. Earlier in the novel, Sripathi says that he doesnt believe in god or any religion. However, later in the story when he is suffering from most difficult time of his life, he also starts praying and believing in god, in hope for a better life. The Rao family even has a separate room dedicate to god known as Prayer room, where all the members of the family pray to god at least once a day. The room is full of statues of god, posters of different gods and goddesses and some sacred texts of Hinduism. This shows how and why people of India in the 20th century were deeply dependent and i nfluenced by religion throughout their lives. Unity in diversity is the perfect phrase that describes a country like India, which is incredibly rich in culture and heritage ( The languages, dance, music, religions and customs differ from one place to another in India; still possessing a sense of commonality all over the nation. The caste system is one of the main highlights of the Indian culture, being one of the oldest and biggest caste systems around the world. India is home to several thousand ethnic groups, tribes, castes, and religions. The castes and subcastes in each region relate to each other through a permanent hierarchical structure, with each caste having its own name, traditional occupation, rank, and distinctive subculture ( ). There are five different categories or levels in this caste system: Brahman, Harijans, Kshatriya, Vaishya and Shudra within Hinduism. Within each of those categories are the actual castes, which people are born, marry, and die, and have their o wn place among each other. This system has worked well for hundreds of years and still plays a major role in modern India ( ). Badami has effectively used the model of caste system in her novel to provide the readers with an insight of Indian culture during the time period of the novel. There are some important events that take place in the novel, which are direct reflections of the caste system of India. When Maya marries a guy who she loves while studying in Canada, her parents Sripathi Rao and Nirmala decide to cut off their own daughter for marrying out of caste, religion and race (Badami, 319). There is an another instance of caste system playing an important role in the novel, when Ammaya denies Putti of getting married to Gopala because of his lower caste in the society. Even the street where the Big House is located is called Brahmin Street; showing the deep roots of the caste system in Indias society. The Indian Social System is mostly based on the Jo int family System because of its culture and traditions. The families are closely knit with Grandfathers, fathers, sons and grandsons sharing the same spirit, tradition and property   ( It can be also seen in the novel that Sripathi, being the eldest male member in the family, is the head of the family who makes all important decisions. And rest of the family members are forced to abide by those decisions. In conclusion, the caste system and the joint family system are the main highlights of Indian culture, which is so diverse that it changes in different parts of the country. India is a land of festivals and fairs. Every day of the year, there is a festival celebrated in part of the country or another. There are festivals that celebrate the harvest, the seasons of the year, the full moon or the birthdays of divine beings, saints or gurus ( Some of these festivals are also celebrated in this novel, which includes festivals like Deepawali and Yugadi. The festival of Deepawali is known as the festival of lights, celebrated on the return of Hindu god Rama, from a 14 years of banishment. In this novel, this festival is used as a means of bringing back a long gone happiness (light) to the Big House. This is the festival, when Nandana starts talking to everyone for the first time in the house, everyone buys new clothes and burst firecrackers etc. (Badami, 243). On this occasion, Putti also gets married to Gopala, bringing joy to the Rao family for the first time since Maya had left the house. Another festival is celebrated in the novel, which mark s the beginning of the new year according to Hindu calendar, called Yugadi (literally meaning the beginning of the year). India was ruled for over 300 years by Britishers, before gaining its independence in 1947. After about 60 years of its independence, India now has one of the largest constitutions compared to any democratic country in the world. However, during the time period of this novel, this political system of India was still very young; containing many flaws in it. It obviously takes time for a country such as India to put a fully fledged political system in place but things such as corruption, increasing terrorism and unethical political practices just made it worse. The most damaging weakness of Indias political class is its lack of credibility. Regardless of the truth, people at large are convinced that the entire political class is corrupt ( This is also evident in the novel when Sripathi expresses his views about politicians all of them are corrupt, and only become rich by stealing money from the poor and helpless (Badami, 232). At the time of this novel, terrorism, na xalism and religious violence were some of the main political issues that exploited the weaknesses of the political parties. The politicians had to hire goons for their own security and to make sure that everything was under control. There is an incident in the novel when Sripathis neighbour asks him about his views on the naxalism in Assam, and then Sripathi describes it as, Gol-maal politics as usual (Badami, 158). This shows the amount of frustration a middle class person had to go through because of the weak political system at that point of time. At an another instance, he also addresses politicians as corporate thugs and mafia who run police stations and other assorted crooks (Badami, 155). The author has incorporated the details about religious influence on Indian population, their culture and their young political system very intelligently in this novel. Hinduism is practiced by over 80% of Indias population, making it one of the biggest religions in India. The religion had a huge impact on peoples lives during the time period of the novel. It also acted as the root of various cultures and traditions that can be found in different parts of India today. The weak political system of India has also been accurately depicted in this novel. All the above details suggest that this novel by Anita Rau Badami, gives the readers an accurate insight into a middle class Indian persons life during mid 20th century. Works Cited List Callaham, Terence. Indias Caste System.  Home CSU, Chico. Web. 08 Nov. 2010. . DAMAGED AND WEAK INDIAN POLITICAL SYSTEM.  Breaking News, Current Events, Latest News and World Events at 03 May 2010. Web. 08 Nov. 2010. . Festivals of India Index.  Kamats Potpourri The History, Mystery, and Diversity of India. 15 June 2010. Web. 08 Nov. 2010. . Hockings, Paul. Culture of India Traditional, History, People, Clothing, Traditions, Women, Beliefs, Food, Customs, Family, Social, Dress, Marriage, Men, Life, Tribe, Population, Religion, Rituals.Countries and Their Cultures. Web. 08 Nov. 2010. . India Culture.  India Map, Map of India. Web. 08 Nov. 2010. .   INDIAN CULTURE TRADITIONAL CULTURE IN INDIA.  Indian, India Travel, Indian Clothes, Indian Culture, Indian Arts. Web. 08 Nov. 2010. . V, Jayaram. Death and Afterlife in Hinduism.  Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, Zoroastrianism and Other Resources. Web. 08 Nov. 2010. .

Monday, August 19, 2019

Blade Runner :: Art

Blade Runner The plot of the movie â€Å"Blade Runner† becomes unrevealed till the end of the movie. Many assumptions about the plot and the final of the movie appear in the spectator’s mind, but not one of these assumptions lasts long. Numerous deceptions in the plot grip the interest of the audience and contribute for the continuing interest to the movie eighteen years after its creation. The main character in the movie is Deckard- the Blade Runner. He is called for a special mission after his retirement, to â€Å"air up† four replicants who have shown flaws and have killed people. There are many arguments and deceptions in the plot that reveal the possibility Deckard to be a replicant. Roy is the other leading character of the movie. He appears to be the leader of the replicants- the strongest and the smartest. Roy kills his creator Tyrell. The effect of his actions fulfils the expectation of the spectator for a ruthless machine. The main deception in the plot is also the main cause that holds the identity of the blade razor  ­Deckard, unrevealed through the continuance of the movie. The first assumption that comes to the mind is that Deckard is not a replicant because he is the one that Bryant calls to hunt replicants. But there also appears the question what makes him the most proper to oppose the consummate replicants. The possibility Deckard to be a replicant makes him the worthiest person for the assignment. Deckard recommends Holden who is also a replicant assuming the words of Bryant -â€Å"He can bread okay as long as no one unplugs him†. In most of the chapters Deckard acts as a human being. He has feelings for Rachael, and later in the movie he is the one that shows her how to behave in action for which she is not programmed for. Because Rachael saves his life Deckard doesn’t accept her like a replicant, which he has to hunt. On the other side if Deckard was a replicant older product ion than Zhora, he shouldn’t be smarter than Zhora and to recognize her because of sexual context. The effect of deception in the plot about Deckard’s identity awakes the imagination of the spectators and keeps interest in the plot. Another form of deception in the plot is Roy’s behavior at the final of the movie. Roy who killed Tyrell, Sebastian, and the man in the eye laboratory with unusual enjoyment, shows weakness and helps Deckard to survive.

Dramatic Monologue Essay -- Essays Papers

Dramatic Monologue When discussing the poetic form of dramatic monologue it is rare that it is not associated with and its usage attributed to the poet Robert Browning. Robert Browning has been considered the master of the dramatic monologue. Although some critics are skeptical of his invention of the form, for dramatic monologue is evidenced in poetry preceding Browning, it is believed that his extensive and varied use of the dramatic monologue has significantly contributed to the form and has had an enormous impact on modern poetry. "The dramatic monologues of Robert Browning represent the most significant use of the form in postromantic poetry" (Preminger and Brogan 799). The dramatic monologue as we understand it today "is a lyric poem in which the speaker addresses a silent listener, revealing himself in the context of a dramatic situation" (Murfin 97). "The character is speaking to an identifiable but silent listener at a dramatic moment in the speaker's life. The circumstances surrounding the co nversation, one side which we "hear" as the dramatic monologue, are made by clear implication, and an insight into the character of the speaker may result" (Holman and Harmon 152). Although Browning wrote numerous dramatic monologues his contemporaries often criticized his works as being too emotional. The dramatic monologues of Browning are characterized by certain identifiable traits. The three requirements of a Browning dramatic monologue are "The reader takes the part of the silent listener; The speaker uses a case-making argumentative tone; We complete the dramatic scene from within, by means of inference and imagination" (Landow). Critics have interpreted the third requirement, the reader's interpretation and conclusions... ...tical Views. Ed. Harold Bloom, N.Y.: Chelsea House Publishers, 1985. 23-44. Murfin, Roy and Supryia M. Ray, eds. The Bedford Glossary of Critical Literary Terms. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's, 1998. O’Neill, Patricia. Robert Browning and Twentieth-Century Criticism. Columbia, SC: Camden House, 1995. Preminger, Alex and T.V. Brogan eds. The New Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics. Princeton: PUP, 1993. Shaviro, Steven. "Browning upon Caliban upon Setebos." Browning Society Notes 12 (1983). Rpt. in Robert Browning: Modern Critical Views. Ed. Harold Bloom, N.Y.: Chelsea House Publishers, 1985. 139-150. Wagner-Lawlor, Jennifer. "The Pragmatics of Silence, and the Figuration of the Reader in Browning's Dramatic Monologues." Victorian Poetry 35.3 (Fall 1997) : 287-302. Woolford, John. Browning the Revisionary. N.Y.: St. Martin's Press, 1988.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Economic Development Essay -- essays research papers fc

Location Bangladesh is located in South Asia and shares borders with India to the west, the north and the east. To the southeast lies Burma. The southern shores are washed by the Bay of Bengal. Bangladesh occupies a fertile delta created by two of Asia's largest river systems, the Ganges and the Brahmiputra. Politics Bangladesh is one of the youngest nations in Asia. Until two and a half decades ago, it formed the eastern half of Pakistan; the western half lay over 2,000 km away, on the other side of India. In 1971, Pakistan's army attempted to subdue an East Pakistani movement for regional autonomy which led to a bloody civil war. India joined the war in early December of that year and, later that month, Bangladesh became an independent nation. A parliamentary democracy was established and Sheikh Mujibur Rahman came to power. Mujib was assassinated in August 1975 during a military coup. Afterwards Bangladesh went through a turbulent period characterized by a series of military coups. The last military ruler Gen. Hussain Mohammad Ershad, ruled for nine years, eventually toppled by a civilian movement in December 1990. Elections were held in 1991 under a neutral government and Khaleda Zia of the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) became the country's first elected Prime Minister in 16 years. In the parliamentary election held in June 1996, the Awami League, led by Sheikh Mujibur Rahman's daughter Sheikh Hasina, came to power. The Awami League won 51 percent of seats in parliament; trailing behind the Awami League were the BNP with nearly 36 per cent of the seats and Hussain Mohammad Ershand's Jatiyo Party with 10 per cent. The rest of the seats were won by other small parties and individual candidates. The Bangladeshi parliament has a single legislative chamber with 330 members. Three hundred members are directly elected on the basis of adult franchise while 30 women members are elected indirectly. Bangladesh has emerged as a leader of the movement of developing countries. The country maintains close ties with Saudi Arabia and other Middle Eastern countries, which employ large numbers of Bangladeshi workers. Relations with India have improved considerably due to the pragmatic approach taken by the current government. More recently, an influx of Burmese Muslim refugees across the Southeastern border has created tensions with the Burmese authorities. T... ...1980). BRAC: Who Gets What and Why: Resources Allocation in a Bangladesh Village. (Dhaka, 1979). M. Cain, "Risk Insurance: Perspectives on Fertility and Agrarian Change in India and Bangladesh," Population and Development Review, Vol. 7, No. 3, September 1981, S. 435-474 Samiul Hasan et al., "Voluntary Organizations in Bangladesh: A Profile," Environment and Urbanization, Vol. 4, No. 2, 1992. Harrison, Paul. Inside the Third World. London, England: Penguin Group. 1988. Ehrhardt, Roger. Canadian Development Assistance to Bangladesh. Ottawa, Canada: The North-South Institute. Published in 1983. â€Å"US Bangladesh Sign PL 480 Agreement†. US Department of State Dispatch. Mar23, 1992, Vol.3 Issue 12, p232, 1/3p. Online. EBSCOhost. â€Å"Grameen approach to development in Bangladesh: An Overview†. Contemporary South Asia, Jul96, Vol.5 Issue 2, p207, 8p. Online. EBSCOhost. â€Å"A tale of two sisters: Two Decades of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund in Bangladesh†. Contemporary South Asia, Jul96, Vol.5 Issue 2, p149, 24p. Online. EBSCOhost. â€Å"Bangladesh- General Information.† The World Factbook. World Wide Web.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Edlhodm Assignment

Table of Contents QUESTION 12 1. 1Role of communication2 1. 2 Positive educator-learner relationships2 1. 3Learner participation in a multicultural classroom2 QUESTION 23 2. 1 Improve learner motivation in classroom3 2. 2 Draw up the following of a positive classroom policy:3 2. 2. 1Aims and objectives of our class3 2. 2. 2Rules of our classroom3 2. 2. 2Task division3 2. 3 Define the following concepts:3 2. 3. 1 Leadership3 2. 3. 2 Control3 2. 3. 3 Intrinsic motivation3 2. 3. 4 Communication4 2. 3. 5 Cooperative learning4 2. 4 Autocratic and democratic styles4 2. 5 Conveying message4 QUESTION 35 Introduction5Five elements of delictual liability5 1. Act or conduct5 2. Wrongfulness5 3. Fault5 4. Causation6 5. Harmful consequence6 Contributory Fault6 Conclusion6 REFERENCES7 QUESTION 1 1. Role of communication Any relationship, without communication would collapse. To create a positive atmosphere in classroom – communication has to occur. What is communication? Coetzee, van Nieker k and Wyderman (2008: 82) describe communication as the transmitting of an idea by someone (the sender) and the understanding thereof by another (the receiver). Thus, the educator must be understood by the learner and learner must be understood by educator when conversing.Role of communication involves creating an understanding by the setting of ground rules, creating open professional dialogue with learners, holding personal discussions and creation of better relationships with learner. For the above responsibilities to be of impact, the educator involved need to adhere and fully commit him or herself into achieving each task profoundly. 1. 2 Positive educator-learner relationships According to Pianta (1999:1), positive educator-learner relationships are characterized by open communication, as well as emotional and academic support that exist between learners and educators.Positive educator-learner relationships become particularly important during early adolescence, as learner mov e from the supportive environment of primary school to the more disjointed atmosphere of a high school. They also become important for ensuring good academic performance from learners. I know this because the classes I enjoyed (when I was still a learner) were the ones I did well in. So for me to do well in those classes – I had to be internally happy in the class. This goes inline with what a theorist once wrote that any performance – including academic performance – is a product of ability multiplied by motivation.Motivation is intrinsic and involves emotion. If educator requires learners to perform – the educator has to motivate the learner in order for the learner to perform at the best of his or her ability. A motivated learner will perform well academically and then the educator will be satisfied by the outcome, resulting in a positive atmosphere in the classroom. 3. Learner participation in a multicultural classroom The first thing to do is to lear n about the different cultures in the classroom from cultural insiders, learners, books and internet.Adopt a story-telling teaching method whereby the learner will get an opportunity to share an experience using his or her past experience in his or her cultural background environment e. g. having a Zimbabwean in class should lead you to asking that learner about how certain thing in South Africa will he or she perform in Zimbabwe. They should share this knowledge also in oral and written form. Team work or group work should be adopted and the desks in the class should arrange as such. How the learners sit in class does also promote their participation. Each group should reflect diversity.When the individual learner or group ask question, the educator, is recommended to respond in a positive unbiased way to the learner question so to encourage repeated questioning behaviour. It is essential for the school to allow educator to undergo diversity development workshops so that there can be an understanding and respect of cultural differences in the classroom. Acknowledge each culture hero and communicate all culture holidays. Treat multicultural learners equally do not have culture favourites. QUESTION 2 2. 1 Improve learner motivation in classroom a) Reward learners (Tom 2008:1). ) Make sure course has real value (Tom 2008:1). c) Help learners perform better (Tom 2008:1). d) Set clear expectations for the course (Tom 2008:1). e) Tell them they’re wrong when wrong (Tom 2008:1). 2. 2 Draw up the following of a positive classroom policy: 2. 2. 1Aims and objectives of our class The objectives are a breakdown of the classroom vision. These objectives must be SMART objectives (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-limited) (Coetzee et al. 2008: 6). 2. 2. 2Rules of our classroom There must be an organization and management plan in place that will enforce efficient rules and procedures.They must be consistently followed and in which the educator and the learner clearly understand expectation of the learner behavior (Coetzee 2006: 40). 2. 2. 2Task division The task division must be unambiguous and clear. It must be according the class ability and standard of achievement. 2. 3 Define the following concepts: 2. 3. 1 Leadership Leadership is about inspiring persons or groups to such an extent that they willingly and enthusiastically work to accomplish set aims (van Niekerk 1995: 4). 2. 3. 2 Control Controlling is assessing the work done and being done to re-align and correct it when necessary (Study guide 2006: 25). . 3. 3 Intrinsic motivation Intrinsic motivation means that a person works because of an inner desire to be successful at a certain task (Coetzee et al 2008: 103). 2. 3. 4 Communication Communication can be described as the transmitting of an idea by someone (the sender) and the understanding thereof by another (the receiver) (Coetzee et al 2008: 82). 2. 3. 5 Cooperative learning Can be defined as a team approach to lea rning where each member of the group is dependent on the other members to accomplish a specific learning task or assignment (Coetzee et al 2008: 108). 2. Autocratic and democratic styles Autocratic style It is characterised by the strong leadership role of the educator namely: †¢ One-way communication. †¢ Little opportunity for creative thinking. †¢ Learner participation is usually more passive. †¢ Rigid discipline. †¢ The educator is more reserved (unapproachable). Democratic style It is characterised by a calm and inviting teaching attitude, namely: †¢ Self-expression by learners. †¢ A team spirit between educator and learners. †¢ The use of variety of sources, so that the educator is not the only source. 2. 5 Conveying messageIn a model for understanding communication, the communication process is described as: the steps between a source and a receiver that result in the transference of meaning. There is a need for a purpose (expressed as m essage) before communication can take place. To create that message the source had to initiate the process by a thought (idea, instruction, request). Then the source converts the message into a symbolic form. The message is then communicated through the medium called the channel. The receiver then decodes the message by assigning meaning to the message.Through feedback it will be then determined whether the understanding is achieved or not (Coetzee et al 2008: 86). QUESTION 3 Introduction The law of delict is a section of private law. This branch of law deals with civil wrongs against another person that cause the injured party to go to court to seek compensation from the wrongdoer for damages (Coetzee et al, 2008: 226). In the law of delict, also called â€Å"tort law† in some countries, a duty of care has to be established before anyone can be held liable for damages suffered because of his or her negligent behaviour (Beloff, Kerr & Demetriou in Rossouw, 1999:112).In this a ssignment, an analysis would be made regarding the duty of care that should have existed and was owed by the team coach and the school. The analysis would be made in reference to the five elements of a delict: action or conduct, wrongfulness, fault, causation and harmful consequence. The elements are then applied to the scenario and then it will be concluded if the team coach is liable or not and if there is not any contributory fault of the player. Five elements of delictual liability 1. Act or conduct According to Coetzee et al (2008: 226) to constitute a delict, one person (e. g. he educator) must have caused harm or damage to another by his or her action or conduct. The conduct must be a voluntary human action and may be either a positive action (i. e. doing something) or an omission (i. e. failure to do something). In the scenario, due to the team coach’s conduct of not inspecting the basket ball ground (i. e. failure to do something). and also, instructing the injured ( bleeding) player to phone his parents while bleeding- this requirement is met (i. e. doing something) or. 2. Wrongfulness Coetzee et al (2008: 226) state that the act (conduct) that causes harm must be wrongful i. e. t must be legally reprehensible or unreasonable in terms of legal convictions of the community, To test for unlawfulness, the boni mores principle is applied. The question here is whether the harm caused was unjustified in the circumstances. Most types of sport have ordinary as well as unexpected dangers. Referring to these dangers, Smith (2002:1) states that â€Å"it is prudent for a coach in the discharging of his or her duty to provide players with adequate warning†. This is called the disclosure requirement and implies that coaches cannot assume that participants know the dangers, even when they are very obvious.Therefore, the team coach was wrong for not inspecting the ground before the players practice on it. He was also wrong for telling the player to do t he phone call while injured. This requirement is met. 3. Fault The act must be the result of fault in the form of an intent (dolus) or negligence (culpa). The ‘fault’ refers to the blameworthy attitude or conduct of someone who has acted wrongfully (Coetzee et al 2008: 226). Regarding the playing field, surrounding grounds and other facilities, proper measures should be in place to safeguard all participants.Dangerous objects in the vicinity of playing fields should be removed or properly covered (Rossouw 2004:37). According to the scenario, it was the coach fault the player was injured. He should have inspected the ground so that the protruding steel could be identified. This requirement is met. 4. Causation There must be a causal link between the conduct of the perpetrator and the harm suffered by the victim (Coetzee et al 2008: 227). When injuries do occur, the coach should assess whether a player is fit to train, and training should be supervised in a proper way.Nor mally these assessments can be done without any immediate pressure, but when an on-field injury occurs, the liability of the coach may become a real issue (Rossouw 2004:37). Smith (2002:2) refers to Mogabgob v Orleans Parish School Board 239 2d 456 (1970) where a coach sent a player to hospital after two hours, whilst he actually needed urgent attention due to heat stroke and exhaustion. The player subsequently died and the court held the coach liable, because evidence suggested that the player would have survived if medical treatment had been administered sooner.In the scenario, the injury of the player might complicate because it is a head injury. The coach did not assess (according to the given scenario) the injured player and seems to care less and instructs the player to phone his or her parents. This is simple negligence from the couch and will result to a medical complication. This requirement is met. 5. Harmful consequence Since a delict is a wrongful and culpable act which has a harmful consequence, damages (causing harm) in the form of patrimonial (material) loss or non -patrimonial loss must be present.It is a basic duty of a coach to do everything in his or her power to prevent injuries to players (Coetzee et al 2008: 227). In the scenario the damages the player has suffered non-patrimonial damages. This requirement is met. Contributory Fault Contributory fault involves some of fault (in the form of negligence) on the part of injured person. This results when learner fails to exercise duty of care for someone in his or her age, then the court may decide that the negligent educator is not solely liable for damages resulting from an injury (Coetzee et al 2008: 230).According to the scenario, the player’s conduct was good because he was on the ground practising. The team coach – on behalf of his school – had to inspect the Discipline High School basketball ground. That was not the responsibility of the player. Regarding phone call to his parents – if he carries on according to the coach’s instruction – he cannot be held liable simply because head injuries can be associated with brain malfunctioning. Thus, he might not be thinking clearly. Conclusion It can then be concluded that there was no contributory fault on the player part. All the five required elements have been met.In South African law, when these five elements are present, the team coach (educator) can be found guilty of delict. This is due to the fact that the team coach by acting negligently caused damages to the injured player. Now, the player will need to be compensated for the loss suffered in the court of law (Basson & Loubser, 2001: Ch5, 11). REFERENCES Basson JAA & Loubser MM 2001. Sport and the Law in South Africa. Butterworths, Durban. In: Rossouw, J. P. 2004. â€Å"Where education law and sport law meet: the duty of care of the educator-coach in South African schools† North-West University, Potchefstroom Campu s.SA-Educ JOURNAL Volume 1, Number 2, pp. 28-40. Coetzee, SA, van Niekerk, EJ & Wyderman JL. 2008. â€Å"An educator’s guide to effective classroom management†. Pretoria: Van Schaik. McInnes-Wilson Lawyers. In: Rossouw, J. P. 2004. â€Å"Where education law and sport law meet: the duty of care of the educator-coach in South African schools† North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus. SA-Educ JOURNAL Volume 1, Number 2, pp. 28-40. Pianta, R. C. , 1999. Enhancing Relationships between Children and Teachers. Washington, D. C. : American Psychological Assn. In â€Å"Forming positive student-teacher relationships† [Online] Available: http://www. edu. niu. edu/~shumow/itt/StudentTchrRelationships. pdf Rossouw, J. P. 2004. â€Å"Where education law and sport law meet: the duty of care of the educator-coach in South African schools† North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus. SA-Educ JOURNAL Volume 1, Number 2, pp. 28-40. Smith F 2002. Liability for coac hes and school authorities in school spo rt. MW Education Update. Brisbane: Tom. S. 2008. â€Å"Motivate Your Learners with These 5 Simple Tips† [Online] Available: http://www. articulate. com/rapid-elearning/motivate-your-learners-with-these-5-simple-tips/

Friday, August 16, 2019

Emily Bronte’s poem analysis Essay

Emily Bronte spends last days of her life at home. She didn’t have any outdoor activities. Her life was full of miseries and gloomy incidents. There Is not any light of hope and couragment In her life. She was fed up with her life. She wrote this poem In those days when she was bound at home. This poem Is the true representative of her disappointed feelings. She wanted to sleep but sleep brings no rest to her. She wanted to sleep eternally. She was disturbed by the painful memories which she had suffering in her life. She wanted to escape from the reality. As Paul Lieder points out; â€Å"Emily Bronte wrote so little in her short life that it is difficult to appraise her work with any surety. One point is generally agreed that in both her prose and poetry there is in spite of minor faults or rare power. Title of the poem: Emily Bronte’s poem, â€Å"Sleep brings no Joy to me† dont have any title. The poem is without a title. Infect Emily was very discouraged after her brother’s death. She was very prone to sickness. She spent most of her time at home. During her time at home she wrote all her poems in a notebook. When her sisters found this otebook and read her poetry. Her sisters Incouraged her to publish her work. So this book was published by the name of â€Å"Wuthering Heights† In 1847. This poem reflects the miseries of her own life. This poem is all about her life and how she tired of it. She wanted to get rid of her life and wants to die. Themes of the poem: This poem is an autobiographical poem of Emily Bronte. This poem reveals her miserable condition in her life. The themes of the poem are; Death Hopelessness Escapism Painful memories Death: Death Is the maln theme of the poem. The poem Is written by Emily Bronte. The oetess wants to die because doesnt find any source of comfort and relief even In sleep. In this poem we can analyze that sleep Is not any source of Joy, hope and rest for her-so she wants to get rid of her life. She is preeminently a poet of self-conscious expression and of an interior life focused on observation and imagination. Emily’s life was that of a representation solitary. Making of a Solitary: According to the elements in Emily Bronte’s life that shaped her solitude must be counted. The death of her mother when Emily was of 3 years old. The death of her two older sisters due to Typhoid, when she was of 6 years old. Her independent learning and intense intellectual interest without formal schooling or socialization. Escapism: Escapism Is another Important theme of the poem. The poetess life was very miserable and full of harshness. She wants to sleep so that she can get rid of her painful memories for sometimes. In the last stanza she wanted to escape from reality. She wanted to escape from all those things which had made her so disturbed ana depressed. I nars wny sne Decame tne poet 0T solltuae. But In sleep sne doesn’t find any comfort and relief because those harsh memories come in the form of orrible dreams. When she says â€Å"Rememberance never dies†. Hopelessness: The poem also shows the helplessness of the poetess. Her life was full of harsh incidents. She tries to find out any source of hope and Joy in sleep but all her efforts goes in vain. Sleep becomes more painful and disturbed element of her life. Then she preyed for death to seek comfort. Painful Memories: â€Å"Sleep brings no hope to This poem is all about life and how she tired of it. She wanted to leave this life. She suffered a lot in her life. Emily became weaken by unsanitary circumstances in her household. She wanted to escape from painful memories. Symbols used in the poem A lot of symbols are used in the poem, â€Å"Sleep brings no Joy to me† Written by Emily Bronte. These symbols are as follows; Sleep: Sleep is usually the symbol of death, darkness, unconsciousness and way to escape something. But in Emilys poem, sleep brings dark aspects of her life more clearly and intensively. She sleeps because she can escape from her harsh life for sometimes’ but it is not so. So she wants to sleep eternally. Shadow: Shadows are dark, dreary, haunting and ghostly. In this poem, shadows are ymbolically horrible and ghostly, when she says, dead My wakening eyes may never see† â€Å"The shadows are This shadow may have been her husband or her protective person. When Emily Bronte needed the attention of her mother, she lost her mother. She has no mother’s lap to take a relief from the painful memories. Sail: Sail is another symbol used in this poem. Sail is the symbol of something that is light weight, effortless and depend on natural sources. In this poem, the poetess compares herself with a sail. She feels herself effortless against the problems of life. Wilder Sea: Wilder sea is the symbol of depth, mystery and violence. In this poem, Emily compares the whole world with wilder sea or it may be her own life that is full of mystery and violence. Wave: A wave can be violent disturbance. It also symbolizes force that can overcome you. In Emily’s poem wave is symbolizes with death that overcomes her own life. Stylistically Analysis Epithet: Use of epithet is available in this poem. Epithet is actually an adjectival phrase. The epithet used in this poems are; â€Å"wakening eye†, â€Å"sounder sleep†, â€Å"doleful imagery’, â€Å"wilder sea†, â€Å"darker wave†, â€Å"harassed heart†. Metaphor: In Emilys poems metaphor is also used. In 4th stanza, when she compares herself with sail and feels herself effortless against the difficulties of life. cap tallzatlon: There are some words that start with capital letter such as â€Å"Surround my bed†. Here in the word surround,’s’ is capital. This means that horrible shadows and scornful images that disturb her, they dome particularly when she is in her bedroom during sleep. This shadow comes in the form of dreams. Rhyme scheme: The poem has 6 stanzas, and each stanza has the rhyme scheme of abab. Words which shows mood of the poetess: There are certain words in this poem which reveals the gloomy or despair mood of the poetess, such as the repetition of the word ‘no’. Just like ‘no hope’, ‘no Joy, ‘no friend’, ‘no strength’. And other words which gloomy mood are; ‘darker’, ‘doleful’, ‘scornfully, ‘death’, ‘misery etc. Feministic point of view Negativity: The whole poem is written in dejected mood. There is not any positivity or positive connotation used in this poem. Inferiority Complex: We can also find inferiority complex in this poem. She has not any friend or people that console her in sorrowful situation. She doesn’t find any people who protect her. Female are weak gender: Usually it is said that women are physically and mentally weak gender. In this poem we can analyze that the poetess tries to find someone who console her, protect her or support her in her miserable condition. Analysis of the poem Sleep brings no Joy to me. Remembrance never dies. My soul is given to mystery, And lives in sighs. My interpretation of the first stanza is that the individual goes to sleep in effort to escape memories; however, the memories are only seen and lived once again in her dreams. Her soul seeks answers to questions that she may never find so she sighs in disappointment, in an effort to calm herself down, and to give up on pondering and remembering the past. Sleep brings no rest to me; The shadows of the dead My wakening eyes may never see Surround my bed. The second stanza tells us that although she sleeps, she does not rest. Her mind fails to enter a place of relaxation and peace. She will never see shadows of a particular person, who may have been a husband that would watch over her as she sleeps. The second and forth lines of the stanza could be further interpreted to announce that he person would protect her in her place of rest, sickness, or peace and that she sees this person’s ghost as she sleep. At this point we know that this protective person Is aeceasea Oue to tne pnrase â€Å"snaaows 0T Sleep brings no hope to me, In soundest sleep they come, And with their doleful imag’ry Deepen the gloom. The third stanza states that she sleeps in hopes of being able to remove herself from her state of depression, but it fails every time because in her dreams she sees the decreased person and it deepens her depression. Sleep brings no strength to me, No power renewed to brave; I only sail a wilder sea, A darker wave The forth stanza tells us that sleep does not strengthen her ability to move on. She feels that she cannot and is not swimming in a sea, but that she is only floating on top of the water without any protection from the waves that could kill her with their strength. She is indifferent towards death and life. Sleep brings no friend to me to soothe and aid to bear; They all gaze on, how scornfully, And I despair. The fifth stanza reveals that people who she once considered friends do not help her to heal from her pain or suffering. These people Just appear to be dumbfounded nd are waiting for her next move, but their lack of action and support Just makes her feel hopeless and obsolete. Sleep brings no wish to fret My harassed heart beneath; My only wish is to forget In endless sleep of death. The sixth stanza announces her desire to die. Sleep causes her to not crave to worry or ponder anymore. Her heart is broken and all she wants to do is forget about all of her pain, worries, questions, discomfort, hopelessness by dying. She believes that her only way to find peace is in death, where she may feel that she’s sure to be with the deceased person once again.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Abuse in the Novel Beloved Essay

Many of the characters from the novel Beloved suffered extreme abuse. Sethe, an independent mother, was no exception to the abuse. Sethe survived through many different accounts of mistreatment. The school teacher’s nephews made Sethe suffer the cruelest oppression. They held her down against her will, while she was pregnant, and brutally stole the milk that her body was producing for her child. This is the worst pain for Sethe because, besides the obvious obtrusions, she feared she would not be able to provide for her baby after it was born. A mother’s worst fear is being unable to provide for her children and this is the fear they instilled in her. This was not the end of the violence toward Sethe from these[insert a word that means a group of abusers here]. When the school teacher founds out that Sethe tells of the mistreatment she suffered because of his nephews he orders them to whip her. Sethe is brutally beaten by this group of young men. The result of the merciless beaten is a form of large scars that shape a tree on Sethe’s back. The tree may be a symbol of a family tree, and in Sethe’s case an incomplete family tree. Sethe’s family tree is incomplete because she killed her daughter, Beloved. The ghost of Sethe’s murdered daughter, Beloved, haunts the house where Sethe and the rest of her family live. The ghost torments them enough to drives away Sethe’s two sons, Howard and Buglar. Sethe undergoes torment from almost every possible angle but she refuses to run away any more.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Who doesn’t love Disneyland?

Who doesn't love Disneyland? Some of the best memories in my life were taking my kids there. The excitement and anticipation of meeting the characters, going on the rides, the shows, the parade, and fireworks, Disneyland truly is the happiest place on earth. I remember my first trip to Disneyland, I was 10 and my best friend Nikki invited me to go with her family. I can remember not being able to sleep the night before we were to leave, the butterflies in my stomach were relentless and would not allow me to sleep.As an adult, I know that is how my children felt the night before we left for Disneyland. The hardest part was waiting until the next day to head to the park; we didn't want to waste a ticket on a partial day. So we fell asleep to the booms and crackles from the fireworks, but I am not sure any of us truly slept. We woke up early the next morning and headed out, but of course we were too early to get in and had to stand in line forever, or so it seemed, time does tend to mov e slowly when you are as excited as we all were.It is all part of the experience though, standing in line, being able to see the beautiful flowers just inside, arranged to spell out Disneyland in various colors. Standing in the warm California sun, the smell of sunscreen being generously applied by parents, hearing the giggles and seeing the excitement on the faces of everyone else in line with us, there is nothing better. When the gates finally open and the line begins to move, the anticipation builds; where will we go first? What characters will we run into?I recommend â€Å"It's a Small World†, as you slowly cruise in a boat, you see all the lovely dancing animatronic dolls, dressed in bright colorful costumes, representing the various countries around the world. You also hear singing and music in coordination with each individual country. Seeing the glimmer in the eyes of my kids and the other children is priceless. The line for Splash Mountain is usually long, but worth the wait, and it allows the anticipation to build. When you finally reach the front of the line, you climb into a log flume, and so begins an exhilarating ride.There are twists and turns and characters from Disney's 1946 film â€Å"Song of the South† around every corner. You get splashed from time to time, and then you begin to climb, slowly, almost straight up, when you reach the peak and crest the top, you plummet 53 feet, where, guaranteed, you will get wet. One of the best parts of Disneyland is meeting the characters; Mickey, Minnie, Goofy, Donald, and Pluto are the main characters everyone must meet. The Disney Princesses, dressed beautifully, gowns shimmering in the sunlight, smiling at the little girls who truly believe they are the â€Å"real† princesses, are well worth the wait.To see the wonder on your little girls face when she finally sees her favorite princess, or when your son first meets his hero, Buzz Lightyear, larger than life, wearing his space suit , and Sheriff Woody, in his cowboy hat and boots, all ready to sign autograph books, is priceless. By the end of the day, you feel exhausted, but still excited; it is time to watch the parade. Different every few years and always filled with bright and colorful floats carrying guests of the park and Disney characters.You will also see characters dancing and singing and interacting with the hundreds of people lining Main Street. There is a buzz in the air, it is almost electric, and you can feel the excitement, especially from the kids. As the parade draws to an end, and the sun begins to sink in the western sky, a new energy begins to build; the fireworks show will start soon. It is difficult to describe the fireworks, they are amazing; brilliant explosions of color, set in time with music, ending with Tinkerbells flight.When the show is over, you see parents scooping up their kids, some already asleep, and carry them to the gates to head home or back to the hotel. For many, the adv enture is over, for others, it will repeat for a few days, but it is bittersweet when the trip is over and you know you won't be returning for a while, if ever again. The characters, the rides, the shows, the parade, and fireworks, feeling the excitement and creating memories to last a lifetime, no matter how you look at it Disneyland is by far the happiest place on earth.

Research he Effects of Social Media on Arab Revolutions especially in Paper

He Effects of Social Media on Arab Revolutions especially in Egypt, Syria and Yemen - Research Paper Example They employed various forms of communication and information networks such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Skype, Yahoo Messenger, cell phone technology and much more for making the world know about the violence and autocracy in their respective countries. Egypt Revolution that forced President Hosni Mubarak to leave his presidency was a continued effort of the social media activists who worked on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Google Maps and many mediums of communication and information sharing were employed in bringing in a change in the Egypt. A digital guide for information sharing on Twitter and through mobile phones was prepared by ‘Global Voices’ and ‘Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights’, so that people can inform about arrests of activists. The social media worked as a connection linking Egypt with the entire Arab world involving them in change. Facebook was employed for multiple uses such as increasing knowledge about current unrest, broadening the level of information sharing to worldly level and management of activists and their actions. Twitter was used for giving information to the journalists and informed them about video footages’ location on internet. Overall, â€Å"the social media played a pivotal role in scaling connections between people, in achieving density, disseminating courage, awareness and sympathy, and in countering misinformation generated by the oppressive Egyptian regime in many countries around the world† (Frangonikolopoulos & Chapsos, 2012). The Egyptian government, under the leadership of Hosni Mubarak, sensed the efficacy of social media in enabling people towards handling a revolt against the government, due to which, they restricted internet usage. â€Å"With the internet crackdown, President Hosni Mubarak betrayed his own fear — that  Facebook,  Twitter, laptops and smartphones could empower his opponents, expose his weakness to

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Why young people join gangs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Why young people join gangs - Essay Example A gang is a relatively durable, predominantly street-based group of young people who see themselves (and are seen by others) as a discernible group who engage in a range of criminal activity and violence, who identify with or lay claim over territory, have some form of identifying structural feature and are in conflict with other similar gangs (Centre for Social Justice, 2009, p. 21). Youth make a conscious choice to join a gang during adolescence, and multiple personal and environmental factors influence this choice A youth gang can also be defined as a self-formed association of peers having these characteristics: a gang name with recognizable symbols, identifiable leadership, a geographic territory, a regular meeting pattern, and collective actions to carry out illegal activities (Howell, 1997, p. 1). The majority of gang members are male and almost half of them are under the age of 18 years (Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General, 2011, p. 2). This research will try to look at the factors and pre-conditions that make gang life an attractive and desirable option to the young people. The themes that will be espoused in the essay will be education and employment, gender, family, poverty ethnicity and peer pressure. The main conclusions to be drawn from the research are that the provision of basic amenities and opportunities will go a long way in preventing young people from engaging in gangs and gang related activities. The social development of a child is rooted in the opportunities, skills and the recognition that builds up through early interactions with family members, friends and teachers (Stefan Hounslea, 2011, p. 9). Education to the progression of a young person is significant. Thornberry discovered that 71.5% of ‘stable gang members’ had dropped out of secondary education compared to 33.6% of non-gang members (Thornberry, 2003, p. 169). He also found that the youth who transitioned smoothly from secondary to

Monday, August 12, 2019

Skills Overview Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Skills Overview - Essay Example Now, I am already oriented about how business and its environment works albeit I still have to learn about it compared before where I did not even have a clue how business makes money. I could say that I improved my cognitive skills because I now have a grasp about complex theories which I used to find very difficult before. Also, I used to struggle finishing to read a book but now I am already used to reading a whole book completely owing to my improved cognitive skills. Analytical/critical/judgement skills thinking skills I believe that the University stresses this more compared in high school. When I entered the university, I only have the skills taught to me back in high school and never questioned if these concepts were valid. In the university, the teachers always encourage us to think analytically/critically to anything that that we learn. We were even ask to challenge the theories that are being discussed and is always ask what we think about our lessons. In the process, I le arn how to evaluate the lessons taught and compare it with other things that I learned so that I can develop my own insight about it. I carried this mindset in other dimension of my life such as evaluating the things that I encounter. For example, I no longer take news as they are or the opinions of the celebrity which I used to readily believe. I now examine their authenticity by checking their facts and cross checking it with the opinions of the experts. This is an exercise that we always do in the university which is why it is now part of my system. Writing Skills In business and in almost all of our class, we are required to write in a scholarly manner and I have to admit that I still have a lot to learn despite my improvement since I got into the university. There are a lot of ways on how to present ideas and I must say that I am still in the process of learning how to write better. My personal Development Plan Learning never stops and we should always learn new things for us t o continue to grow especially in today’s fast changing world. In my line of chosen career which is business, there are skills that I bear in mind that I need to develop so that I could achieve my goal when I have graduated the university and formally start my chosen career. These skills are; Communication skills In business, it is necessary for us to communicate effectively be it to our superiors, peers, customers or outside agencies and it is usually done in writing. These communications are not only letters but presentations, reports; needless to say, I have to be good in expressing myself both orally and in written language. Business entails presentations and to talking to people so I have to be good in oral communication. But this is not sufficient, I also need to make reports and written communication so I really have to be good in business writing as well. My plan in improving my communication skills both orally and in written language is to constantly practice. Communi cation skills is no different from other skill based activities like sport or playing musical instrument, we have to practice to improve. With regard to communication skills, I do dry runs before making a presentation several times so that I would be more effective with my presentation. With regard to my writing skills, I am more systemic in my approach because writing is quite a challenge. I first do idea mapping, then make an

Sunday, August 11, 2019

ICT Consolidation using Virtualization Technologies a Cost Effective Research Paper

ICT Consolidation using Virtualization Technologies a Cost Effective Approach - Research Paper Example way of thinking about it is that virtualization provides a way for a company to invest in fewer physical machines and replace them with virtual machines. Virtualization can be thought of in terms of a way to create hardware through the use of software that mimics what the hardware will do but without the actual machine being used. Through this use, one physical machine can hold within it numerous virtual machines that can be more flexible in the ways in which they can be used. Virtualization provides a streamlining of the way in which IT is handled within a business. Virtualization is not a new idea in Information and Communication Technology as it is has been around for more than a decade. Technologies like Microsoft Terminal Services, VMware and Citrix Metaframe have been available in the industry for many years. Microsoft Terminal Services, VMware and Citrix Metaframe have been in use in small segments of implementation of business technology. These technologies have also proven to be excellent solutions for many IT problems, appearing impossible to solve at first, but a large scale deployment could not happen in the past due to the unjustified high costs of communication links. The industry lacked consolidated strategies and an implementation approach of Virtualization whereby the ICT Management did not focus on the holistic picture of its benefits to the business at strategic levels. The concept of virtualization has also been in conflict with the interests of a large number of ICT vendors; hardware vendors as well as software vendors. As a result of this the vendors have been grossly discouraged to use virtualization to ensure that they are able to push their own technologies to Companies. The spurt of continuous disuse of hardware at a high rate and poor justification of the Return of Investments in ICT hardware and software every year, has compelled the modern ICT Management to re-look at virtualization for possible implementation at larger scales.

Saturday, August 10, 2019

China Oil Diplomacy In Africa Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

China Oil Diplomacy In Africa - Essay Example The Sino-African trade alignment is one such relationship between countries, which has raised many interesting issues at the international forum. The fact of the matter is that China requires oil for its fast growing industries, which Africa can offer, and Africa requires financial and development support, which China can provide. From the traditional Ricardian comparative cost advantage framework, each country specializes in producing and exporting the goods, which they produce at a lower relative cost than other countries. It is because each country is endowed with certain specific factors by nature, which places them in a unique position to produce certain goods at a cheaper cost than others. Hence a country which can produce a commodity at a cheaper price is in a position to compete with others whose cost of production is dearer. For example, China, because of its capabilities in producing and exporting textiles at a cheaper price in comparison with other countries, is better suited to supply textile products to Africa. At the same time, if China throw all its might in trying to extract oil from its own geographical bound aries, the unit cost of oil would be dearer in comparison with the oil they can import from, say, Angola. In such a situation, it is better for China to supply its cheaper textile products to Angola, and import its oil requirement from Angola. Thus, on account of inbuilt comparative advantages, international trade is beneficial for both the partner countries. On account of China's oil and other natural resources requirements, and China's capabilities in providing development assistance and technical support to Africa, both China and the African countries are better placed to enter into relationship with each other to mutually benefit from trade. Africa is looking for new development opportunities. Old actors such as Japan, the US and the EU and their African strategies did not go well with Africa. It is also evident that the African continent is growing fast on account of Sino-African relationships, in recent years. Further, during the China Africa Summit, China offered quick packages to Africa, which further strengthened the bond between Africa and China. However, the West looks at China's oil diplomacy in Africa with suspicion, and some critiques argue that China's engagement with Africa does not wear a human face. Hence it calls for an enquiry into the type of role played by China in the African continent to gauge the pros and cons in the Sino-Africa bilateral relationships. In an effort in this direction, I gather the views of various scholars in Sino-African studies and review the literature pertaining to China - Africa in section 2. Based on reliable data sources, I assess the trend in China's trade with Africa in section 3. The conclusions of this study are presented in section 4. Section 2: Literature Review: China's oil diplomacy springs from its quest for oil to feed its economic growth momentum. A steady overseas oil supply in the current geopolitical scenario can be a critical task. China's own experience in procuring oil from outside sources indicate that buying oil from overseas is a poor option compared with control